Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happy Halloween!

We kicked Halloween weekend off with a visit from Gigi and Poppy and Lola couldn’t wait to show her how good she was at making Halloween cookies!20151028_002829

As if we wouldn’t be divulging in enough sugar this week…

I’m, pretty sure this is my most favorite picture ever…. those two are trouble. 20151028_002846 20151028_004100 20151028_004109

Yes, she now eats the dough… like mommy! 20151028_004111

…and you can never have enough sprinkles! 20151028_005433_1   Later that week we had dress up at gymnastics and a Halloween Trunk or Treat Festival for Lola to do a trial run dressing up…. I still can not believe how okay she was with this whole dressing up thing!IMG_5356

Ms Brittany made her outfit (completely fabulous) of course… but the best part was she LOVES our sweet baby so much she wanted to make it so Lola would match her and Ms. Erika!IMG_5307 IMG_5310 IMG_5313 IMG_5351

Aren’t they they sweetest!?  IMG_5365

Unfortunately this was also the day Ms. Brittany announced officially that she would be leaving the gym for a new nannying job….if your wondering, YES we are all devastated!IMG_5360 IMG_5362 IMG_5363  We didn’t really accomplish much that day and I pretty much just took pictures of her the whole time but she was just too cute to not!IMG_5368

The day before we headed to Statesboro we took our little Zebra to Trunk  or Treat for practice…..

Daddy snapped this just before we walked out the door.

Are they mischievous or what?

20151029_223306I can’t believe last year she couldn’t even walk yet! 


20151029_223500 20151029_223506


I could have an entire blog of just these holding hands pictures…and I hope it last forever and ever. 20151029_223757 20151029_223839

Bless this babies heart… she couldn’t see a thing- but she FIT! IMG_5323

We were only a little bit excited!




Sister had to take it all in!20151029_232336 20151029_232546

The sweet high school girls were literally chasing her down to give her the candy…. she would walkup to each one of them look at their costumes and decorations an then move on to the next….

Mama wasn’t having that and daddy wanted candy so we made sure to teach her exactly how to do it ;)20151029_232922

After the girl got trunk or treated out we decided to let her get her first face paint done!20151029_233654

I could not believe she was so okay with this either! I guess I don’t give my girl enough credit! 20151029_233743

She sat SO still waiting while they painted it…she did  not move a muscle… Naturally I asked them to paint whichever one they could do fastest and daddy asked about any harsh chemicals that could possibly be in the paint!

Whoever thought i would get to be the fun parent LOL


If you want to see them light up, give them each other!20151029_23420820151029_234228 I love that pouty, piggy, pumpkin cookie eating, witch hat- face paint little zebra SO very, very much!IMG_5333IMG_5325 IMG_5327

That’s a wrap! IMG_5329 We got home and she was ready for wardrobe two of the night… being Daddy!IMG_5342

Finally it’s here, pack your bags it’s FRIDAY!


Ok Lola daddy is home early for us to head to the Boro for your first REAL trick or treat… are you ready for this?!!

IMG_5395 IMG_5405   Can you tell (above) is her ”MMMMMmma” kissing face?

  Bless her heart, business calls on the go!IMG_5387

I also still can’ believe I have a baby, a kid, to do all of this with…

Alex calls it cherishing moments… I call it life.

We were home bound for the real deal and although I had you in 4 costumes the past couple of weeks, make 2 batches of fall cookies, went to visit pumpkin patches and fall festivals I still questioned myself as the week of Halloween came to an end…

Did we do enough with her? Did she enjoy herself and get  into the spirit enough? Did se wear her skeleton and black kitty cat pajamas enough?

I don’t think i could ever have anything be enough for my Lola girl, instead i just get extra pictures and reaffirming praises from Daddy Lou that these are the days and moments we will always remember and cherish…he says were extra “good” at cherishing things specifically when it comes to Lola.

Although I could never do “enough” with her, I think  he is right.

Perhaps that is why I am so obsessed with keeping this little blog alive.

One of the hardest things about all of the festiveness was taking her out of each of those costumes knowing I will never have her this young or tiny again and more than likely she will never wear any one of them again.

The thoughts are just too much for a big sappy mamas heart to endure.

Oh to raise a baby, the pregnancy, the delivery, the sleepless nights, the schedules and feedings, who knew all of that is nothing in comparison to watching them knowing each day their “babyness” is slipping away.

On that note, Lola’s first REAL trick or treat experience is coming next, too many milestones for one post!
