Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Birthday Girl & A Weekend With Family!

  I do recognize it’s almost March and I am just not posting about Mom’s birthday in January HOWEVER,  little miss did not get back from cruising and make it to her party until almost Mid- February- Note I refuse to take full responsibility for this slacking behavior!

Anyway, I was counting down the days until their arrival and finally it came… the best part of any week..Friday afternoon!  I was so excited to drive home and greet them and to my surprise I essentially found a party for myself!


Mom had spoiled me galore- Bacardi Rum from their cruise, flowers from daddy, a matching serving platter to match my bird cookie jar she bought for me back in October as a house warming gift and to top it off, she re-filled my candy dish!

This woman, I swear!

Oh and there’s more not pictured; multiple pairs of earrings, bracelets, a ring, a scarf, a “Lou’s Bar” shot glass from he cruise, a pantry full of groceries and my favorite- stinky cheese straight from Philadelphia!

Who’s birthday was it again?


Then again I can’t say I’m surprised, this is the same woman who sent her mother flowers on her own birthday!

Anyway, Friday night we got ready, waited for Tara’s arrival (from working in Lawrenceville that week) and headed to Red Sky, my favorite Piano Bar and mom’s first time at a dueling piano bar!


Tara and I soon decided “we need to request a song for mom”…


What a sweet intention right… Well mom is as bad as Alex and I at knowing the name and artist of songs but eventually mom picked the perfect song-

Your Song- by Elton John!

20130208_213437  I swear this was not our intention, completely… I mean we knew it could happen but it was early in the night so i thought they would just play the song for us.. no such luck! They called her right up there but she was such a good sport!20130208_214003

On to the stage she went, even after my attempts of hiding her and non-verbally expressing to them the “heck no, finger slicing across throat motion”…  Alex’s first words were “ohhhh you better go up there with her”!


So I ran close to the stage to take her pictures and videos, I partly joined her up there, right :)20130208_214149

Minimum for a song request is $5 but I figured they owed us one for the next song we picked!

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The next day we took mom and Tara to one of Alex and I’s favorite lunch spots in the square… Willie Rae’s! 20130209_143128

Tara is quite the social media guru believe it or not, especially for someone who deleted their Facebook account!

She taught Lou and I all about Twitter and follows some pretty clever celebrities, from what I hear at least, mom and I didn’t “get” over half of the jokes… 20130209_143241 This would have been super cute if Tara hadn’t refused to be in our pic-that girl! 20130209_152018

Mom and I were ready to hit up the many ADORABLE, but mostly over-priced boutiques at the square but we gave in and let Tara spend all of ten minutes in a coffee Shop she spotted around the corner first! I was filled with jitters the whole 10 minutes waiting… we had to get Lou home and hop on some serious shopping!20130209_152826

We shopped until we dropped and Milly was thrilled for us to finally come home and so she could spend time with her best friend… Aunt Tara!

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Ii swear those two have their own language when they get together… Milly as usual wants nothing to do with her mama when Tara is around!

That night we had Andy and Rachel over.. Notice; I called Rachel before they came over and kindly informed her it was “vest” day so that she didn’t feel out of place by Mom, Tara and I’s complete coincidence of all wearing vests’ that day… 20130209_200253

She fell in line quite nicely… minus her typical weirdness!

Bless her.



Luther came over for his first visit at the new house, which i was terrified about… mostly because this was Tuckers  first time seeing Luther since he has been full grown and I was scared Tucker would… well you know, be Tuck. 20130209_201508

Surprisingly, Tucker did REALLY well (YAY TUCK) and mill was as expected, out of the picture (literally) and too good for those boy’s…she’s so stuck up!

None the less we were very proud, relieved, parents!


Other news, Alex has literally been working weekend after weekend for over a month on our basement, bless him (more of that to come) but one morning while he was getting to it we found this surprise come out of the hose! 20130217_140434

Little cylinders of ice!

The weather here has been awful, which I hear isn’t much different than anywhere else but I did snap a few pictures of the “not AS bad” days!20130217_140448

20130217_140610My busy little bee’s!  20130217_140617 20130217_140722

I don’t think it will ever get old to take pics of our backyard.. I’m still in love with every view!


One last thing I am very proud of lately…

Lou and I have decided to start eating out somewhere NEW once a week which as most of you know is quite a challenge for us seeing as “we know what we like and we like what we like”!  However, so far we have absolutely loved it and it feels MUCH more like a “real date” for some reason!  

I love it! 


Our first night of “New Places” was a cute hole in the wall Cajun restaurant and we even tried a NEW food at the NEW restaurant… Alligator!


Our second go at a new place led us to finding out what a FRIED  GRIT is… yes, apparently we aren’t as southern as we thought!

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That’s all my dears! That ended up being much more random than I had hoped but I guess that’s what happens when I take too long to get to it!

So I will leave you with one last random night/pic/thought in closure!


Hope you enjoyed your National Margarita Day as much as we did!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Happy Valentines day!

This year was by far the best Valentines day ever- I think I say that every year but FOR REAL this time!

Lou came home the night before Valentines day and it didn’t take long for him to be reminded (by all my pink attire and cooking utensils coming out) that…DSC09037


Welcome home Lou! “I was way too busy to think about dinner but you can heat up a hot dog.. oh and would you like a pink plate, pink cup and pink lemonade to go with it?”DSC09047

A beautiful mess! DSC09048 DSC09050 DSC09051 DSC09055  Confetti cupcakes with strawberry frosting, coming right up!DSC09062DSC09094 DSC09098  DSC09103DSC09107DSC09112   If anyone needs to buy me a present I’m in desperate need of a -cute- cupcake carrier! I took three trips to the car trying to bring these to work for the girls! DSC09116DSC09120

  This house is officially ready for valentines day!DSC09130

On to the big day!

I think we somehow out-did ourselves this year as valentines playing cupid for each other….

This is actually the first year we haven’t gone out and I left our actual Valentine’s Day planes up to Lou… We both came home –as early as we could- (a treat in itself) and lou cooked us up some of our favorites!

Snow crab legs, guacamole and my favorite Champagne!


He did such a good job in the kitchen… and to think on Saturday mornings he doesn’t know where one thing is in that kitchen…. mmm hm.DSC09154

My view the whole night, What more could you want!?   DSC09158DSC09166DSC09170

Look out- the pink onion goggles are out!


  Wala- dinner is ready! DSC09174    We literally almost cracked the TV screen in the next room… talk about power in a champagne cork!DSC09187 DSC09189

You can tell how much of a help I was… I literally just played photographer all night!


“Ok Jen but after this one you have to sit down and eat”…


       Cheers to my favorite Valentine! 20130214_195223I think we sat in the kitchen for a good 3 hours after dinner that night talking the night away until we finally realized it wasn’t a weekend and we had to get ready for bed!

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Poor Lou, he said he asked his co-workers at work what their plans were for valentines day, naturally they all said “nothing" but he explained to them the “pressure” he was under being married to “festive, holiday, queen” and that he had to make the night just right!20130214_200328

Another amazing job cupid- but we all really know if it involves you, it’s a done deal! 20130214_200345  Milly was done with all of our flirting and chit-chatting…. Oh and I think the dimmed lights really got to her…20130214_201117  Happy Valentines day to you too Mills and Tuck!DSC09109

The not so fun part- of well, time for bed!!

Thanks again for the best Valentines day ever Lou….Just when I think I can’t love you any harder -your kind heart, fascinating perspective, little boy smile, amazing brain, forgiving spirit and safe arms –thankfully, prove me wrong over and over again!

I love you Valentine!

Birthday blog coming up!