Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dear Lola,

My girl, I honestly can not fathom the next “Dear Lola” I write to you will be your 2 YEAR old one.  Just for that I’m throwing an extra one in there :) IMG_7119

Yes baby girl, you have lots of reading to do one day!

So here are a few of our favorite things about you right now:IMG_7046

You still love your paci and accessories ;)

You love to physically move my hand to what you want it to do. You put my arm on you or around you to cuddle, grab things for you and when you want me to sit you just pull my shirt down to the ground… today you did it to kiss me and it melted my heart… your a pretty forceful little girl!

You LOVE to stand in your new tower daddy made you to help me do ANYTHING at al in the kitchen!

You love feeding Milly and bringing her water (mommy is usually following close behind with a towel)!

You love coming into our room after you wake up and laying in bed with me, under the covers –finally -to watch a movie or show before breakfast, even if its only about 15 minutes I LOVE it!

You love Ice cream now and chocolate! Your favorite is a Reese peanut butter cup and you get them in every check out liine… I hve yet to tel you no to pretty much anything)..

I also have you addicted to cookie dough!

IMG_7212 You love when we go shopping and you get to push your own cart! I have a ton of pictures of you doing this and now you even move hangers on the racks and pull things out to “show me” in the same way that I do to others when out shopping!


You love putting your sunglasses (or any that you can find- including the onion peeler glasses) on your head instead of over your eyes like mommy does.

You have FINALLY started to relax enough at times and lay your head down on us when we carry you! I have posted about it a few times before but we can’t say we love it enough!

You also LITERALLY and sporadically climb on top of our face when we lay with you in the crib (yes that “temporary” thing is still happening) and just smother us with kisses and cuddles… then you pull your head away from us look at us and lean in slowly for a kiss on the lips (with paci in) it’s the sweetest thing ever!

You have a new “eye brow action” you do now that is quite hilarious! I think the funny part is that you know it’s hilarious!

New words: You are starting to talk more without us prompting you and asking you to say certain things!!! You are also utting two phrases together now like “all done” or all wet”.


Some of your most  used words are:

MA!, Gee Gee, Tay, “Beeeee” (For uncle B and Ms Brittany), MOVE!, “Peas” for please, Mess, up, Bad, Mimi, “Apane” for airplane ;)

and “Tank you”.

Right now your favoite thing to say is Ho Ho ho!

You also know what is scary now for a few things, even in movies you tyically know which characters are dipicted as “evil”!

You also have a funny new gibberish that you say and you just un with it having a conversation al to yourself!!!


You love predicting what we’re going to do, if a drink spills you runn to get a towel, if your nose runs you get your own tissue (and I usually know after finding half the roll unraveled).

I know every parent probably says this but you are SO sweet…honestly… the other day at the park you thought you hurt a little boys foot and went running to my purse in a panicked to give him a wipe to wipe his booboo… then you proceeded to give him a cookie and a lollipop (even though those are your favorite)!

You absolutely adore Milly and regardless of how many times she ha growled or gotten up and walked away you still love to LOVE on her!

You love to do the right thing. Honestly, I can see even when I’m teasing and telling Lou to come look at something you did as if it were a big deal you almost pause to see if it really is bad or not.

We don’t have the heart to ever actually fuss at you for anything. You would think we spoil you and well we do, but honestly the situation just hasn’t come up to where you have honestly done something we either asked you not to do (and you understood) or just chosen to do something hurtful.

Therefore you have never been in trouble… On to occasions Billy and i once and dad once have yelled in response to something  you did but it was out of fear because we thought you were going to get hurt. So not thinking we yelled in a panic, you almost lost it…. so yeah it’s safe to say you will not be the one testing the limits un afraid to get in trouble!

Your sweet Lola, we love you to the moon and back and we cherish this time with you more than anything else in the whole wide world.

It’s hard knowing that the very moment your living in right now is hands down the moment you will look back on for the rest of your life wishing you were back there.

This is the best way I know how to soak it up baby girl so pictures, movies and blogs it is.

Thank you for being you and thank God you are ours.

We love you!

Mama and Daddy