Thursday, July 27, 2017

Easter and a Pinata- A New tradition!

Well our Daddy Lou had just come home from his second trip to China and literally planned his flight around making it to Sisters Easter Egg hunt the day before Easter!

She was SO happy to see him and we were SO thankful baby brother didn’t decide to come any sooner!IMG_2290IMG_2292Gigi was the MOST excited brother didn’t come early… she is always scared she may have to deliver my babies lol

IMG_2297That evening it was a mad rush to do “all the Easter stuff” because we pretty much did nothing prior to that except hold our breath that Daddy came home and I didn’t go into labor!

IMG_2311IMG_2314IMG_2329Lola loved coloring the eggs and was SO particular about it.. then we made a peep house which was a TOTAL Pinterest fail but sissy didn’t mind!

IMG_2338These two…. Oh how they just need each other.

IMG_2352It sure is hard to be the Easter Bunny when you never are without someone to do a little bit of sneaky shopping… thank goodness for Gigi!

IMG_2344IMG_2364IMG_2368IMG_2373IMG_2375Sweet Mr. Henry came over to have Easter lunch with us and to help Lola with her Easter Egg hunt!

IMG_2379IMG_2381She wanted to be all decked out for her Easter Egg hunt-new earrings and all!

IMG_2383IMG_2385IMG_2518Sister had been talking and talking about a pinata lately so we got her one and daddy and Henry fixed it all up for her… she was SO excited that the end of her Easter Egg hunt ended at a pinata!

IMG_2405IMG_2409IMG_2411IMG_2415IMG_2420IMG_2421IMG_2429IMG_2433IMG_2444IMG_2445IMG_2449IMG_2454IMG_2466IMG_2469IMG_2471IMG_2473They didn’t want sissy to get discouraged so they had to tamper with it a little so it would actually break…

IMG_2482IMG_2490IMG_2500IMG_2503IMG_2505It was such a fun, low stress holiday that was ALL about Sissy (per usual) before aby brother comes!


Friday, July 14, 2017

Girl Time Before Brother Arrives!

AKA catch up number 1 of 3847495098245.

I have to admit, even going through and picking the pictures for this re-cap has me in tears. It seems like just the other day when we went down for that trip, it was my last trip to Hilton Head with my only baby. Looking back at the pictures I can remember what I was thinking in each of them…. it sounds crazy but it really isn’t when you consider my main thought all day and night was simple… loving you and having fun with you.

There really wasn’t much more to it than that and our life was SO easy. I remember knowing that at the time too and knowing I would miss that.IMG_0020

It has all changed so much and even though I do everything in my power and in my last ounce of energy to make things the same for you but regardless, it has changed so much.

Mommy just has SO much more on her mind now.  You are such an easy little girl to love and we are two peas in a pod that got to do nothing but love on each other. These days mama is SO busy with schedules, feedings, sooothing brother, rocking brother and trying to keep you entertained in this tiny little apartment so brother doesn’t get woken up for the 25th time before noon…

So anyway,  I know we are in the thick of it now and it will get easier but looking back at these pictures from just three months ago sometimes feels like another world..

*****(and I probably shouldn’t be writing this on today of all days when your daddy is in China and I’m stretched WAY to thin but oh well). It’s not to say that  don’t love you just the same if not more and heaven knows I need you EVEN more to keep me sane when he is crying (just today you asked “mama why you not talking so much” after Lox cried THE WHOLE WAY to and from the store and I said baby it just upets mama when Lox cries so much and I can’t do anything about it…. you said “oh”… I said does it not bother you? you laughed ad said “no mommy”) ****

Thank you for being so patient with me baby girl.IMG_0034 So March was our last all girls trip to Hilton Head while Daddy Lou flew  to China for work for 2 weeks for work! Baby J came down to meet us with her mama and auntie too!IMG_0044I felt so bad that the weather was AWFUL the entire time we were there- it was sunny but SO cold, like in the 50’s the entire week! So we bought leggings and sweatshirts for the girls and made the best of our double prego girls week- poor Krista lol! IMG_0132   Our first stop was some Coligny for shopping and then Sea Pines for lunch and horse back riding!

Lola got to ride her favorite horse Gingerbread!IMG_0082  She was SO excited but sadly we couldn’t get Jadyn to ride her horse- she had big talk though and loved the IDEA of it Winking smileIMG_0091 IMG_0093  You could tell Lola was so proud of herself, see her arm around my neck. Jesus I love that child.IMG_0103  Then we had lunch at the Crazy Crab!IMG_0144IMG_0152 IMG_0150 IMG_0161 IMG_0178

We just couldn’t leave the beach trip without an official day at the beach even if it was freezing! IMG_0188 IMG_0200 IMG_0205 IMG_0214

IMG_0219IMG_0231Daddy Lou was going to meet us in Hilton Head since we also had his dad’s birthday that weekend but after being up almost 48 hours he just couldn’t make the drive. So Lola and I raced home to him! He lasted long enough to give Sissy her presents- then she had a legit crying spell that came out of no where (she missed him so much and I think was just so relieved he was home) and then they laid together while Daddy Lou took a BIG nap!

IMG_0357IMG_0260IMG_0363IMG_0254He kpt telling me how much he missed my big belly and brought us all a fancy card with long letters written in them- since he can’t sleep on planes!

IMG_0276The next day we had a fun little outing for a few hours and then he got sick… a stomach bug and was down for the next few days…. Poor Daddy Lou, at least he was HOME and the world was right again.

IMG_0301Nothing could take the smile off this girls face!


The week leading up to our girls trip we had a little staycation with Gigi at our house to help entertain us!

It started with our sprinkle at Aunt cara’s for baby Lox!

IMG_9275Then we had quite the week for sassy and her activities: We started with dance class which I remember being a little TOO selfishly excited that Gigi got to stand in for me at Lola’s “mommy and me” class!

IMG_9415IMG_9429IMG_9433IMG_9437IMG_9440We had play dates with baby Jadyn and her mommy…

IMG_9464IMG_9472and story time….

IMG_9541IMG_9543Before leaving Atlanta for Statesboro we had a visit to the zoo with some of our besties!


We even got  special treat by seeing our Brittany  with one of her new loves!

IMG_9652IMG_9664Lola was just like a little mama bird trying to round up her crew!

IMG_9698IMG_9704IMG_9706IMG_9722IMG_9725IMG_9733IMG_9734We left the zoo, picked up our Milly girl and headed south!

First on Poppy’s list was letting Lola help him in his garden, well Uncle B’s garden Lola says!

IMG_9749IMG_9752IMG_9769Oh Lola, how spoiled you are! We had pedicures and some lunch and ice cream dates with Henley before heading to Hilton Head!


It’s safe to say all of our sweet friends kept us well entertained while daddy Lou had the longest 2 week trip to China ever!
