Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ireland Part 3: Exploring Dublin

Monday came and it was hard to wrap my brain around that Lou was really here for “work”… or at least a work related conference…..

So he was off bright and early Monday and Lola and I slept right through it all!

We were still mixed up with our sleeping and Lola was sleeping in until about 10:30… It actually ended up being perfect because we would get ready and have just enough time to make it over to Lou for lunch together!


The tilted cylinder building was the conference center… they called in “”"the pint” because it looks like a pint of tilted Guinness!20151005_071959

The building was so pretty but all we cared about was stealing our daddy Lou for lunch!IMG_419920151005_071821We ate lunch across the bridge form the conference ceter at a super cute traditional Irish place (it was the only meal i had that  i didn’t care for during the entire trip!) but it was super cute! 20151005_07191620151005_072228 20151005_082121

We required lots of snacks after that meal…. but def cute points!     IMG_4200IMG_4209  Lou made his way back and we headed down to Temple area to find lots of cute shops and pubs!IMG_427620151005_08583920151005_090141I spy a Poppy! 20151005_090005 20151005_090252 20151005_090258Then I spied a leprechaun! Oh fun, or9 so I thought…. Lola was fine and then all of a sudden it WAS NOT OKAY!!

She literally lost it and clinged to me! SO what does he do? Pulls his damn head off and says “It’s ok, it’s only me”…. She screamed louder and looked away…  I’m like “yeah thanks now you have two heads!”  20151005_105805 20151005_105928 20151005_105930  Candy shops are more our style and isn’t this one the cutest!20151005_111554Lola got her first lollipop there and boy did that turn into a toddler “event”!   20151005_112108

The fact that we had to walk past the leprechaun to get back to the hotel after we met up with daddy didn’t help either  :)  20151005_112845

So she seemed to lose interest in the pop and then it fell  in the street so I figured we could just throw it away…..


This caused major distress so I had to wash it off in a bathroom bar and then give it back to my child who suddenly became overly interested in it again!

20151005_112930Oh Toddlers… 20151005_112914 20151005_112939   She was obviously tired and fell asleep on our stroll back home… Isn’t it just beautiful!20151005_113541 20151005_113558

I love this bridges with the “love locks” Lou so didn’t get it… he said it just looked like a lot of peoples bikes got stolen…. bahhumbug! 20151005_115417 20151005_115431We found a market on the way home and it was SO cheap! Like 6 bananas for 1$ kind of cheap!  20151005_122527 20151005_12260720151005_12272520151005_122811

We also happened to pass a MALL- oops!

IMG_4643That night B arrived and we got a bite to eat (although I think i forgot to take a picture)…. it was SO good and very close to our hotel!

After dinner we found this happening:


Girlfriend was literally caught red handed taking toilet paper dipping it in the toilet and then putting it in her hair…..

Bless her, bless me and the next few years ahead of us!IMG_4352

The next morning B was up before all of us believe it or not…. the kid even went running!!! Here I am scared to call their room at 11a.m. worried I would wake him after he had been up a full 24 hours with the flight and layovers and mom says “Oh he already left to go running, he will be back soon”… why didn’t I get that gene?

Never the less, we got all dolled up for a day in the city and lunch with daddy!

Good morning puppies!20151006_063541

We went to another cute pub across the river from Lou’s conference and Mom was SO excited to find Italian beer!

We do NOT like Guinness!

20151006_080339B got pretty lucky with the food, pretty much every pub had a vegan option!    20151006_080554 20151006_080603 20151006_080614

As soon as we finished eating this girlfriend got up in the middle of the pub and started jamming to the music!IMG_4228

  Lola was so funny at lunch…. she mad fun of daddy for wearing glasses yet she was currently “pants less” for pooping through her pants… I told her at minimum her timing was poor :)IMG_4277

Her sweet daddy spent half his lunch break drying her pants in the bathroom with the hand dryer!

After Lou went back to the conference we got on our bus to take the full Dublin tour…. out first “hop off” was The Dead Museum… yes for real!


It was actually really cool and who knew it would be so…. pretty. 20151006_104146 20151006_104225

Lola loved all the animals and she literally had to pull B around to each animal like she was the teacher to show him everything. I swear she rarely even looked at anything because she was only in  a race to see each thing FIRST so she could then show him!      20151006_104617This was her face when she saw him coming down the stairs!  20151006_105824

Lola and Poppy leaving the museum!20151006_110109  Next stop was the Dublin Castle….. as we arrived the driver says “if your looking for a castle it’s not “actually a castle”… thanks for the heads up!20151006_11320920151006_113309We still thought it was beautiful!  20151006_113405  We played tourist and found our  favorite spot…. near the famous Temple Bar their was a bunch of cute restaurants and shops… We spotted a MEXICAN one and the next day we told Lou…. you will know where to find us for lunch!20151005_11231220151007_080141

I found cheese Dip and it was SO amazing!! 20151007_080740 20151007_080906 20151007_083313

We did the Temple Bar pic- Check the box!

20151005_09103620151005_112429 20151005_112501


B even got a beer that was in a glass called “Franciscan Well”! Did they know we were coming or what!?20151007_113746   I took about 15 pictures trying to get the name to be clear but it was jus not working for me…. you get the point!20151007_113844

That night  Lola was super tired and so was Poppy so we decided to go out” baby free” (more of that to come) and take Lola to her own dinner before putting her to bed with Gigi in charge!

IMG_4272This NEVER happens (unless we travel- i think is safe to say now) so i take a million pictures when it happens!  IMG_4273  We decided to take her for a quick dinner and put her to bed before we left her with Gigi and she was SO excited about her “special” meal!

Only the best of parents get excited about FAST FOOD and CHICKEN NUGGETS when traveling internationally with kids right!?!?!?

20151007_135839Hallelujah for Burger Kings and McDonalds!     20151007_142523Belly full of nuggets and she is a happy girl!20151007_142520


More to come (From our big baby less night- say what!?)