Friday, October 2, 2015

Lou Travels…

….And our first week on our own since the girl has been born!

Packing with Lola is a real FUN thing… let me tell ya, she doesn’t get into anything at all!



We spent our last few days with Daddy being completely overbearing (nothing new there) and enjoying some lunch dates with just  the 3 of us!IMG_3703Daddy’s girl!  IMG_3711 IMG_3716 IMG_3725    Daddy Dates here we come!

IMG_3747IMG_3732 IMG_3733 IMG_3734

#Hovering #Hellicoptering IMG_3735Since when does MY little girl play with all these BIG kids?  IMG_3739 A wittle penguin.   IMG_3743 IMG_3744 IMG_3745  How sweet is my cat ear wearing sister…IMG_3750IMG_3753 IMG_3755

Our last day with Daddy Lou we talkie him into coming home at lunch and taking us tol unch because you have to have your Mexican fix before leaving the country!

IMG_3771 IMG_3772   I know Lola, we’re all sad…IMG_3783   Lola is getting so much better at this whole selfie thing!IMG_3787 IMG_3788

We may have spent our Friday night in Wal-mart doing some last minute packing! IMG_3789

That night I kept trying to talk Lou into putting Lola down so we could  start packing his bag….

She was up for HOURS!IMG_3792

He just couldn’t tell her good night!IMG_3761 SO I left them to themselves and started packing the essentials without him… SNACKS! IMG_3793

Saturday came (sadly) and it was go time for this Daddy Lou! IMG_3804 IMG_3805 Bye bye waves and kisses for daddy! IMG_3808

IMG_3823IMG_3811Milly cried more than Lola….   IMG_3816IMG_3807Bye Lou!  IMG_3821 IMG_3824

Then this happened as we got back on the road…. Oh Lola.

Me too Lo, me too.IMG_3825 IMG_3826

We headed south for our first road trip to Gigi and Poppys with out Daddy Lou and i think he was more nervous about us driving down there than he was about any of the other traveling we would be doing! IMG_3830

He also hated that he wouldn’t be available when we arrived to mamas to get the “OK” that we made it but never the less…. WE MADE IT!

Just i time for dinner!


We woke up to this and many more beautiful pics from Daddy Lou!

He made it! IMG_3838 IMG_3839

Sunday we were lazy and fed the fish and rode golfcarts- it was perfect!IMG_3854 IMG_3855 IMG_3861 IMG_3863


IMG_3797 I think we have a second calling…IMG_3864 IMG_3865 IMG_3871

Sunday night we got to hear all about Daddy Lou’s first full day in Belgium! IMG_3875He seriously loves it there!  He says it is so clean and beautiful!  His only downfall is missing his girls!IMG_3828 (2)

He says he handles it better to know we are staying busy and having fun while he is away and there is no shortage of that!

I think Lola only took one REAL nap the entire time we were home… in Taytays bed of course!


Besides that we stayed pretty busy!! IMG_3979  Doing a lot of going…IMG_3904

IMG_3898IMG_3814 (2)IMG_3833 (2)  We even headed down to Savannah for some shopping and River street sweets (literally) and to meet up with Tay after work!IMG_3909Shopping with Lola is seriously a 3 person Olympic event these days… and even with the three of us (Mom, billy and I) we could barely keep up with her!IMG_3914 IMG_3916 IMG_3917Lola LOVED river street! She hasn’t been since she was just a few weeks old and she loved seeing the BIG boats!    IMG_3925

We thought the mall was “fun” until we tried chasing her (lierally) around the cobblestone alleys lined with…. WATER…. deep water. 


Especially when she refuses to be touched…. Not that was FUN. 

IMG_3955IMG_3940IMG_3942 IMG_3943 IMG_3948IMG_3853 (2)IMG_3849 We took Lola on the water taxi boat ride  and she LOVED it! She pointed to…well anything the entire time! IMG_3959 IMG_3966 IMG_3967 IMG_3968  That pose is something else…. IMG_3842IMG_3866 IMG_3870 IMG_3872 IMG_3875 (2) IMG_3877 (2) IMG_3883 (2) IMG_3886 (2) IMG_3888 (2) It’s a shame the girl has no personality… IMG_3891 (2)

It was quite the success! IMG_3984

Lola ended the night on a “high” note literally! She had her first praline… and loved it!


So home bound we were to put this girl (with a ten minute nap all day) to bed and get Gigi packed up so Lola and I could make our way home to pack our own bags!


We are one step closer to meeting  up with our Daddy Lou!!