Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Boro Trip!

Well after 5 hours of packing, 5 stops, 3 driveway change of wardrobes we were almost home!


Key word: Almost… lol

We had to stop for lots of flowers and even ice cream!IMG_2115

We finally made it and Poppy had a BIG 9or should I say lot of little) surprises for Lola!

Baby chicks!!IMG_2116IMG_2117

WE stretched our legs and visited with Gigi and Poppy fr a bit before Lola and I enjoyed a girls night with my besties (and their babies)!


Lauren and Josh invited us to their box at the GSU baseball game that Friday and t was SO fun! All the girls (and our one sweet boy- Hogan) got to all be together! IMG_2164

Little did we know it was the last outing for Neyney before the twins cam early (that Monday)!IMG_2122IMG_2126

Aren’t they the sweetest!!IMG_2129IMG_2131IMG_2136IMG_2119IMG_2141

Lola loved cheering and telling the boys to “kick it”! Bless it she has her mama in her…IMG_2147IMG_2151IMG_2156

Lola had SO much fun but if their is one thing she has learned about Statesboro it’s that it TIRES her out!!IMG_2165

Daddy knew he was spending the weekend helping his mom get stuff ready for her  move to Atlanta but he was determined to see his girls! Since the weekends are his only times to really see Lola it’s always SO hard for him to commit to do ANYTHING that doesn’t include her… So he was thrilled when I brought her for a little visit to see him before heading to Statesboro!IMG_2182IMG_2169

He was SO excited about showing her the goats!IMG_2176IMG_2177IMG_2179


We migrated on to Statesboro and Lola was SO tied but this mama had to get her El Som fix!

No worries, we rewarded Lola afterward with a little shopping trip for her FIRT EVER pair of REAL flip flops and a park date! IMG_2191

She perked right up!IMG_2195IMG_2197IMG_2199IMG_2201IMG_2204

I had flash backs of her newborn days!

I must have driven (within a mile of moms house) for an hour when I realized not that Lola had fallen asleep (5 minutes before getting home)!!IMG_2216

Sunday was a fun lazy day at home and Lola was so excited to spend the day with Taytay doing all the fun things at Poppy and Gigi’s!IMG_2230IMG_2221

I don’t know what it is but the way she say’s “moo fowers” is SO cute! She loves picking them and there are a TON to pick at poppy’s!


Only at Gigi’s do you get served a TUB of cookie dough… it wasn’t our best thinking to do this just before a 3 hour car ride!IMG_2238

It was such a fun trip and we returned just in time to hear the sweet babies (Renee’s TWINS) were born the following Monday!! Looks like we will be back down soon !

Congrats Ney, they are BEUTIFUL!!


Monday, March 28, 2016

Leprechauns and National Pup Day!!

In my defense St. Patrick’s Day and Easter are WAY too close together! Lol


So happy, happy Easter from us!

WE can’t wait to post all bout it but before we get to that we have lots to catch up on! This mama has been spending all of her free time outside enjoying this amazing weather instead of catching up on here! Whew!

Can you blame me- it’s been warm enough for Lola to play in the neighbors sprinklers!! lolIMG_1988

IMG_2006That and develop a LEGIT new obsession for picking flower!IMG_1996IMG_1997

She says “mo fower” every time we step foot outside… this day we went to check the mail and she was so eager we couldn’t even go to the house to grab a cup or bucket for them… so an envelop it was!IMG_1999IMG_2002IMG_2007

Daddy got home early that day and we knew it was the perfect day to request a picnic table for Lola- the weather was so nice I knew they would enjoy a fun outside activity!IMG_2005

Let’s just say I did them both a favor by requesting it! Daddy occupied Lola (she is SO interested in everything he does, especially building, fixing and making things) and it game me time to actually make dinner!

Her table was all set by the time we ate that night! IMG_2015

I worked the day before and the day of  St Patrick’s day but it didn’t stop me from falling asleep the night before going through our Ireland pictures!

That place must really be full of leprechauns because it was truly magical!


It also didn’t stop me from hitting up the QT on the way home from work (at 1am) looking for lucky charms for Lola to eat breakfast!

No such luck …so I laid out shamrocks and dug out everything GREEN I could find to surprise Lola (and Lou) with in the morning!IMG_2053IMG_2054

We decided the lucky charms would have to wait and go with our lunch and so a Target run it was with our BFF…


She was thrilled I swear! lolIMG_2072

We prevailed and got the LAST GREEN BOX in the store!!IMG_2082IMG_2085IMG_2088IMG_2089

Green everything and if it’s not- add sprinkles!IMG_2098

I just LIVE for holidays with this girl!

Happy St, Patrick’s day!!IMG_2102IMG_2105

We headed to Boro for the weekend and what we hoped would be our last chili front! 

More to come with that and Easter!
