Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A day in the Life.

Can I just say when I hear that little voice talking on the intercom in the morning calling “Mmmmama” I get the biggest smile just knowing I have another day with her.

It’s like waking up to a present that never gets old.

Before I even get to her room I imagine what adventure she will take me on today! trust me ach day is something new, a new word, phrase, something she likes, something she doesn’t like, flowers to pick, books to read, outfits to try on it’s endless.

I’m so lucky to be the mommy in this relationship.


She is quite possibly the best brunch(er) ever and she is ALWAYS down for a biscuit (and ice cream- especially together)!IMG_3863

I think this was our 4th Target trip of the week so it’s safe to say she feels at home…

My favorite description of her lately has been “she is without a doubt the most confident female I have ever met”!IMG_3864IMG_3866

I men really, look t this child. IMG_3870

“Mommy I need this” (no really that’s what she says now!)IMG_3874

Do you think one thing in my cart is even something I put in there myself?

NOPE! Even the chairs were Kayla’s!

LOL mama can’t have nothin!IMG_3877IMG_3878IMG_3879IMG_3882

Oh yeah, and who say’s princesses don’t turn into tomboys when daddy get’s home?IMG_3891

All in a day’s adventure.

Love my girl.