Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Judge me.

No there will not be pictures to justify my blog BUT...
As i sit here with mounds of homework (which is why i have not gotten to moms birthday and the rest of our weekend blog) BUT I have to say I am so glad we don't live with other people and only with dogs, who are not able to judge us for the mess our house has turned into in about 2 days!! The floor... just in my view is covered in dirty socks, books, stuffing from inside their babies, chewed Frisbee shrapnel, bowls (they helped lick clean of course), one flip flop?, leggings, air mattress (that has still not been put up from last weekend), water bottle, jackets, etc.


Oh Tucker, it can wait... Sorry Tucker and Milly for the slum you have to live in this week! Thanks for not judging us! :)

A Birthday Surprise for the Birthday Boy…


Let me first note “I will NEVER do it again!” I mean I loved it when it happened and i loved it after and i even loved planning the whole thing… HOWEVER, since the actual surprise did not take place until the day after his birthday I had to go through his whole birth-DAY allowing him to think his birthday was no big deal this year….  AND all of you know what a big deal birthday person i am! It killed me, everyone in on it even told him they were busy, out of town, or would get together another weekend….  POOR LOU! I can’t imagine it being my birthday and no one talking about what we should all go out and do to celebrate! It’s a good thing I married the LOWEST maintenance man who was happy as could be with his new Play Station 3 along with call of duty of course (which he stated over and over that he didn’t understand the present because he didn’t do anything to deserve it, since when do we have to deserve birthday presents!!???!!)



Just so everyone knows, the day of his actual birthday we were supposed to “at least” go to dinner…  but after all week of him saying “I don’t care” when asked “where do you want to go for your birthday dinner?” He ended up wanting to stay home with a grilled cheese sandwich so he could study longer (told ya he was low maintenance)…

DSC04754 So i told him he at least had to eat it off of a BIRTHDAY plate!!

So anyway the next day was the big day!! SUPRISE TIME! He came home from school and it was the hardest thing in the world to get him to leave the house again after he jumped on the play station!

Well I never thought it would actually be a surprise but somehow we all pulled it off…. he was completely shocked!!!SNV30352

  We decided the proof of him REALLY not knowing about the surprise was leaving the house with out his hat!     SNV30354    IMG_2336  SNV30316

The 3 Bob’s… help me.SNV30350 SNV30318


No worries we won’t waste ANY…


SO we left our Margarita party at El Patron and all headed over to Andretti for racing…. and the girls hung around for more drinks of course :)

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      Ok So let me re-phrase… I will do it again!!! SNV30361

….IF- It’s On or BEFORE his actual birthday but i won’t be able to hold out again waiting until after…. It almost killed me having that boy think i didn’t care about his birthday! I have to say it was sooooo worth it in the end!!! He said “Jen, this was the best birthday I have EVER had”

Thanks to all of you for coming helping with the surprise also thanks so much for all of you for “making do” with the ridiculous sleeping arrangements'  haha!

Speaking of which… You know you are a lucky girl when you spend your Sunday washing towels and sheets… that only means you were in the presence of good company :) Our company (in our 2 bedroom apartment) grew and grew as the weekend arrived ALL FOR LOU’S BIRTHDAY…. Laura and Oscar, Tina, Cara and Cassidy, Jessica, Corey, Mom and grams all came for the weekend!!  How Loyal :)


Good Morning!! and No, this was not even half the people or all of the dogs that partook in the sleepover….

DSC04895 Forgot to mention until now… after everyone left (basically just Oscar) Milly took each baby out the basket to make sure they were all still there…. Psycho, but hey how many years did she live with him… SHE KNOW.

We also celebrated mom’s birthday the same weekend but i believe this blog is long enough and she deserves her own post anyway right.. besides I have my early day tomorrow :)

Enjoy the rest of the pics everyone and for Lou… let it be known, You are so loved…. Happy 25th Birthday, I hope you enjoyed it!!!

… and all of you know i HAVE to say “Happy 1st Hubby birthday” Love you! :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Both students… AGAIN, Week one!

The time finally arrived this week and we had no choice but to face the music… After moving to Roswell for me to start grad school we knew that meant Alex would have to finish his last semester of school driving back and forth from here to Clemson daily…. (2 hour drive each way). We predicted his graduation to be this December, HOWEVER...

After going out on a limb and exploring other options he decided to first apply for an intern at Hughes Telematics for the fall semester. Of course this meant our plans would change a bit and it would delay his graduation but hey, nothing we can’t manage nor are we not used to!

DSC09469 SO, we decided he should take the job to save up money for when he goes back to finish his last semester of school, get experience, and hopefully secure a job for when he graduates. ALSO it was basically his dream job, and we are so glad he did not pass up that opportunity!!

However, the intern is now over, It’s time to face the music. Although others thought it was a “horrible” idea, it was one of the best decisions we could have ever made, no regrets at all!

Let the driving and crazy schedules begin…..4 months!! We can do this, RIGHT??


(BTW Lance came to visit this weekend)

So anyway, we did it!! Week one down, A LOT more to go! It may be crazy and we have definitely dreaded it but things actually weren’t so bad for week one of both of us being BACK in school :).

I think I have complained/ dreaded this more than Alex has…. Go figure! Ha But I don't like seeing him stressed out, and I know it's coming due to his "over achiever qualities" which kick in high gear when it comes to school and work.

Sorry, I get so proud of that sweet boy, and love to brag on him, like a proud mommy!


