Sunday, February 21, 2016

The In between Times

Lord help me if I don’t have a ton of  Lola pics un-related to her birthday (say what!? I know, I know) to catch up on!IMG_9465

So here ya have it, vomitose of Lo…




This girl and her accessories… yes, that’s cookie dough in her hand to and hse handed me about three things to hold because she kept dropping everything she wanted to bring…IMG_9482

She found the princeess crown te other day that daddy got her in Belgium!


More of this to come in her Deal Lola Milestones blog I have yet to write but I couldn’t resist osting her lipstick session while shopping with Daddy in Best Buy!


A shopping date with Lola and Baby J- ya need to look fly for that ya know!?


Keeping up with these girls- diaper changes and feeding sessions in the changing room and Lord help us when did the music in stores get so loud?

I mean Hello? we got kids trying to sleep in the stroller (Ok just one) but hell- yes I asked them to turn it down ith a dirty look on my face.


Taytay came up one weekend before shit got real and she went into a never ending tax season yet again…. she’s back in the black hole now but we sure enjoyed her while she was here! 


(Bless Lolas heart after her photo shoot she got blisters from her shoes so we left her trashy it up and go barefoot!)


It’s so funny how I can actually start bringing Lola back to the saon with me (technically)…. first I could because she was so little (at least for half of it until Lou came to get her… then she got to where she was to big and busy yet didn’t listen yet so she couldn’t come and now she kind of knows limits and boudaries enough to come with me again!

It was about 2.5 hours and she did great!


I brought all kinds of movies and toys for her but all she wanted was to either do what I was doing or have her baby doll do what I was doing… it was the sweetest! IMG_9651IMG_9656

Poor Lou, the most I have seen of him during the week lately! He races home from work and I race out the door, we usually do the fastest 30 second run down of our day and kiss goodbye!IMG_9668

It’s been rough but I love how we just make it work! I leave abut 4 when he gets home and I come home about 2am and he wakes up (pretending to be wide awake) to greet me (and then passes out about 5 minutes later)!

Although it’s temporary, we certainly don’t take for granite our time together (especially my nights with those two) anymore!