Monday, December 28, 2015

Shopping and more shopping!

I’m obvously so behind but as I look at these pics I remember thinking “Oh we are ahead of the game with this shopping business”!

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Then Christmas week came and we scrambled down to Christmas Eve Eve to get it all done! 

Where did we go wrong Lola?IMG_7036

I’m sure it has nothing to do with th fact that I spend more time chasing my side kick around the store and unloading her cart than I do shopping….


The second floor of the mll was her favorite this year… it gave her a good look of Santa wihtout being too close!


Lol says that true shoppers know the hard work of carrying their own bags!




We’re getting closer Lola, much closer!



One last trip to the mall and Lola decided for another picture with Santa…. she insisted.IMG_7724

Well her version of it at least!


Shopping sure is exhausting!

We finally got it all together in time for the wrapping and celebrating!IMG_7600Just when I felt like we had acomplished something nd I could breath i thought… OH MY GOD… I don’t have any cute pitures of Lola with her gingerbread house!

A lazy morning and probem solved!


I just love her wonder….DSC06265DSC06285

Our por house ended up making it until Chistmas Eve before both roofs evenrually caved in!


I just had to get her picture with Afie too, he got his name this year even though we had him last year… We think it fits him perfectly!

He is pretty mischevious!

She has no idea the message beind him but loves finding him every morning!DSC06294

As usual we love seeing her love for anything so here are a few “Alfie finds”!


Finding Alfie on Christmas lightzip lines is a favorite!

One morning he was locked up he had been so bad!





The other day we came home from the grocery and she ran up to Alfie and closed her eyes… I guess she wanted him to be a surprise again? Lol

IMG_7051We also had a impromptu date with Daddy mid week for him to get a check up and ending up making a lunch and shopping date afterwards! IMG_7139

We have quite the patient little side kick! IMG_7162IMG_7140

Now for more shopping- daddy’s style! IMG_7145 IMG_7147

We were close to Acworth for his appointment and I has heard nothing but good things about a cajun restuarants Henry’s… So we decided to have lunch there and it was quite possiby the best decision we have ever made! IMG_7150We have already made Lou’s bithday plans for it to be there!  IMG_7160

Lola loved it too because they give you tons of beads!! IMG_7161

Lots more baking and scrambling to be ready for Christmas blogs to come!

I honestly can’t believe it’s all over, we waited and waited and then it just came and went!

We ar elooking forward to lots more catch up and an exciting 2016!