Friday, January 29, 2016

Gee Gee’s Birthday!

Oh yes Lola, we have one more celebration before this party is over! Sunday was Gee Gee’s birthday!!


“Oh, Ok in that case, i’m buying, where are the donuts!?”IMG_9258IMG_9266IMG_9267IMG_9273

Well 4 orders of donuts late, way too many biscuits and kettle chips and a surprise coconut birthday cake from sweet Ms. Hazel I would say we had a pretty successful birthday brunch!IMG_9275

Just before Lola spit a big chunk of her food onto Gigi’ cake while blowing…. oops!IMG_9279

Let’s be honest, it didn’t slow us down!


We got our bellies full and headed back for a nap, after all we had a big night ahead of us!IMG_9287IMG_9288(What’s it take for a mama to get  picture with her girls together?)IMG_9296

Poppy got us all tickets to Medieval Times since we thought it would be fun for Lola… you know everything is about Lola now… we even joked that Lou was lucky to get normal “Happy Brthday” balloons instead of Paw Patrol!

IMG_9308As soon as we waked in it was almost a Disney World feeling! It was so overwhelming but in a good way! There were souvenir stands, light up wands everywhere, a huge bar with souvenir beer mugs, costumes and characters everywhere and picture stations!IMG_9314IMG_9315IMG_9318

We hit up the bar first naturally and then discovered we had FRONT row seats!IMG_9319

She was a HAPPY birthday girl!IMG_9324

Lola had spotted the horse trailers outside in the parking lot and was SO excited waiting to see the REAL horses!!


There they are!!!IMG_9333IMG_9336IMG_9339IMG_9349IMG_9355

It was actually a much BIGGER show than I expected (same for the food) a totally good idea!


All in all it was a great, competitive night and Lola won “The Queen of the night” sash! They asked each of the four night to pck a queen to represent their section and they picked Lola (duh!)!

So he came over and awarded her a big blue sash with queen written on it!IMG_9391

When we left at the end of it girlfriend went and stood here and starred at us ust like this.

We all panicked grabbing our cameras!

“OMG she wants us to take her picture!”IMG_9400IMG_9402

We made it home in time for presents and Gigi’s favorite, Cheesecake!

It turned out perfect and although we made it while Lola was asleep we redeeme ourselves by letting her decorate it!

#allthesprinkles #inonespot


Lola has gotten so good! She knows to blow the canldes out (and we don’t just pretend she did, she actualy blows them all out) and then fans the smoke away from her! Bless her little OCD heart.IMG_9412IMG_9413IMG_9418

We fanned the smoke before they were completely out and almost gave Gigi a heart attack!IMG_9421IMG_9423


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Official Birthday Weekend!

Daddy Lou arrived home just as Mom and Dad had arrived for a busy weekend of birthday celebrations!

You may be wondering why Lola is opening a present when it was truly her daddy and Gigi’s birhdy weekend….


Preperation apparently…. lol after all the girls big day is next! So mom arrived with tons of wrapped presents and pulld them out at various times through out the weekend!

Lola’s first one was NEMO cereal (one of her new favorite movies)!IMG_9035

No worriess daddy got plenty of his own!IMG_9037IMG_9038IMG_9042

Mom and dad thankfully had voluntered/talked us into going out for a date night while they watched Lola for us and I told Lou we would be back in time to do presents and put Lola to bed so she wouldn’t miss anythng (and because she won’t go to bed with anyone else/no one else can crawl into her crib lol) but he still insited we do his cake first….IMG_9044IMG_9048

Lola LOVED singing HAPPY Birthday and blowing out the candles!IMG_9049IMG_9051IMG_9052IMG_9058

We sang it about 1700 times and then daddy put a stop to it… he had eating on his mind.

Now we know why he wanted to do cake before dinner…


Yup, that’s half the cake gone soley by him.IMG_9070IMG_9066

We told Lola “bye” and she took it surprisingly well, then Lou reqested a birthday pic with his “old lady”, I could slap him and kiss him at the same time!IMG_9072

He is also stepping up his snap game lately with a lot of useless fabricated crap which he thinks is HILLARIOUS- for example he takes pictures of nothing and then post that he saw a wolf, fox etc just to make people stare at it.

He has issues.IMG_9077IMG_9078

We have a very stict must eat hibachi on your birthday policy in our household.


It was a new (to us) place and it was really good! I was glad we found a new one bcause we have pretty much retired our last one- it’s gone down hill!IMG_9084

It was nice having a dinner where we could actually sit and talk with eachother, we my have forgotten what thats like!

I will sy though, as always, we got WAY to ecited to get back home and race up to our girl who came screaming laughing jumping on me spanky clean from a bath with Gigi!

We threw her jammies on and it was presents time!!


Friday we took Gigi shopping and I had a total mama fail…. IMG_9116

Lola is SO interested in goign to the potty these days even though I refuse to officially start potty trainig her until she is TWO!

However, just before we left the house I let her sit on the potty and “push” and pulled her pants back up before going to put a new diaper on (so she wouldnt have to walk with her pants aorund her ankles)…. well two seconds later we forgot and she was on my hip and ready for the mall!

We shopped and shoped and finally made a run for the food court, girlfriends was on my hip when she started whining saying “tt” just as i felt something warm on my hip…

Instantly i remembered- we forgot to put a diaper on her, by we i mena ME!

So we made a run for the bathroom, ditched our pants and spent the remainder of the time in our dress and snow boots… come to think of it that sounds a lot like mamas college days!IMG_9117

In all honestly Gigi demanded that baby leave the mall with new pants on so we vetoed our nap to shop a bit longer!

Poor baby girl keeping up with mama and Gigi is not for the faint of heart!IMG_9124

That night I was glued to the TV, it was supposed to snow and I had everything CROSSED for a BIG snow storm!!IMG_9137IMG_9138

It worked!!! Saturday we woke up to a WHITE winter wonderland (by georgia standards!)IMG_9150

Daddy couldn’t even wait for me to get Lola dressed to take her int he snow! He brought her out in her pajamas and  barely had enough time to put her hat and jcket on!IMG_9143IMG_9149IMG_9153IMG_9154

My favorite part about snow days is being stuck inside all together with a fire, candles, hot chocolate and seeing my girls face light up as she yells “snow!” out ll of the windows!

Lou on the other hand HAS to take his 4 wheel out for a drive… everytime!


If were taking a drive I will be damn if it’s not to get donuts!IMG_9162

These two were quite pleased with my decision!IMG_9166IMG_9168

Then it was time to get my baby girl all bundled up to really see the snow!IMG_9186IMG_9169IMG_9172IMG_9173IMG_9174IMG_9176

SHe wasn’t so sure at first but then she got SUPER excited when I taught her how to bal up the snow and throw snowballs at daddys face!IMG_9181

She could not get enough of me, she wanted to climb all over me and squeal and squeal!


I was so excited to go back in and give her her first cup of hot chocolate with marshmellows!

She was not interested… she insited in her own cup of water with a spoon to eat it with instead…. thats my girl.


By nap time the snow had pretty much melted (sadly) but the good nws was we still got to have  daddy Lous birthday dinner at Henrys!


It took us about 5 sconds to order because Lou and I have dreamed about the menu options since we last ate there!IMG_9240IMG_9241IMG_9242IMG_9248

It was so good and Lola had the best time celebrating one last time with her daddy!

We love you daddy Lou and we are so honored to have celebrated more birthdays with you than without you!

Here’s to many more more birthdays and reasons to celebrate!
