Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dear Lola,

Yes, yes, yes the party ain’t over yet!


No really, I still haven’t updated your milestones since the eventful turning of age happened!

So we may have had a few scares lol but I am REALLY excited for TWO now!


No really I think it was maybe 2 days before and 1 or two days after that we had either a tantrum or her new run and hide in the store “game” that about gave me a heart attack!

Oh yes, you scared mama for the big TWO Lola but thankfully that was maybe just a test and your back!IMG_8465

So let’s see, I can definetly say the most that continues to change is your talking and I LOVE it!

Right now you are saying two to three word phrases like:

- “I get it mama” (because you love to help)

- “Missed it” (when chasing bubbles)

- Your favorite two words or defiently most used are “mine”, Mimi and Mama but I do love how you say daddy, Im not sure if you were saying it like this last month but now you say “Da-yhee”!

You also call him “Lou” or “ayex” but he ignores yu unti you say daddy (and then he blames me)!


You are also putting lots of words together that go hand in hand like the other day I told you smeone in a movie was singing because they were happy so today we watched something and you look at me and said “mama, singing?” I said “Ye baby” and you said “Oh, Happy”! Lol

Which reminds me anytime I tell you someone who does something like “Neyney likes to eat cookie dough too or B is going Scuba diving you say “Ohhh B” or “Ohh Neyney” like you are really figuring it all out!IMG_0961

-You also started another absolute FAVOITE thing which is saying “’Im sorry and Thank you”! I don’t know why it’s so funny to me that you actually know when to apply it but thats the best part!

For example; the other day I ordered a new dress for you and when it came in the mail I said “Oh, Lola look it’s so pretty!” and you simply said “thank you” and kept it moving!

You say your sorry anytime anyone spills or drops anything even when it’s not your fault and for some reason it breaks my heart!

I can’t help but laugh and have an entire conversation with you about how it wasn’t your fault lol

Daddy was watching you in the bath tub last night and sat next to the tub with his laptop when you splashed water (purposely) all over it! You instantly started laughing (you hav a REALLY funny fake laugh chuckle) and said “sorry” about 20 times!

He had to look away and I hid in the closet because we couldn’t stop lauging and it is so not a “thing” we want to start with her!IMG_0971


THe most noticed change is that you probably say “mama” about 20 times in 5 minutes to tell me, show me or ask for help with ANYTHING! Most common things you say “mama” for are to show me school busses, tractors, mailman, flags, horse trailers, fields (your daddy had a big talk ith you about them and now you point to EVERY one of them), a baby or ven just a stroller, something you like in a show/characters, if something is bad/good,when your proud of something you made, if i laugh at somethng you do you usually say mama and then do it again… your silly and God help us you have your daddys weird sense of humor!

In other news Lola, I am SUPER PROUD to say you have held up your side of the bargain with one of those big things i put in the “Oh im sure she will do it when sh’es twoish”…

Yup, that’s right.. you CUDDLE!!IMG_1010

Your favorite times to cuddle are when you get done eatting your breakfast (and you need lovie and paci) and then in the evening after dinner you usay want to watch Frozen!

You sit with me in my lap under our Sophia blanket and only get up to dance to the songs!


You still take REALLY good naps thank the lord! It’s usually a guranteed 2 hour nap a day which is nice because mama keeps you up late and it’s her only time to get ANYTHING done!


Your very much like daddy because you can be compltely out an when we nsneak in yoru room you JUMP up taalking aand ready to go (excet for this picture ovbviously, i caught you but this never happens except maybe twice so i freak out nd take a ton of pics)!

I told daddy the other day I never know if you were asleep or already awake and just waiting on us because you hop up pointing to what  you want and talking ASAP!IMG_9479

Speaking of naps and cuddling- if it’s possible you have gotten EVEN more attached to Lovie and paci lately!

I LOVE your connection to lovie but im shooting myself for not taking pac from you sooner- I think it would have been easier but let’s be hoest, you will probably have it until your 5 because we’re both horrible at taking anything from you that you want! To make matters worse now you ask for it!

We have even seen you be fake “hurt” and ask for it!

Here you are waiting for it to get done being washed…


So not only are you my favorite little baker and jewelry thief…but you LOVE make up!!

You sta my make up and mascara constantly, i always find you searching my bags for t and we have had a few horror incidents where you were left alone with lipstck in the back seat… yeah.IMG_0669


I found you hiding under the bath rug with my mascara i have to say looking a bit e a crazy lady waiting to be admitted….IMG_0279


Along with the mascara you also LOVE painting your nails since Aunt Gloria got you your first nail kit for Christmas and you got several more for your birthday (your actually pretty good at it minus this forehead shot)!IMG_0733IMG_0734

You still absolutely LOVE your accessories and take as many as you can everywhere!  I wonder where you got that from?


We’re SO excited about you being TO sweet Lola and excited for you to teach us all about wwhat a year with a two year old looks like! I can’t imagine it being anything better than this past year but I have learned better than to put limits on you girl!

Do your thing Lo!

Love Always,

Mama and Daddy