Friday, August 12, 2016

Baby J is ONE and Poppy is… Old

We had some SWEET birthday celebrations lately!

Baby Jadyn turned ONE and Poppy had his 39th anniversary of turning 30!


We got there and a certain little mama (and her wonderful helpers Aunt Krista and Gami) had worked their magic!

Everything was ADORABLE!!


I have the BIGGEST GREEN EYE’S of mama’s who get to have Summer birthday parties! Coming from a mama who herself was born in December let me just say… it’s deep rooted.

Anyway, I tried to snap a few pics of the girls BIG day but naturally Lola thought I needed her to be in them all… I know it’s a first Lola but today is actually not all about you my dear.DSC06739

Can I also just say HOW excited we were to be going to a one year old birthday that wasn’t out own. That we didn’t host/stay up all night prepping for/ have to have all the emotions for….


(Sorry Kayla- lol your turn)DSC06747DSC06748

Happy FIRST birthday baby Jadyn!!! We love you more than you will ever know and we are SO happy that you are here! Thank the good Lord for your selflessness, easy going personality and “sense of humor”!DSC06775

You were the BEST early surprise and we can’t wait to see you and Lola (continue to) grow up together!


She was SO excited that day to meet her best friend and how exciting is that they mutual SQUEAL each time they see each other now!IMG_9452

Back to the party!


Sister could not get in the water fast enough!DSC06756

IMG_7776Can I just say Lola and Jadyn are like the cool kids that have to have their own party inside of the party… we’re so rude! DSC06759DSC06760DSC06761DSC06763


As if it wasn’t obvious enough aready then these two go and have a little photo shoot together… DSC06783

They are the best of friends… but bless their mama’s for EVER trying to get a picture together!DSC06784

Did I mention it was a maternity photo shoot?DSC06788DSC06789

DSC06791Lol I died at these and poor Lola still thinks she can hold her baby Jadyn!IMG_7777IMG_7778

The picture below is one of those that I glanced at while browsing through them all on my camera on the way home and instantly it stuck out to me… it reminded me of the first picture these two took after Jadyn was born.IMG_7780

Which pretty much sums up their relationship… Lola is always SO excited to see her Aunt Kayla and jumps right into her lap… Aunt Kayla is about as bad as having another Grama…. the child can do NO wrong in her eyes and has NEVER been told no!IMG_9444

I remembered thinking “NOOOO  Lola! Do not touch Aunt Kayla anywhere (Lord knows the pain she was in) but Kayla never skipped a beat… she pulled her right into her lap, hugged and kissed her and even asked all about her day.

Yes, the lady who just had a baby.

Thank you for always sharing your mommy baby Jadyn and for always allowing your special days (even your debut) to be  sprinkled with a little bit (ok a lot) of Lola Smile


I should have mentioned baby Jadyn’s “Gampa” earlier as one of her amazing helpers too… he seriously is the BEST cook ever and knows how to work a grill! Those kabobs… Omg.

Oh and all the mermaid details were Pinterest overload of cuteness!DSC06807DSC06809DSC06813

Cake time!!DSC06822DSC06827

This girl is READY!DSC06828

Finally time for Cake huh, baby J!

Lola is never interested in ANY food unless Jadyn is and then she has to share… I’m telling you this child can’t have anything to herself with Lola around (we’re sorry baby J)…


How many towels does it take to clean this chick up?DSC06891DSC06893


Present’s time for this sweet girl- guess who was ALL UP in the business… she personally tested out each present.DSC06906

Your welcome Baby J!


Like every good party these girls ended up trashing the place and then getting naked before calling it a night…


The next day we celebrated Poppy’s birthday!IMG_7797

We had a sprinkled, celebratory breakfast and then headed to Cabella’s to get Poppy a fancy cooler for his new boat!

(sister brought along her worm- because ya never know)


Thankfully everyone kept their clothes on for that one Winking smileIMG_7815IMG_7867

We had the MOST amazing (as always) lunch at Henry’s!! We hadn’t been since Alex’s birthday in January and it brought back ALL the spicy goodness!!

Poor Daddy Lou was so sad he missed out lunch treat!


Sister napped and then put on her finest outfit (from Jammy) for Poppy’s official party! IMG_7823

You do know when we say party this just means an excuse for another meal right?

Yes, our bellies were still filled to the brim with henrys but we selflessly sacrificed it all to squeeze in one last home run meal for Poppy’s official party- yes, you are put to work on your brithday at my house.

Sorry, not sorry.IMG_7822

…and know you know why we make him do it: Success!IMG_7824

Baby Jadyn stayed up extra late to attend Poppy’s party!

I just couldn’t pick a favorite of these two, they love to yell and boss each other around like two little old ladies!


Lola was so proud of her princess party dress… I do this like 90% of the time, where I tell her to put something on and then instantly make her take it off because it’s just TOO cute and she just save it for a special occasion! Well that’s exactly what happened with this dress about two weeks ago- so we had deemed it necessary to wear for Poppy’s birthday and here it is!

This is her “Ta-daaaah” face!IMG_7849

IMG_7862Watching baby Jadyn on the monitor (asleep in Lola’s bed lol) and blowing out Poppy’s candles… who run the world?



Oh yeah and about an hour into that fancy little party dress sister is eating Oreo’s and ice cream.

Someone hold me.IMG_7854IMG_7856

Naturally Sister had to be the last one up with Poppy… two peas in a pod. They were picking out their favorite pictures and Lola made sure to let him know she was keeping the picture of her and her boyfriend Kai for her bedroom!IMG_7860

Ok So I lied… Sister did end up naked at the end of it…. Go figure.IMG_7861