Thursday, December 24, 2015

Biloxi Birthday aka Dirty 30!

I would say that we made the best of our trip to Biloxi but we made more than the best of it…. we honestly had an amazing time and it turned out to be the best 30th birthday spot!!


As soon as I found out we needed to go I booked a room at the Beau! It’s my absolute favorite place there and I knew Christmas time there is completely overboard and decorated…just the way I like it! IMG_6763

We arrived about 1am and Lola was wide awake once we walked in the lobby!

Anyone surprised?

Didn’t think so….

IMG_6663 IMG_6664County has don come to town sister.  IMG_6666In case we didn’t leave a big enough impression rolling in at 2am (and aunt Taytay at about 4am) these two were up at 7am and joined me on a mission to buy this girl some diapers….

Yes, Lola the puppies are still there (and we are still in the same clothes)…IMG_6674

Lola was still in her pajamas and I in mine… Aunt taytay was (not surprisingly)  showered and ready to go…. I guess our SAHM status bit us in the ass.IMG_6673

We aren’t used to getting up and ready at the crack of dawn.

I thought death had come over us!

To make matters worse…A little fun fact about Biloxi…. the only thing to do there is eat and gamble…. I called about 3 pharmacy’s that morning asking if they sold diapers. The last one to answer said they did so we rolled up only to find they sold ADULT diapers only….UGH!IMG_6670

No need to worry, eventually we found the sister some diapers and made our way back to “freshen up” before catching up with the rest of our crew for brunch on the water… and by brunch I mean beignets- and by water i mean 20 feet above it! IMG_6691They have learned a lot with the last few hurricanes, can ya tell!IMG_6676 IMG_6679

Lola was Gigi’s cheer up medicine so we were so glad they got to reunite for beignets no less!


   Lola loved playing on the balcony at the restaurant with the crates and created a cage that kept her occupied for about an hour…. no exaggeration.IMG_6692IMG_6722

She was so sweet, when I told her to put them up she put them in the exact same  spot and even faced them the exact same direction…. that’s my girl!  IMG_6697IMG_6721IMG_6719

  We headed back for the biggest nap of Lola’s life… IMG_6718Don’t ya just LOVE hotel black out curtains…. and adjoining rooms ;)IMG_6709

Hello free time for mama! IMG_6715

This poor baby was so tired I had to wake her up in time to go downstairs and buy Santa on Ice tickets because you know I saw the billboard for it before we even got to Biloxi and it was the FIRST thing I asked about at 2am when we checked in!IMG_6729We did a little exploring before it was time to see SANTA!   IMG_6739 IMG_6740IMG_6744        I have a love hate relationship with it getting dark so early… I hate it because it feels like the end of the day but I LOVE curling up with my baby girl in PJ’s and having everything all lit up for longer!IMG_6757 IMG_6758This sunset picture did not do it justice…   20151201_230532It was finally time and I was SO excited for Lola to see Santa… the show was in our hotel and it was the opening night for it!  20151202_021345

Alex, Mom and Kayla have al asked me a million times what I want for my birthday and I just said over and over “to do Christmas stuff with Lola!”

Moments like this is all I could ever want for a present!


Our seats were pretty close up but Lola couldn’t get close enough! She pretty much stood up (and danced) the entire time!

She loved it! 20151202_013253Naturally, I loved watching her love it…..    20151202_020528

Lola was ALL over the seats in front of us… bless them.     IMG_6778IMG_6781Gigi and Taytay even loved it!

IMG_6783 20151202_020607   Lolas poor daddy,  he spilt his coffee in his lap…. twice. I think it was spiked though, he couldn’t quit laughing and sending mighty “ridiculous” snaps all night :)

20151202_020640Daddy Lou ended up walking out looking like he peed his pants… he then proceeded to take a crotch snap… of himself. 

He redeemed himself by making sure I woke up to this on my birthday.


It certainly reinforces one thing for us and it’s been the most profound thing I have learned in the 30 years I have been in the birthday  business. IMG_7081

When you run with a crew like mine there is absolutely nowhere, no one and nothing that can happen that can prevent you from having the best celebration ever! IMG_7088

The weather was beautiful and my girl was all smiles so we had a little 30th bday shoot to catch all of Lolas smiles on this bitter sweet day of celebrating Grams!!

IMG_6919 IMG_6920  The fact that I get to have these two on my side for every birthday and all the years to come is the present that never gets old….  IMG_7074 IMG_7072 IMG_7079 IMG_7080 IMG_7082 IMG_7083 IMG_7085 IMG_7087I can’t stand it… that sweetness, free spirit, confident, smart, silly soul is mine…. she’s really here and she is really mine!  IMG_7089 IMG_7090

Everyone helped make it super special and I think Lou got less sleep the week of my birthday than he ever did for finals week of college!! IMG_6824

No worries, we kept it classy as ever (as always) and my poor Lou may be short of breath for the next few weeks with all the balloons he has blown up but we made it out for my BIRTHDAY dinner on the beach!IMG_6827IMG_6816    Girl pic pre dinner (while we waited on the pre gamers who were still in their room throwing em’ back!) ;) IMG_6831  Lou even does selfies on my birthday, say what!?!?IMG_6834

I know nothing about the “where to go’s” in Biloxi but thankfully Bill and Kern and IN THE KNOW and suggested a cute beach front restaurant Shaggy’s!

It was amazing and perfect, Lola even found a pirate ship playground on the beach to play on even though it was pitch black out!
IMG_6837 Yes, I just realized I described my 30th birthday location by bragging about the playground… bless it.

Does this make it any better?IMG_6843

Leave it to Kern to come prepared with a cake (and candles), regardless of the circumstance! IMG_6848 IMG_6850 IMG_6852The baby is now 30…. how did this happen   IMG_6856(with a baby)IMG_6860

That night it was time to channel our inner mommom….. and by winning 3$ after playing about 20 you could say we did just that! We did get a free drink though!IMG_6873

Yes, it is still free even if you lost enough to have bought ten of them! IMG_6878   The next morning it was beignets and packing…. we did about a 92/8 ratio of beignets to packing…. no joke.IMG_6880

(We also did not ride like this and pretend it was okay because we did it all over Italy and Ireland where it was completely normal… if we did it would be because we went less than a mile and it was too cold to walk back to the hotel but we DID not so that would be irrelevant.)

IMG_6885We literally made it back from brunch and had 8 minutes to pack it all!!

Lola grabbed the essentials thankfully!IMG_6884

   we made it out in time but not before telling the puppies by for an hour, spending the rest of our money (and aunt Taytays and Uncle B’s) at the arcade (to rack up on more tattoo’s) and opening early Christmas presents/parting gifts from Gigi!  20151203_182718It’s a process people. 

Well tat and we were procrastinating the inevitable 6 hour car ride home with this little love muffin!20151203_182737

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Last one ended up being my favorite…. can’t you just see the sweetness…20151203_183621Until next time Beau!  20151203_183830

This little one is turning into a replica of her mama more and more everyday (bless it)…. cookie dough ice cream on the way home kept the back seat REALLY quite for a good 30 minutes!


Believe it or not we were blessed with a long nap for the girl after that and she woke up just in time for a 2 hour pit stop dinner at; where else, Cracker Barrell.

Bless this diet I need to start in January…. it has it’s work ut out for it!!!


More Birthday celebrations from after we headed home and picked out our tree to come! More importantly a big update on the girl is coming up too since today she turned a whole 22 months old!!! 


This is 30 people!!