Sunday, December 6, 2015

Thanksgiving at the Lake (part 2)

   Of  all the expertise we have in shopping we are the absolute WORST at Black Friday shopping. I blame it on being an un-natural force placed on what’s mean to be a leisure recreational activity…

Well that and having to wake up too damn early.

Since we already left at a very “non-competitive” time for Black Friday shopping I talked everyone into family pictures before shopping til we drop!

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20151127_155825 20151127_155852    The sun made horrible shadows but i love these pictures!20151127_160015 20151127_160253 20151127_160256 20151127_160300 20151127_160302 20151127_160358 20151127_160409 20151127_160441 20151127_160837_3

Moving on to the deals!!! IMG_6453

To be honest we got absolutely no deals but that didn’t slow us down!

IMG_6458 IMG_6461   …and it certainly didn’t stop Aunt Taytay from buying us new toys and playing with them in the middle of the mall.IMG_6467

We headed back with our peeps and I thought made it just in time for a good sunset picture… I ran out to the beach to see and apparently I was too early.. The sun was blazing down but it turned out perfect because we found a perfect spot with the biggest clam shells!

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…and I have the best little clam hunter. Our Poppy says fresh water clams are worthless. So much that their only use became making buttons from the seashells but that doesn’t stop us…. the thrill is in the hunt! 

20151127_210038 20151127_210056 20151127_210308 20151127_210314 20151127_210438 20151127_210450 We got so hot we hade to lose our leggings…. yes it was almost December…. 20151127_210517 20151127_212258  I think I could send hours taking pictures of the views here…20151127_212324

Thankfully our Tayay tagged along and snapped this one of me with my girl…. it was random but ended up being my favorite! Isn’t that how these things always work out….


We made it back in time for Gigi’s happy hour after all… That’s what Gigi’s are for right?

Teaching Lo the in’s and out’s of happy hour!? IMG_6469 IMG_6473   These two and their favorite spot… ALWAYS laying on the floor somewhere playing..20151127_230820

Poor girl, she was so worn out because we (apparently) have a no napping rule at the lake… so she went from zombie almost passing out mode to dance party mode over and over!  



Then a small miracle happened…. one in which Lou has hoped for since the girl was born.

She laid on him to watch a movie and (almost) fell asleep!

I could NOT believe it, unfortunetly as excited as Lou would have been i leaned over to see his face…. he was asleep.IMG_6506 IMG_6507  Well I spoke too soon apparently that night Lo and I got a little snuggly on our own! She sleeps with us when we go to the lake and when I woke up I found this picture in my phone from Lou….IMG_6517

Isn’t not always pretty…. but it works lol

This view on the other hand… I just had to soak up my last day of it since we don’t plan on being back for a while… I do love it in the fall probably just as much as I do in the summer though!20151127_205753

Saturday night was actually our “recognized” Milly girls birthday since we always do it on Thanksgiving weekend and it usually gets celebrated the particular night i remember “omg we forgot to celebrate Milly’s birthday!”

So we took her back to play with her friends and she literally left us before we could even see if they were outside… All i heard was the neighbor yell

“We got her!”

20151128_172315  Lola thought it was hilarious watching Milly swim!20151128_172506

Don’t you love her new babble talk!?!?20151128_172511 20151128_172518 20151128_172524 20151128_172538

Stay little Lola, stay little. 20151128_172545 20151128_172553

“This” (her new favorite word) I never knew how much it applied to, good pick Lo. 20151128_172611 20151128_172618 20151128_174118 20151128_174138

   We headed bac in time to bake cookies with Gigi before heading home. Lou made Lola the most amazing “toddler tower” to help me in the kitchen without having to stand on our bars stools and I literally am in love with it!! I had been wanting one for a few weeks but they are super expensive so i found a pinterest DIY and got Lou on it!IMG_6538 IMG_6540The cookies turned out amazing and so did our tower (just needs some paint!)! We headed home for what ended up being only a day before unpacking and repacking to head to Biloxi… more of that to come!  IMG_6550