Sunday, November 29, 2015

Head Start!

(Previous post from when we had no internet) ;)

So little known secret…. we broke the rules this year.


Since Lola and I now play by our own rules…. we took our Christmas decorations out early!!!!IMG_6116

SO essentially daddy spent the day in the attic :)


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We got a bit distracted in helping daddy get the boxes down… apparently without knowing we even did it, as soon as Lola’s box came down we raced into Lola’s room to start decorating!

He claims to have called our name ten times but we swear we heard nothing ;)

We were in the zone apparently (sorry Daddy Lou)!IMG_6098 IMG_6102 IMG_6104I did not remember her having 4 stockings…. but then again I didn’t remember half of the things we took down from the attic including these Christmas stamps the girl found!  IMG_6108

I think we wore daddy out! IMG_6114Truth be told, dinner and bed time came before I got even halfway done with the chaos and mess but at least I will say that (by Monday)I got to a good stopping point….IMG_6123

Other than beginning to put up our  Christmas decorations this mama did a lot of working!  I shadowed two day shifts, two evening shifts and two weekend shifts all in one week!


My family was thankfully here for some of the day shifts, our trusty Ms Brittany shared some of them too and the evenings and weekends were left to Daddy Lou!

As much as he hated us not all three being together, he absolutely loved getting alone time with her!

The very first night he had to make sure to tell me all about her extra snuggles….. apparently when he was putting her to bed she got up and leaned over him and said “mmmmmmmmmmmmmwah” and planted a big one right on his face :)


Billy even got to learn all about climbing into Lolas crib (yes, really) to put her down for naps!


The best part about a busy week and having to be away from her is getting pictures of her during the day!

IMG_599112239993_10153660727326745_6315228609465635751_n IMG_5985     These are some of my favorites from daddy Lou throughout the week! IMG_6001IMG_6071 IMG_6072 IMG_6080 IMG_6085 IMG_6086

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I have to admit although I wasn’t surprised in the least; Lou shall we say, showed this stay at home mama up.

Rude right!?

They were pretty busy during the week and he had tons of “events” he wanted to do with her to keep her entertained but the weekend is when he decided to get fancy on me…

I worked all day Saturday so I literally only came home in time to eat dinner with them and he had completely outdone himself (and me)…. ugh.

The yard was all blown off with all the leaves bagged up on the curb, the house was cleaned up (like literally cleaned up including dishes being washed and laundry being done… even our bed sheets were washed!), they had gone grocery shopping and when I walked in they were cutting up veggies and getting meals ready for the week ahead!

The man even had the girl dressed and ready to go for dinner when I walked in the door (inclusive of having her dinner cooked and bagged up so we could take it to the restaurant)!



Yes, he is good but would it kill him to let me come home to a house that’s a wreck just for the hell of it and say something nice like “Oh Jen, however do you do it? This was terrible and so very hard, I just don’t know how you manage!”  I mean geez.IMG_6078

Oh well, I guess we will have to keep him Lola :)

Girlfriend was off the chain!


Sunday I came home to a new crock pot (finally, thx daddy Lou) and the sweetest snuggles!!

So when Daddy Lou handed the girl back over to me to go in on Monday morning you may wonder how I retaliated…

Well, by doing nothing at all of course… how else!?!?!

IMG_6041 Usually we are go, go, go but we had a lot of catching up to do!IMG_6005

So I did what any good parent would do after feeling guilty for being gone too long… let her eat pops for breakfast and play until her sweet little heart desired!  IMG_6008 IMG_6009 IMG_6016 IMG_6020   As much as I hated being away from them it certainly was so sweet for them to have alone time together and lets be honest, unless I had been forced it would have never happened!!

I’m glad to be officially in PRN status with CHOA and spending the afternoons waiting on daddy’s arrival instead of having the girl wait on my arrival! IMG_5995

We  are having such a fun Thanksgiving here at the lake and  cant wait to post all about it but for now I am really patting myself on the back for giving myself the little head start with Christmas decorating this year!

Hallelujah! IMG_5997

“Cant stop me now” is right Lola!