Friday, July 2, 2010

Is It Already The Weekend AGAIN???

It sure does go by fast when you take a day off the front and a day off the back…. which I plan to do again next week if I can manage :)

Now that I am packing my bags for this weekend (camping at Clark Hill Lake, –side note- AHHHHHHHHH)I thought blogging about last weekend should be first on the “get done” agenda…. What in the world would I do if my blog got “out of order” EW….. yes, just Ew.

So we spent all weekend at Andy and Rachel’s pool because ours was closed in order to be cleaned…. what timing they had right!?!?

2010-06-26 15.33.30

Ohh yeah…. Lance (and his little -big brother Hank :) joined us) which made a relaxing day at the pool look more like a wrestling match or should I say an MMA fight!?!?

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I love Autumn’s “grandma” face in this one and what good posture Sean and Andy have…must be a guy thing because normally Lou does it too?

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2010-06-26 18.40.03

Autumn and I are officially on Watermelon diets…..

2010-06-27 15.19.03

….unfortunately all we do is sit at the pool and read about yummy foods we want to make!??!

Disclaimer* the only diet I think Autumn should be on is a chocolate chip cookie dough an ice cream binge diet*


Time for Rascal!


Sunday came way too soon but that’s ok because I was so excited about the Rascal Flatts concert with Lou, Laura, Tara, Andy, Rachel and some Statesboro friends!!  DSC09236

I can now say I went to a Kelly Pickler concert as well because she opened for him (with her new engagement ring)!!


This was Laura and I’s second Rascal Flatts concert!! Which is weird considering I have only been to like 4 concerts in my life total?


This was almost immediately after we arrived…. notice how distracted Laura is? If you know Laura you know her stimulus level was kicked into overdrive simply being in this environment…. She was a good girl though (Thank you lord for cigarettes :) haha no really she was good!)

I actually told her to go ahead and turn herself around the opposite way ( with her back to the stadium), she spent more time “people watching” than anything else. I can’t blame her though, it was quite the sight… naturally we had to make color coordinated codes for PDA and mullets….


This particular couple on the left kept us VERY busy…. 


Unfortunately I think Rachel and I’s thighs were “unconsciously” ( at least at this precise time) putting on a show of their own…..whoops!


Speaking of PDA….. RACHEL you skank!!


Seriously though, this is my  MOST favorite picture of them…. DSC09253   The feeling of a cowgirl boot stepping on my barefoot!! DSC09267  The night definitely ended with a few good code reds, however we think we could get top notch use out of the codes with a Nascar event… Any takers, theirs always a next time… :)DSC09274

Ya know how i mentioned I took off Monday?

Well it was quite successful, Laura met her new boss (Lloyd) whom she will start working for at the Perimeter location near the end of July ( right next to Lou’s office!!) and we scoped out some possible new digs for her!!  DSC09284

I knew to look for that “certain” smile before she went in to meet her new boss! haha Sweet Laura.

Then it was time for Tara and I to play…. all day!

We stopped at “Land of a Thousand Hill’s coffee shop” in Roswell twice, naturally spent way too much money and of course spent way too many hours in Target, Trader Joes and T.J. Maxx.  DSC09291

I hate coffee but isn’t this coffee house so cute, I love studying here during the school year…DSC09293

We ran the roads until Lou came home, well that and our bellies couldn’t take the hunger pains anymore….

Let us not forget the extra hour –literally- that we spent in Alex’s parking garage at his work trying to get out. Awful. Two car sick people literally stuck and lost with the AC blowing full speed and the windows down….

Do I hear you laughing? Don’t.

It was scary and claustrophobic, we went all the way to the top, down to the bottom, up to the top, down to the bottom again and then up again in a 6th story parking garage… UGHHH!


Milly looks like she has a headache just thinking about it…


What a weekend!!

“Good night Aunt Tara, come back and see me soon”!!

(One more thing, pray for me to still have friends after this weekend with Stephanie, Joe, Renee and Josh’s family….  tents, no air, cramped quarters, south Georgia humidity and bugs…. I’m hoping the boat, tube, Kailey herself and the jet ski will cancel out the bad… that and some vodka!!)

Enjoy your Fourth of July!!!