Thursday, August 4, 2016

Down Time, If You Can Call It That

In hopes of catching up here’s a LOT of snaps, pictures and oh you know just my TOP absolute favorites of July with this sweet sister… Our last month before we have to say she is officially 2 and a HALF!IMG_8203





A lunch date with Daddy at one of his favorite parks past week was a must for mama and daddy doing was too many fly bye’s in the driveway lately!

Naturally sister decided to wear her swimsuit backwards as a cape- just in case!IMG_7635IMG_7638

Lola LOVES Poppy and Mr. Henry’s shirts- they always seem to have a fish or alligator on them… so Mr. Henry ordered her very own official “fishing shirt” and what perfect timing- he brought it over her very first day of going Peepee in the potty!IMG_7645IMG_7649

Mexican and a square date has been our Go TO when we’re home together lately!



Proud sister!IMG_7675IMG_7685IMG_7691IMG_7700IMG_7702


If you knew my husband at 13, you know that this very moment is one of his HAPPIEST and PROUDEST yet.IMG_7734

He LOVES this “weirdness” about this child! She definitely get’s it from her daddy!IMG_7736

This pole dancing session on the other hand.


Another with our girl in Daddy’s favorite color on her… purple!

Nothing goes better than sweat and ice cream right!


She has a new thing about the grass at the square… she MUST take her shoes off just to touch it!IMG_8261IMG_8265IMG_8270IMG_8276IMG_8339IMG_8341IMG_8355IMG_8357IMG_8374IMG_8375IMG_8382IMG_8383

We tried a restaurant we had not been to in a while the other night and Lou and I quickly realized we needed stronger drinks…. The table comes with a tablet for “service” but also has games… with the cick of one button sister bought “unlimited access” to games for the whole night.


In other news not related to food. lol

This girlfriend also had a few firsts’ this past week!



The next day was Sister’s second first of the week!

I had decided to actually bring her with me to get a pedicure instead of waiting for Lou to get home from work to watch her… I had tried at the beginning of the summer to get her to do one with me but she was NOT having it…IMG_8180

So I packed a ton of “entertainment” supplies and snacks and as soon as we got there she said “Mommy I get my nails painted to show daddy!”


I didn’t pressure her at all I just agreed with her and by God it worked! She picked out her color “blue” (she insisted on blue and then actually walked up to the first blue she saw and declared that was THE blue!)


Please ignore this mama’s feet! She sat in the same chair as me so it was hard to get a good angle!


Side note: since then this girl has insisted on painting everyone's nails! She even sat me down in Homegoods because two chairs were facing each other and told me it was time to get my nails done!IMG_8223

Such a girly girl this one, I love that The Sister can shop like mommy….



IMG_7870IMG_7875But doesn’t miss a beat with Daddy!IMG_7751

He actually said later that day “this little girl won’t have any “daddy issues” I make sure of that”. I have never seen him more proud of a relationship!


They are two pea’s in a pod ad I just LOVE the pictures I get from him on their date nights together (AKA when Mommy goes to work)!IMG_7754

Speaking of my work, daddy was running late for our trade off one evening so I woke sister up and informed her she was going to work with me! She was SO excited!!

She got to see all of her favorites! A doctor, “patients”, the fish tank and the choo choo trains! It made her day!


There you have it!

All the in between times of life with Lola lately!