Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wide Awake And Late Night Ramblings!!!

So what’s new that MUST be keeping me up while Milly and the boys are fast asleep???


Can I first just say I was always “prideful” of the fact that I am usually very carefree with hardly and stresses or worries……

(FYI I am justifying all of this by legitimizing my worries, just a little self disclosure for ya) 

1) Trying to find a new home for us (you know how I was about the vacation- which is now booked and ready- thank God- and that is only for a week, so multiply that worry by 52 weeks in a year for the three years we will most likely live there).

* Why do I worry about this so much? Well we have looked at a handful of houses with mostly all the same answer “No” and “Hell no” until today… I found a home in Roswell (yay) and in a cute neighborhood screaming my name in desperate need of TLC with it’s character and barn/cottage feel (keep in mind I almost didn’t even get out the car, yes, it needed THAT much TLC) but after seeing the porch and inside, i fell in love! 

porch cypess house

So why am I loosing sleep over it (answer- because it will be a HUGE job of being a “FIXER UPPER”)!

side view cypress house

Which, weirdly enough, I love the idea of… I just wish I would have more time next year to play with it. I have always said I wish we could buy an old house and fix it up, I mean it would basically classify as a hobby for me if I was ever able to do it, does that still count? A million thoughts about it are racing through my head and Alex hasn’t even seen it yet!

den cypress hse   I would completely call this jumping the gun, right?

Anyway, I will update the blog with house possibilities as they come since that hunt  has consumed all of my free time lately!!

2) Deciding- for sure- tomorrow if I am going to do a last minute change to my internship, from  a behavioral health residential hospital to more of a medical route, at Kennestone Hospital where I would work in the Er with adults and children for some of my time and at a health clinic through “MUST” ministries for the rest of my time (but all through one internship).

I will def update you with the answer ASAP!

AHHHH, so that is all legitimate reasons to be losing sleep right? I mean it’s important and I just don’t want to look back at the end of the year and wish I had gone somewhere else, house wise or career wise, can ya blame me?

3) (I am numbering this but CERTAINLY not losing sleep over it)

On a happier note: We have a “house guest”…… Laura’s here (and Ike)!!

We have both been super busy since she arrived and sadly have not even had a chance to get dinner together but hopefully tomorrow? She has transferred her job at Starbucks to the one in Perimeter and so far is loving it (Thank God)! Ike on the other hand had his first seizure today, poor guy, it’s quite an adjustment, I know!

It’s so fun to have someone here in the morning while I get ready and all the other times when I am usually alone because Lou is already at work or I’m waiting on him to get home from work!!

Lou did ask me today if this makes him a polygamist??

No Lou but it does make you a minority in the house!!