Saturday, November 30, 2013

Nesting Away

Well I wrote this before our Thanksgiving weekend away so I’m back I’m a little outdated but here goes nothing!

The week before Thanksgiving we had a busy, busy week and even busier weekend! I think by my legs were just walking in circles without my mind realizing where they were even going by the end of each night! They were just used to being in motion at that point!


The earlier part of the week started off a bit rocky when I got a phone call Monday morning that Lola and I’s blood work came back concluding I was anemic (which they say is very normal especially in this stage of pregnancy because my body is trying to catch up with all the extra blood flow i am producing for her) and it also showed I needed further testing to rule out Gestational diabetes…

This part was not so fun! It was a 3 hour cycle of blood work after fasting the night before and then chugging more of the glucose….

No problem I thought and  I REALLY did think it would be fine and I promised Lou I would be able to go to this appointment, my very first appointment, alone, seeing as it was so long and he JUST started his new job…

That didn’t last long….1384879170124

I was there an hour and a half and he had called over and over to check on me and could tell i wasn’t feeling well, I was nauseous and lightheaded trying desperately not throw up so i could complete the testing…. Then I heard my favorite voice enter the separate waiting room I was in saying “Jen?”…

I was so relieved and happy it was ridiculous! Hey at least i tried to be a grown up about it! Poor guy he even got a ticket on the way to see me!

I swear within 30 minutes of him being there I felt cured! 1384880407547

I couldn’t wait to get something in my stomach when i finished the test so i managed to go ahead and steal Lou away for that too, apparently Lola does not like when i skip a meal!! 1384889746759

Lou decided to implement more red meat and greens into my diet so steak it is and Billy decided to send me CHEWABLE calcium pills in the mail….. do i not have the two sweetest boys in my life!?


20131122_225448Were working on getting my iron up and the good news is that I passed 3 out of the 4 blood test for diabetes so Lola and I are in the clear! 1384976576194

30 weeks down and this little girl is getting busier and busier!


I have to say i do love her kicks, in the morning she wakes up when i do now!


Her mama has been getting busy on maternity picture props and her nursery too! 20131120_191635 138499657362720131122_212012

20131124_11252720131122_225347 20131122_225355Tara couldn’t have come at a better time for her Atlanta audit, she actually was working close enough to our house this time to stay with us all week and we loved it!  20131123_102759

The weekend brought on even more craft projects as usual!

20131123_173512     FYI: The first day Tara was at my house I woke up to a snapchat that said “we are re-doing that this weekend” with a picture of the dresser in our guest bedroom… I admit it’s pretty terrible!

So Saturday came and bright and early Tara was ready to go….

THRIFTING of course (even though i made her stay up until 2 am totally changing the guest bedroom around- by pointing my finger and directing where each piece of furniture should go)! 1385220844528 1385227649938

We got an big 7$ mirror, small 4$ mirror and a 6 $ basket! 1385227752479

We forgot to take a “real” before picture of this beauty but it wasn’t much to look at i promise… I had actually stolen it from Tara when we were in college!

20131123_150420I guess i did pretty good, taking it from her AND having her re-do it for me…  1385239472056




Then it was time to turn this door we found  in the attic into a matching headboard!1385243288388

We found a piece of trim in the garage that the previous owners left and thought it would be a nice touch to add to it!

20131123_173657DSC01981 DSC02001 We also finished and made a chalkboard and nightstand to match (pictured above)!


I told you we were busy! 

Lastly I decided after Tarsa left to paint the changing table she had bought for Lola to match the rest of Lola’s furniture in her room… PINK!

Here’s a before and after…

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   Love? We do, it’s our new hangout, Alex say’s I go in there every night to “re-do” something…. I’m a little antsy! In my defense Milly sits in there every single day and Alex comes home from work and goes straight to her room these days…

So it’s not just me!

We can’t wait until you get here Little Miss Lola! We had your 3D picture taken this week and after going back for the second visit since you love to have your hands up by your face and we couldn’t see anything at your first visit we learned again you are in charge once again….. this time you decided to curl up like a pretzel with your hands AND feet by your face!


You win Lola, I guess you want to leave some parts of you as a surprise which is just fine with me! You do have very cute little feet though!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

One Last Trimester!

What a weekend, a Lola filled weekend…. my favorite kind these days!


(This was last weekend’s pic, we’re 29 now!)

It was kicked off on Friday with Lola’s 28 week doctor visit which is always closer to the next week (29) but we like hearing our girls heartbeat on Fridays!


My doctor is the cutest and sweetest lady, she never comments on anything regarding physical appearance but this week she said “Oh look you have a perfect little basketball belly” i don’t know about little but basketball would be pretty accurate i would say!


Saturday was so exciting, we got to tour Northside hospital the most magical place in the world… because it’s where we will meet our girl of course! ;)


Alex was so funny and so particular! He wanted to pretend like it was the real deal when we got up that morning to get ready to go to the tour…. that just got us all too excited so I forced him to stop! It’s already hard enough to wait 11 more weeks!

The tour was so helpful and made us feel so much more ready and comfortable knowing what to expect, where to park, how to check in and all the other helpful hints! Lou made sure he saved and “mapped” the drop off location spots in his phone so we are ready when she is!

The absolute best part was seeing a baby boy in the nursery who was so alert and literally looked right at us bright eyed and so focused. Then he yawned and looked around at everyone else on the tour. It was the most amazing thing we have ever seen to know that baby was just inside another woman’s belly just hours ago….. I guess you just look at things differently when your expecting because we talked about that baby the rest of the day and both felt we had never seen something THAT amazing!  

