Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Catching up with Family!

The girl and I are a regular old Holiday Inn these days with a high turnover rate but we are loving it!

IMG_5580  Lola loves testing out the lighting in the guest bedrooms while I swap out the sheets….. you now, to gee the best results while applying make-up…. duh!IMG_5538

Jesus this girl.

IMG_5539IMG_5542Gigi came to watch Lola while I went to some more orientation classes for CHOA and we talked her into staying a bit longer to wait on uncle B’s arrival home from exploring the world! IMG_5544

   Lola is so in love with “her B” everything he does is HILLARIOUS!!IMG_5597

IMG_5596Lola knows when B comes we get to go to REALLY fun grocery stores ;) AKA kid size carts at Trader Joes!

IMG_5584 IMG_5586 IMG_5593 IMG_5594   Lola turned 21 months last week and I can honestly say her three favorite things are Reese's peanut butter cups, pops an babies…. Thankfully we get lots of all three of those things last week!IMG_5562 IMG_5568 IMG_5565  IMG_5569

IMG_5564My smart girl even read to baby Jadyn just like a little mommy! IMG_557012066033_10156117347445063_7318499859153114329_n

These two are a mess and Lola is teaching Jadyn all about her crazy antics….  IMG_5573

You may have won “BEST baby” award but Lola is determined to make you a wild and crazy toddler! IMG_5574 IMG_5575

That night I had my first Thai experience at one of Lance and Kaylas favorite Thai spots…. it was picture worthy food! IMG_5576 IMG_5577 IMG_5578 

IMG_5549    I other news Wednesday was Ms Brittany's last day teaching us at gymnastics… we are certainly going to miss seeing her there but already have some play dates lined up because between her and Lola they have a two week deadline that they refuse to let pass without seeing each other!IMG_5555 IMG_5557

Sunday Alex’s mom came and we headed to on of Daddy’s favorite places… The Tellus Science Museum.  IMG_5638

Lou actually gets jealous if i show her things before he gets to show her specifically when were at places like this… Lola moves fast because she wants to be the first to see everything so she can “show” us and I’m usually just running behind the  two of them….IMG_5640 IMG_5645 IMG_5647 IMG_5650 IMG_5652 IMG_5653 IMG_5654 IMG_5660 IMG_5662   This is her showing me how “big” the dinosaur was…IMG_5671 IMG_5672

Last time we went to the kid zone at the museum Lola was too small to really do much but this time she was able to do a bit more… she loved being a nerd holding the magnifying glass!


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Thankfully my little girly girl loves to nerd out and takes after daddy in that arena (Hallaujah!)!  IMG_5698 IMG_5704 IMG_5710   We considered it all a success until we told Lola to pick out her own souvenir and she was head set determined on this ugly orange gremlin….. Did i mention it was broken and we still bought it.

I tried to talk her into ten other things but no… she wanted this.IMG_5721

To top it all off she is literally scared of the thing since we got it home and cries when she see’s it.

Shoot me.

This is why we let mama pick the activities we do and things we buy… Hello  Christmas!IMG_5725

Sunday nights daddy usually gets antsy about the weekend being over so we have to get out and enjoy every last second of our time together before poor daddy has to head back to work!

I decided we needed to stock up on new Christmas books for this year and what better goes with that than having a hot chocolate and Christmas book  date!?!IMG_5727 IMG_5731

I even talked daddy Lou into letting us wear Christmas jammies for the first time that night!

IMG_5607 IMG_5610Can you tell Christmas is going to come early this year!??!? I could not be MORE excited- Hold me Lou (and ignore Milly begging for our dinner we did not clean up yet)!   IMG_5534