Monday, August 1, 2016

Another Fab Fourth!

We were so excited to have Daddy Lou back home and rested before kicking the 4th weekend off this year!

We headed to the lake instead of the coast this year because of all the new babies that were recently added to our crew! We’re confident they can be whipped into shape by next  year! Winking smile

IMG_7457It’s crazy to look back and think Lola had her very first fourth trip at just 4 months old!


Taytay came up to Atlanta and drove down with Lola and I so we could skip the 4th traffic that Daddy Lou was in… or so we thought!

Our time doubled but we still managed to make it before dark thankfully!


Lola was (as always) greeted with goody bags on goody bags and Aunt Taytay even convinced “Miss Vince” that this is the only way to greet her. So now the child gets presents from all angles just by showing up.

I want to know where the hell my presents are just for showing up somewhere!?IMG_7160

When I tell Lola “We’re going to Poppy’s lake house!” now she immediately asks’ “Mama can shuby come?” lol

I told her “I’m not sure baby” so she informed me “you have to call her mama”.

How, how, how did this baby get so smart (and sweet)!?IMG_7191

Yes baby, Shuby can come!


We started off our first full day with a “splash” if you will! We have “claimed” a few different beaches around the Lake now and one in articular has a rope swing (hanging off a broken limb” perfect we thought! Lol

IMG_7173Daddy thankfully didn’t tart our visit off with a visit to the hospital!IMG_7174IMG_7176IMG_7178IMG_7179IMG_7180IMG_7181IMG_7185

We had the best day with gorgeous weather, floating swimming and eating and drinking WAY too much!IMG_7197

That evening we went out and found a FIREWORKS store and the girls picked out their own fireworks and daddy was like a kid in a candy store!IMG_7244

No really I took about IMG_7207IMG_7210

Sister was ready to shop with her game face on!IMG_7217IMG_7225IMG_7221IMG_7231

Let’s just say they stocked up!IMG_7249IMG_7245

We ready.IMG_7250

Sunday these sweet girls woke u bright and early to get the Fourth celebrations started!

The Fourth was technically Monday but Sunday was the big celebration day since we would all be driving home Monday!


So let’s get this party started right Lo!IMG_7257IMG_7263

Mama’s heaven right here- our new favorite Pinterest dip and wheat thins.


Love this crew!IMG_7270IMG_7273

How American is this- a mama and her mutt.

Sweet Mill. IMG_7286IMG_7294IMG_7300

Peek a boo on the ride back with Poppy and then an amazing set up of 4th goodies for dinner before fireworks!!IMG_7306IMG_7314IMG_7316IMG_7332

One of my favorite pictures of these two!  A little cupcake sugar high before fireworks!IMG_7350IMG_7361IMG_7365IMG_7374

Shuby’s first time doing fireworks! She got to help Lou do the ladybugs we bought the previous night and was SO excited! IMG_7413IMG_7383IMG_7393IMG_7395IMG_7399

I can’t help myself, I love the smile so big your eyes close smile lol This is the reason your mommy has learned to always wear sunglasses Lola… IMG_7516IMG_7414We did ours a bit early so we oud go out on the lake in time to watch the BIG ones!IMG_7556IMG_7407

IMG_7557Then we did a few lanterns “Miss Vince” brought and the girls actually loved those as much or more than the fireworks!

We will definitely be getting those for next year!IMG_7409IMG_7410

Our last day was a short one but a good one filled with water balloons, swimming and some good old red, white and blue!!


Love this one of her!IMG_7434IMG_7436IMG_7439IMG_7441IMG_7442IMG_7444IMG_7445IMG_7446IMG_7451IMG_7452

Milly has come so far, she even let’s Sissy lay on her now!IMG_7453IMG_7455

Our first night there Dana and I went shopping for some pretty trashy ensembles…. “Let’s get weird” was definitely one of the highlights of that shopping trip!IMG_7466

These sweet girls were dreading leaving each other!IMG_7470IMG_7478IMG_7481IMG_7487IMG_7497IMG_7499IMG_7503IMG_7506IMG_7509

It was the best day and thankfully we had the BEST weather the entire weekend!! You now it’s a good sign when it ends with Sissy falling asleep on you… oh I have so many loves for the lake but this one is probably my most favorite!


We finally decided to face the music and head home but not before wearing one last CUTE 4th outfit (even if it was just for the ride home)!


Alex and I are constantly mentioning how thankful we are that this little girl get’s to grow up creating such  special memories at “Poppy’s Lake House”… She ask’s me to take her on almost a daily basis and I think she believes Gigi and Poppy live there!


Hey at lest I got it done before August… Ok so technically it’s after midnight making this post August 1st but really who counts that?

Here’s to either getting caught up or spending all the time I would be catching up enjoying these last few weeks of Summer!

Either way is a win I would say!