I then started to wonder what his parents must be like… just like us I assumed, so excited and having waited for this day for not only 9 months but YEARS and years! Then i worried the opposite and began to think about all the stories of the mama’s I worked with. I literally started to wonder if now being a mama myself if i would ever be able to do that work again.

Let’s just hope that baby was the best thing that has ever happened to a very special family. I’m sure he was you know my mind just likes to wonder….

In other Lola weekend news we got to see that pretty little girls…. ARM after opting to get a 3D ultrasound from the same place we used for the gender reveal.


This was our “not cool Lola” faces..

She gave us nothing but was so adorable in doing that! Lola was sleeping with her arms up by her face and we wiggled her enough to make her turn but as always she turned and snuggled up with her head facing my spine “no pictures please” says Lola girl.

So we will go back next week to try again. I told Lou this is only the beginning….. Little girls REALLY do cost more!

Lola promises to be worth it Lou, that is when she finally decides to let us meet her!20131117_113535

Today was our day to celebrate 29 weeks, the last week of our “twenties”!!! Can you believe it! Already!?!?

Lou cooked breakfast, we took our pictures and we headed to Bass Pro shop to get him all ready for next weeks Thanksgiving trip! Snapchat-20131117110600

We are going to the North Ga mountains this year to have Thanksgiving with my family and Lou is determined to fish and CATCH something!

So we had to get him prepared!


Like this one right Lou!?!?!Snapchat-20131117011333What a weekend!   

Come to think of it, last weekend was a whole lot of LOLA weekend too! Mom and dad got back from their CRUISE (I’m so jealous of their retired life!) and came to stay with us for the weekend to celebrate at Lola’s second shower in Atlanta!

We did manage to squeeze in some “me” time shopping of course…


Well kind of… Lola LOVES to act up when her mom goes shopping! I think she was on her best behavior since her grandma was in town  but this mama still had to get in her pit stops since Lola insist my hips are just not big enough for her… yeah OUCH!1384110463054

Snack time and Snap chat time! 1384114655813

We came home to get ready for the shower and find the boys working away blowing and burning leaves… you would never know it if you saw our yard today! They are back to about a foot deep!

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I just love the view here in the fall!


Then it was party time!

Amara and Alex’s mom Karen were the host for our Atlanta shower and it turned out really cute at an adorable restaurant in Buckhead. I just had to brag on my hostess gift, I am in LOVE with these mason jars and have “pinned” tons of ideas as far as what can go inside them! This one was a “Cocoa” theme!

DSC01929 DSC01933We’re on the way!  2013-11-099519.27.24

I didn’t get many pics but Amara should be sending me some she took so here is a sneak peak of what i did get! To tell the truth I slightly gave up on pics, I couldn’t find my charger for my camera (which has now been found thanks to taking our bed apart to find Houdini the squirrel), moms camera was acting crazy and her flash wouldn’t work  and my camera phone was blurry…. we have technology problems for sure!

2013110995172930 I love this one though, and i love what it’s of…. Alex FINALLY seeing his baby book and baby pictures!!  20131109_173133

Almost all of my favorite ladies and our pink cupcakes! 20131109_173816

We were so excited to find out Aunt Rachel and Uncle Andy got Lola her Stroller and car seat! Lola says thank you!!!20131109_175549

I think mom was as happy as we were to know Alex does have baby pictures! 20131109_185030A trunk and 2 more cars following us to the house filled with love Lola and oh yes mommy’s favorite: DIAPERS to last your first few months of life! Woohoo!!   20131109_192716

We are SUCH thankful new parents it’s hard to even explain! Lola’s room is literally FULL of lovin’ and we have hardly bought any of it i feel like! From furniture to diapers, clothes, necessities and ever so cute accessories Lola has been showered with love over the past month from all of our family and friends and we are truly SO appreciative!!

In other weekend favorite news, this is our absolute new favorite weekend spot.. Cafe 33! They serve breakfast all day and we literally wake up and before my eyes are fully even open Lou says “can we go to Cafe 33 today?”


Belgian waffles and french toast…. you don’t have to twist my arm! 1383407311282It’s soo goood!

  Lastly I have 2 bittersweet announcements….

  First: Lou and I went out to celebrate the night before my parents came to town since he had officially accepted yet ANOTHER  job offer! He has accepted a position at Innovolt and told GE “see ya next year”! He absolutely loved it at GE so it was the hardest thing in the world for him to decide to leave but the new position gives me the opportunity to stay at home with Lola after she comes if i decide to do so which means more to both of us than anything to even have that option!20131107_202142

It is a wonderful opportunity and could not have come at a better time, i mean seriously how does a job find him and offer him a position that gives us the opportunity for me to stay home… while I am pregnant! Oh yeah and offer 100% maternity coverage for insurance?!?!?!? I’m just going to stop planning our lives because I could not dream up this stuff if I tried!

(Don’t judge my hair)


He does hope to work for GE again soon though, they were absolutely a wonderful company and if i had to guess he will make it back there unless something even better falls in our lap… literally.   DSC01964

Second: Tj has big news….. His mom has something in her belly! He is not quite sure what it is but he definitely “discovered” something is in there growing and moving! Yup you guessed it, TJ is no longer in the dark! he has figured us out!


He was so cute the night he found out, he snuggles up in my lap and started straddling and sniffing my belly very intensely! I couldn’t believe it, he figured it out! I thought for sure we were bringing home a complete surprise to him in 2 months!

Yay Tuck, 7 months may have gone by but we didn’t fool you!

Well there went the last 2 weeks and busy weekends!

The saddest part of this weekend coming to an end… no more free Hot chocolate and free coffee for Lou from Race Track :(


Lola and I enjoyed it while it lasted!

This week consists of many more Thank You cards…..


early nights in bed to snuggle our babies and…



Tara will be here for the week tomorrow!!

Nite all!