I have to admit, looking back at this week it seems so minimal to complain about our new “schedule” which after all is going to lead to a REALLY GREAT THING (our future FINALLY secured) … which makes it even harder to find myself complaining after all that has happened to the people of Haiti this week. It’s hard to complain about ANYTHING actually when you see what has happened over there. It is a horrible thing which seems to be getting better with the help of everyone coming together and the wonderful donations red cross has received. If you are reading this and have not yet donated please text “HAITI” to 90999 to donate 10$ to help red cross with supplies.

So I want to give extra attention to all of the good things we enjoyed this week……

A visit from grams!! Mom brought grams over for a visit on her way back from MS.

DSC04605 I love this picture, we caught grams smiling!!


Lou got spoiled and was able to spend his Thursday home with the girls while I was at my intern (a positive thing about his new schedule is Tuesday and Thursdays he has off! Well off= studying reading, but ya know “off/not driving”)

Thursday was also the start of our 3 DAY MEXICAN DINNER WEEK!

SO as mom and grams headed to Statesboro Friday we anxiously awaited Stephanie and Joe's arrival! It was their first visit to see us!!


SO of course we had to get Margaritas Friday night on their arrival…. and then we found ourselves back at home with this…


Milly’s Tricks!! Can you see the brown blurr? That's her walking!!

(BTW, I told you we were “those” people!)


AND this (above). I can explain. SO, I have never swallowed a pill in my life and each time I get sick with allergies it’s the hardest thing in the world to find a sinus medicine WITH antihistamine that is anti-drowsy in liquid form. I have struggled with doctors and pharmacist my whole life asking them to save their arguments and just give me my meds in liquid…. So This time Alex gets on the kick of how THIS time I will be able to swallow a pill! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!


(Showing Milly how mean her daddy was being)

However, after a few margaritas I was a good sport… obviously you can see that from the picture. I tried an entire pack of pills AND an entire pack of different ideas on how to get it down. Freeze it, throwing it in the back of my throat before drinking, putting it in the cup of water after i begin drinking, end of my tongue, back of my tongue…. so on.


ANYWAY it ended up going down after Lou crushed it up mixed it with water (and the ritual sweet tea chaser with 2 pretzels :). I’m not hard to please at all right? haha It is hard to believe a tiny pill can cause that much havoc/entertainment!!! Oh well after 24 years i do believe it’s a physical problem NOT mental :)


So, after a random morning of our power going out (from a car wreck into a pole!!!) I decided to take Stephanie on a tour of my dangerous shopping grounds while the boys played, elsewhere. Then we met a bunch of friends for Mexican night AGAIN on Saturday night (yes, 3rd time!)



I think If i never have Mexican again, it may be too soon… well ? ;)

Then it was time for our first time at Church Hill's… apparently I shut down every place we go and even then are never ready to leave. I guess i am just an “all nighter person”? I mean not all the time, I don’t want to sound like “that” but when I’m going out, I minus well GO OUT… right?’ I didn’t realize this until tonight but looking back I do see the trend? We are always the last out of all our friends to leave… ? It seems Lou and I do not know when to go home? haha Until they force us by cutting our jams off of course! I guess it’s true, time flies when your having fun!



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On other subjects….

Milly has done it again...

Since Miss Laura and Oscar have not made their PROMISED Christmas visit to see us yet, we are holding their Christmas gifts hostage until we get our visit. Only fair right?

Well Milly got tired of waiting… Oscars presents have now been “chewed” open, half way “consumed” and the bear is doing pretty good only because the bones were priority to her i believe. We came home from school monday only to find her in the bed with this….. NOT HER’S.

DSC04565 How predictable!!

I put them on the table after letting her out time out and she sat like this for over an hour… waiting for me to “give them back”.

Tuck on the other hand has been quite the man, once again ;) His grama found the perfect toy for him at Christmas. Which was a PINK piggy with a water bottle inside and a Velcro belly to replace the bottle.


Well I have found it’s kind of pointless to replace the water bottle if he gets it out by tearing a hole in Miss piggy’s back…

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Sooo to the sewing machine we go! HEY, times are tuff and that means this blog get’s to go in the “domestic” folder too right!! That one is getting kind of  empty :)


Before and after Miss Piggy's surgery :)DSC04572

All better! That’s what mommies do right… all better everything up?!?!!?!

Sorry for the randomness of this blog, thanks for sticking with it!! haha I hope you all enjoy your Monday off!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow* Snow**Snow***

So I just knew after last nights blog of Milly’s story it was only a matter of time until Tucker amazed me… Today was his day!DSC04260

Tucker, Milly and I woke up (we won’t say what time it was) and realized, SNOW, it was supposed to snow Thursday… it was Thursday!!! DSC04426

They love blankeys and love to snuggle, but we hopped out of the bed and ran to the porch to sneak a peak…... only to find out NO snow. Well Tucker was so excited he wanted to sit outside for a minute anyway so i left him on the porch to go straighten the (as you can see) obviously disastrous bedroom :). Not 2 minutes later he started barking and barking..… It was pouring down snow and he wanted to tell me!! It was so cute though because Tucker was SOOOO excited to tell me it was snowing, he starting doing his traditional “bunny hop” (the dance he does when he attempts to express with his body how happy he is on the inside).

SO we ran outside (camera in hand of course) to potty and explore!

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You see it in their hair right, RIGHT….

No? Ok well to prove it we decided to go check out the progress of the snow again after Lou came home…..



It did SNOW!!!

This was their second time in snow, but first time seeing it stick!DSC04458


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Ya think?DSC04461 Isn’t it weird that pups feet don’t get cold, or even their hineys? Tucker just sat down for the longest time in the snow and it didn’t even phase Milly to walk through a puddle of icy water??? I am no longer going to freak out about the temperature of the bath tub water for them, I swear!



Happy snow day!!