Sunday, April 3, 2016

Easter Week (with a TWO year old)!

Monday was certainly a Monday and this mama was JUST NOW putting out the last 20% of her Easter decorations…. Bless me.

Thankfully this little mama entertain herself! LolIMG_2239IMG_2246

Baby Jadyn was leaving us to head to Florida for her first Easter so we headed out for an ice cream lunch date- because who actually eats real food?


We also heard that it was National PUP day so we had to love (aka torture) our sweet Milly a little extra that day! IMG_2288IMG_2291IMG_2295

We love you Mimi! Thank you for being so tolerable and not eating lola with your big hunka loving self!

We shared a day of sunshine exploring and finding more flowers and Lola’s other new fav “pirate sticks” aka baby sticks that squirrels chew into baby looking swords!IMG_2302IMG_2306IMG_2310

We also got to have an early Easter lunch date with auntie Amara! All Lola needed to hear was lunch date and the girl grabbed as many necklaces a she could before I literally grabbed her hands to say “that’s enough!”IMG_2315IMG_2318IMG_2320IMG_2321IMG_2332

Lola talked about Auntie Amars fish tanks (in the lobby of her building) the entire way there- I had a video of it but I think it didn’t get saved…

When we left she cried… I assume she thought she would eventually see the fish?IMG_2334IMG_2342IMG_2343IMG_2347IMG_2351

Who new a water sprayer would be SUCH a hit?

Lola watered every flower in the neighborhood- literally!


Lola spent the afternoon with a box of Cheez-its at the front door waiting on Daddy and Gigi and Poppy!! They all made it just in time to feed the quacks and visit the Easter Bunny the next day!


They also brought us the chicks… for Lola…. all the way to Atlanta! Dear God, I pray I don’t kill them…


Hey Lola, Want to go see the Easter bunny?!?


She actually said “Mo” (her favorite new word aka NO) but I kept telling her Easter Bunny is Nice! She eventually agreed to go but wanted NOTHING to do with getting anywhere near him- she actually only agreed to even look at him if we took her upstairs to look down on him!IMG_2391IMG_2404IMG_2405

Can you blame her- the whole idea is pretty weird… so I agreed and didn’t force her… I could tell she was literally looking to me to see if she could trust me when she was scared as we walked by. I easily decided that trust far outweighed a picture with the Easter Bunny! IMG_2408IMG_2410IMG_2412

One of the girls who worked with them decided to bring Lola a pair of Bunny ears anyway! She was hesitant to even take them but was so proud to wear them and yell in her cute confident voice “HEY EASTER BUNNY” from the second floor!IMG_2415

We made it back and Lola wanted to water her flowers again! Don’t you love her hand made sweater from Aunt Diane!?IMG_2430IMG_2436IMG_2439IMG_2444IMG_2447IMG_2452Another Milestone this week….. sister got her HAIR CUT!

IMG_2468I have put it off time and time again and finally decided it was time.. So I gave up my blow dry at the end 9of my appointment to add her since she is used to going to my salon anyway and SHE WAS SO EXCITED!

Mom brought her at the end of my appointment and when I spotted them I ran up to her in the lobby with wet hair she came running to me SCREAMING “Hay CUT”! and pointing to my hair!

It was SO CUTE!

I told her all week about her getting her very own hair cut and she was SO excited and confident about every bit of it!IMG_2469IMG_2470IMG_2471

Chloe would ask me a question/oreference and I let Lola chose everything and let me tell you she had a preference for everything!

Lola, DO you want a gown or towel?


Lola do you want to dit in the big chair by yourself or sit in mommy’s lap?

Big chair!

Lola do you want your hair blown dried or just brushed?

Blow dry!

Sister wanted the REAL DEAL and she did not move an inch, she was so cute!IMG_2473IMG_2474IMG_2477

Chloe did such a good job and LOVES our Lola, she always asks about her and I was SO gad she got to give her the first hair cut!

Lola took her card and kept touching her hair telling EVERYONE in the salon she got a “hay cut”!IMG_2478IMG_2500IMG_2481

Did I mention I love her.. LOVE her, love her, lover her.

This week has been one of those slap you in the face to remember how lucky you are weeks…  I like to think I am far from forgetting how lucky I am… most of the times I am quite the opposite… living in fear for how good we have it.

We had a “situation” this week in the emergency room and I can tell you I have been hugging harder, sneaking in her room to watch her sleep and smiling ear to ear with every “mama” she moans and word she utters.

Hug your babies mama’s… If you don’t have babies soak in every ounce of whatever your “Lola” happens to be!  If you don’t have something that bring you happiness every ingle day- keep searching!

If you can’t think of anything buy yourself a lovie!
