Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Sweet November

I feel like just yesterday we were waiting for October and now we have one week left of November…IMG_5786

It’s being going by SUPER fast lately baby girl… with the holidays coming and mama already having an agenda for us for VERY SINGLE weekend of the month of December; I don’t see any slowing down in sight! IMG_5769

Just hold on baby girl. I promise you a fun ride!

I was anticipating a busy week coming up with me working some now (YAY!) so we soaked up all the “jammie time” we could get together and had too many lunch and shopping dates to count……IMG_5779

PSA: Everyone go buy stock in Target, Panera Bread and Chickfila… no reason, just do so and thank me later!

Don’t say we didn’t warn you….


Notice that belly (mmmhm- I love it)!IMG_6047

Lola doesn’t stop moving ESPECIALLY when she see’s Jadyn… she says “HIIIIIIII” in the most high pitched voice while leaning over her to greet her (wonder where she got that from) and then gives her a big “mmmmmmwah” right in the face!

She then “fed” her a chicken nugget in the eye. We’re sorry Kayla we understnad if your agenda sudenly starts becoming “too full” to play with us ;)    We are raising some busy body, lunch going, shopaholic girls and I could not be more in love with either of them!IMG_6057IMG_5737

#Pricecheck IMG_5741

The best is daddy and baby Jadyn all in one lunch date!IMG_5801 IMG_5803 IMG_5805

She is my prodigy child….. little mama in training prodigy that is. IMG_5807 IMG_5808 IMG_5809

God help us with the kid carts…. IMG_5812 IMG_5814 IMG_5815 IMG_5816 IMG_5818 IMG_5820

Aunt Kayla told her this sweet potato was ice cream so she would eat it…. she ate some and then became super protective of it…. It was quite hilarious.IMG_5822 IMG_5823

She had strict placement of it in the cart and even too my items out to make sure there was room for her “ice cream”.

Truth be told she even hid it in her room when we got home for her nap! We didn’t find it until daddy got home from work.

Yes, real life with this little muffin ;)IMG_5829 IMG_5831 IMG_5833 IMG_5835 IMG_5837

       Then there was this one great time where Lola and I waited on our lunch date for about 20 minutes just to find out we were waiting at the wrong Panera Bread….. yes, real things like this happen to us ALL the time. IMG_5794

We often wonder when “normal” functioning will resume…. the girl is almost two now but lets be honest there is no sanity in sight.  IMG_6042

The weekend before last we headed to the Lake to get things ready for our first Thanksgiving there this coming weekend and I decided to do a trial run on my bundt cakes since I found an AMAAZING recipe in Southern Living magazine but typically suc at bundt cakes!


I honestly could not believe it…. IT WORKED! IMG_5845 IMG_5847  I packed it up and the next morning we were lake bound!!!

We seriously have issues, we get to rambling SO freaking much on our long car trips we had made THREE wrong turns before we even out out of Atlanta…. I told Lou we aren’t allowed to talk anymore until we at least get out of – Jesus help us.  IMG_5853   Hallelujah, we made it!!!IMG_5861Happy place: IMG_5877IMG_5906IMG_5879 IMG_5881

Lola could not wait to grab her Uncle B and feed the fish! IMG_5886  The princess had to eat this with a fork….. she sure is a clean freak to be such a mess!   IMG_5862

Did i mention I took full advantage of her sweet tooth and went ahead and introduced her to cookie dough!?!?


In hindsight it was a horrible move on my part because well, now I have to share it.

IMG_5918 IMG_5921        That sweet cheesing baby girl!IMG_5901IMG_5934Lolas instant stance when she hears music come on… baby got back… that or I am a horrible influence on her as a mother.   IMG_5943  Can’t win them all i suppose…IMG_5946IMG_5957 IMG_5960 IMG_5961 IMG_5963Love me some Lola girl :)  IMG_5970

We are so excited to head back this weekend for our first Thanksgiving there! IMG_5982

I love the lake in the fall! IMG_5780

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
