Sunday, November 8, 2015

Trick or Treat!

So this really happened!


Saturday morning we woke up and I remember yelling “Happy Halloween” to Lola just as she was being stolen from the bed with me by Aunt Taytay! IMG_5431

We had a fun lazy morning playing at G and Poppy’s house and helping Milly run off her summer body to prep for a new November layer of fatness. IMG_5435 IMG_5437 IMG_5440We finally got the sister out of her Pj’s and went and got some wings so daddy could get a front row seat to watch his Clemson Tigers before trick or treating started!IMG_5442

This girl ya’ll…IMG_5448IMG_5443 IMG_5446

We headed to what Aunt Taytay called “wardrobe” lol and Lola had her own wardrobe in mind for trick or treating….IMG_5449

This girl  is a TRIP. 20151031_220146 20151031_220158

I’m not sure what they were going for but i don’t think it was PG… moving on. IMG_5493  Jen and Ross had invited us to Trick or Treat with them last minute and we were so glad to finally get the girls together since they are only 6 months a part! I remember when 6 months seemed like two different worlds… that gap is slowly fading away though!IMG_5453 20151031_225950 20151031_230451

Are they not the cutest little cow and lambie you have ever seen!IMG_5457 IMG_5450We started their sugar binge with a warm up/ pre game of lucky charms because why not!?!?IMG_5454IMG_5457

The picture below is my all time favorite! Captures them both (well all three) so well!IMG_5456 IMG_5459 IMG_5461 IMG_5462 IMG_5464 IMG_5473

I melted the entire time…. Tara said my costume was being a paparazzi since all I did was take pictures of my girl the whole time!IMG_5475

….and I love these two pictures of Lola and her Gigi, Poppy was MIA since a game was playing in the garage… go figure! IMG_5481 IMG_5482   Trick or treat time! 20151031_230606 20151031_230648 20151031_230714 It’s go time! 20151031_231858 20151031_231907 20151031_231923Love, love love  this sweet crew and farm animals!!   IMG_5499 20151031_232040

One of the houses in the beginning gave Lola two pieces of candy instead of one…. every house after that was screwed…. they would give her one and she would stand there waiting for the second. She also didn’t like when they picked her candy for her… she wanted to pick it and put it in her bag all by herself!20151031_234324 20151031_235600

This girl and  Taylor Swift!

Lola had the best time but just when we got home and I thought we were done he party was just getting started!

I taught her how when you get home your supposed to spread all your candy out on a blanket and count your pieces over and over again….  IMG_5498

But then this happened….

I have no idea where she gets this stuff from!

Eventually we did prevail and get her to bed!!!

In non- trick ore treating related news I will say we had the two sweetest celebrations to add to it!

(Yes it was a jam packed weekend.)

We celebrated Renee’s 30th BIRTHDAY with a delicious dinner at 40 East Grill, one of those places where I anted to take pictures of everyone’s food!IMG_5426

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmm in this group our biggest problem is usually eating so much that we are all to miserable to do anything after dinner… we always try and warn each other:

“No, don’t order that you know what happened last time…”

It never fails though.

We’re all fatty at heart.IMG_5411 IMG_5412IMG_5424

Our (other) mama to be, Stephanie got big news earlier that day that Hogan will be coming two weeks earlier than expected (yayyyy!), this also meant she is on bed rest until November 12!

However, she is just too dedicated to miss her Neyney’s birthday though! We were so glad she a propped those feet up at the dinner table and enjoyed one last meal with us!



Love these girls! IMG_5629 IMG_5630

We had an even more delicious dessert at a nearby restaurant called Night Cap.

I was new to this…apparently it’s 3 chocolate chip cookies and a cold glass of milk. 

What else do you get a prego on her birthday!?!  IMG_5417

…and did I mention this prego mama of TWINS could not be any cuter!?


    We also got the sweetest announcement that night that not only were “we” getting twins but that it was pretty confirmed that we were having a BOY and a GIRL!

My dream came true!!IMG_5415  I think the boys are so excited for the new trend of boys coming this way- that or in a Night Cap coma!!IMG_5427 IMG_5428

What else does this sober mama want to do on her big night…. drive us drunks' around of course!


Several very ridiculous snaps and videos will go un noted form this point on!

I will say we pulled out our favorite oldie… KILO! Lol

Sunday we put our mama hats back on and threw a laid back football baby shower for sweet  Hogan and his mama and daddy, Stephanie and Joe!

Tara, me and Lola had quite the morning trying to get things made for  the shower… after getting locked out our own house and then being forced to let our little helper “help” in a limited amount of time…  it was quite the fiasco!IMG_5523

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Never the less Gigi made it in time to rescue us from…. Lola and daddy got dressed just in time for  us to head to Laurens to celebrate the mama to be!

IMG_5518By laid back we mean we came  for the food and I specifically and strategically swapped a few things around to put myself  right in front of the chicken buffalo dip :) 20151101_185016IMG_551320151101_18494420151101_184953

20151101_185010    I then strategically placed myself in front of the candy bowl for presents time….IMG_5514

I now need a diet…. ugh.

Move on to the baby business…. isn’t this the sweetest!20151101_201745

20151101_201453 20151101_201838 Now all we need is baby Hogan!     20151101_204840

  It was a successful and memorable weekend in the Boro and  love that it was Lolas first time trick or treating! Back to the ATL we go for a whole new love of  sugar!IMG_5507  I may or may not already let Lola watch a Christmas movie the day after Halloween was officially over!