Friday, October 16, 2015

We’re Home!

…. With  a 20 month old!

How on Earth do we leave for a simple fun vacation with a 19  month old and come home with a taller, older, smarter and best of al cuddlier and sweeter 20 month old?!

I mean can I get a blind sided!?!?


So a quick “Dear Lola” update so I can tackle the recap of our AMAZING trip to Ireland…

So  what’s new with our  big 20 month old baby girl?!?!?

You love to drink out of a big girl cup, with or without a straw!

You are FNALLY getting SO cuddly (which is obviously THE most important update ever)!!!

You have actually started to sit (in certain settings) and watch certain TV shows… in the morning  you want to cuddle in bed with me and ask me to put on the “penguins” which is a  movie “The Penguins of Madagascar” and when you eat breakfast in your chair we have to watch Paw Patrol every morning… like I said, creature of habit!

You literally grab my head and my hair and just make out with my face… you also LOVE scooting your back and butt up against me when you sleep (but you still don’t like my arm wrapped around your stomach)!

You love shutting doors, trying to dress yourself, putting my make up on, talking to Aunt Taytay on facetime.

You love being a mommy, burping the babies and changing their diapers.


You love animals inn general and you love playing Milly!

You love the suspense of being chased or playing hide and go seek! Your favorite thing in the world is being scared! You are definitely your daddy’s daughter!

You now wear shoes with LACES (which i think should be a whole milestone in life) and you simply sit down ANYWHERE when they come untied.

You are now saying “help” when you need assistance and you point for almost EVERYTHING you need!

You are VERY clean and mommy calls you OCD… everything has a place and everything has a certain way to be done.  Your favorite thing to do is clean and wipe things or sweep!

You love to throw your head back to make yourself go upside down when we pick you up and  you LOVE to hold hands now!


When we go out to eat we BEG for a booth instead of a high chair now because you typically just stand next to mommy  or daddy the whole time you “eat”…

Speaking of eat… your diet pretty much consist of candy corn, chicken nuggets,  macaroni and cheese, yogurt, blueberries and hot dogs!

You would much rather feed Uncle Billy carrots and hot sauce than eat yourself though!

You LOVE other kids and pretending your a teacher! You love pointing to things and telling us what to do!

You hate when you think we are leaving you and you are VERY clingy to mommy right now (which I can’t say i haven’t waited my whole life for)!IMG_4273

You still or should I say “we still” crawl into your crib for every nap and every night night….. we still aren’t sure what we will do if anyone besides us has to put you down in the near future because I don’t think anyone would crawl in that crib! Our “progress” with this method is we no longer wait for you to fall asleep.. we just lay with you until your tired and you fall asleep on your own (unless  your daddy puts you to sleep- he falls asleep in your crib VERY time)… see people baby steps!

Your comfort is still your paci and lovie and you sleep with both of them every night! They are MOST helpful with traveling and you pretty much have to have them accessible at all times when you aren’t in your environment!   IMG_4556

You are also still in love with dressing yourself and even trying to put pants on (or shirts on as pants)! You also still love  wrapping yourself in my scarves and blankets!

You recently became very interested in “wiping yourself” and infatuated with going to the bathroom! I think you may be an early potty trainer!

You say  “Fruff” when you see a dog EVERY SINGLE TIME and we think your trying to say “ruff”!

Your favorite thing to do in the morning is come to bed with me and watch “The penguin movie” Madagascar March of the penguins… you watch about 15 minutes which is a lot of sitting still for you and then we go down for breakfast!

You want the same thing for breakfast EVERY morning! Raisin Toast with lots of butter and we watch paw patrol!

You still love being a mommy birping and changing the babies diapers…  you even throw them in the trash!

You love dancing and  you love when Mommy dances with you!

Speaking of which, you mimic everything i do! You talk on the phone and hold the phone with your shoulder… you carry way to much laundry to the washing machine and purposely drop some (because i do that every time!).. You also started salting chips at Mexican… of GOd. I am in for it!

I know I have said it before but you are genuinely so sweet spirited and such a good girl…. you love to please and LOVE to learn new things!

You are our heart Lola and we honestly could not live with out you in our life. We still contemplate almost daily what we ever did before you and to this day your mom and dad biggest complaint is never being able to get “enough” of you!

Though still we aren’t sure the answer to the question, What did we do before you? 

All we can come up with is we watched a hell of a lot of TV.IMG_4654

Love you more than life baby girl! 

Happy 20 months!

Love, Mommy and Daddy