Thursday, October 22, 2015

Ireland Part 2: Howth

Although we had just arrived it was Alex’s only full day off until the end of the week and we knew we wanted to visit Howth, a fishing village about 30 minutes away by train from Dublin.

20151004_095846Renee told me it was SUPER cute  so we decided we better go ahead and check it off our list before his conference starts!20151004_08312020151004_083103Lola preferred to be carried pretty much 90% of the time she didn’t walk herself…. strollers are not her thing… they are for sleeping according to Lola (and who needs sleep)..  20151004_083754

We made it to the train station and we are ready for Howth- I love Lolas mean mugging face! 20151004_085832

Of all the Zoo’s and all the aquariums… this girl prefers subway pigeons any day!

Naturally i was that mom who let her feed the pigeons Cheetohs to entertain her!20151004_090107_1 20151004_090708

We got there and I was instantly IN LOVE. What can I say my Neyney knows me ;)

Fortunately we were there the day of the market yet unfortunately that meant you pretty much had to have reservations to eat anywhere!

So we ventured around a bit until we found somewhere and it was AMAZING!   20151004_095514

I loved the colors, the boats, the chili weather, the historic part of it, an when we finally sat down to at I discovered I also loved the FOOD!20151004_10003420151004_09524120151004_100136 20151004_100320

Lunch time!

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We had THE BEST lunch and ventured next door to the market afterwards and it was adorable but SO cold…. they had food vendors, gift stores, bread and fallafels and super cute jewelry!20151004_114518

Lola was so good about keeping her hood on and I was kicking myself for not bringing her new hat her daddy got her!  20151004_11452520151004_114817

20151004_114803This girl had Justin Bieber playing at her stand so Lola jut went up to her and started dancing… the girl was so sweet and joined her in a dance off! 20151004_114824 20151004_115337   Espresso time for daddy!20151004_115358 20151004_115516Boss lady says time to move on! We wanted to head to the “Summit” while there to get the good views!    20151004_120358

I stepped 5 feet out of the taxi and saw this…. now you know why one day in Howth got an entire blog dedication to itself….20151004_122415 20151004_122435

Our HAPPY faces…20151004_12280020151004_122454

It was FREEZING! 20151004_122554SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL!  

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I took a couple of them and then they were over it and just started playing…. that’s when the real magic happened! 20151004_123821 20151004_12383120151004_123957

Notice she never let go of the flowers Poppy picked for her! 20151004_124027 20151004_124041Love. 20151004_123857 20151004_123924 20151004_123927 20151004_123950

I could not love these any MORE! 20151004_124200 20151004_124202 20151004_124218 20151004_124259 20151004_124312 20151004_124323

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Lou did a little venturing on his own after seeing these signs… they are pretty much invitations for him… 20151004_12573820151004_190114(0)  

Lola literally fell asleep after her “photo shoot”on me!! I couldn’t believe it! She even stayed asleep on me during the cab ride and then transitioning in her stroller!  20151004_130054 20151004_130057

We made it back down and since Lola was sleeping sound and warm in her stroller we ventured to  see if we could find any seals we were told they come up with the ships looking for scraps)20151004_131221 20151004_131232 20151004_131350

Ships but no seals  :( 20151004_131436

IMG_4195 We didn’t really have a back up plan for them not coming so we are super glad we pretty much have a family that says YES to every vacation i dream up with the stipulation on it stating “but were bringing Lola so we need your help, want me to book the ticket for you”!20151004_131648

And if you ever think we’re not brining her we usually just laugh…

20151004_132148So lots of clapping emoji’s for these two and Uncle B of course!20151004_131745 20151004_131832 20151004_131949  Lola woke up just in time for the train ride back… and snacks of course! 20151004_144143 We re grouped before dinner and then mustered up our last bit of strength to walk to the closest diner for fish and chips…. an Ireland favorite!


Finally it was time to CRASH! IMG_4193

What an AMAZING day! IMG_4194