Saturday, March 26, 2016

Fresh Air, Does A Lola Good!

We’re a little behind and it seems like last week was ages ago because so much has happened since then BUT the best thing that has happened is my little nugget feeling BETTER!

(Thank you baby J, it worked!)IMG_1722

I knew it was coming last weekend and when Monday came it was official… baby girl had a yucky cold!IMG_1719

I followed in my mama’s footsteps with the popsicle cure all and it worked!

WE headed out to get them in our pj’s and slippers- spoiler alert- Lola looked WAY cuter than mama in her pj’s and slippers!


Bess her heart, she couldn’t breathe out of her nose so she had to keep coming up for air!


Daddy came home early mostly everyday last week and Lola loved being outside with him since we were contained to the house- it sufficed as her outing!IMG_1695IMG_1696IMG_1702IMG_1705


By Thursday I decided we should venture out into the real world. We even put on real clothes to shop and re-stock on popsicles (because we already downed two boxes)!IMG_1709IMG_1710


This is also when sweet girl became ADDICTED to picking flower!!IMG_1711IMG_1713IMG_1715IMG_1716IMG_1717

Out test venture was a success so we spent Friday enjoying the sun, warm weather and park with a picnic and some baby J time! Lola LOVES packing a lunch box- she usually can’t wait until we get to where we’re going to open it so I have to hide it!


Gigi sent her a “get well soon” package with the coolest FROZEN microphone that we opened on the way out the door (literally) and she LOVED it!IMG_1741IMG_1742

Isn’t this the coolest mommy and me slide! Jadyn loved it!IMG_1746

I love their love!IMG_1747

IMG_1777Lola gets SO excited about the “idea” of a picnics but takes maybe one bite of each thing…. I always call her Neyney because she always wants a sampler of each thing but then gets full and can’t finish anything!IMG_1753IMG_1754IMG_1757

We went on a little walk after lunch and quickly learned we are NOT those moms that can just fit in a little work out walk while pushing the girls in the stroller….

Lola lasts about 5 seconds before BEGGING to get out and explore something…. and Jadyn, well… she is perfect doing pretty much anything!

Sooooo, It’s safe to say Lola is the reason Kayla and I will both be in one pieces this year! LOLIMG_1762IMG_1764IMG_1770

The beautiful weather snuck up on us and don’t get me wrong, we love it, we just haven’t been entirely prepared!


We found one pair of shorts that still fit from last year and ran out to do some spring shopping!


Unfortunately poor Lo sat in a puddle before we even left the house so we pants shopped, pants-less.IMG_1790

Poor Lo, it was quite the day and I SWEAR she ONLY falls when she wears shorts- what is that! My poor baby!IMG_1791

On a good note, Lola FAVORITE time of year is here- it stays lighter longer and has warmed up enough for her favorite playground- the square!


Let me tell ya, we do Fridays pretty crazy around here… Lola needed new Frozen band-aids because well…

So it was a dinner date complete with CVS run. Crazy I told ya!

She typically needs anything labeled with a frozen character..


Saturday was a fun double date night (with our third wheel of course)! IMG_1856 Date nights with Lola ALWAYS include digging through my jewelry drawer!

I told her we were going to meet Aunt Cara to see her new SHINY ring (Yay she’s engaged!) so Lola equated that to- we gotta stop it up a notch!


I seriously thin Lola thinks it’s completely normal to receive presents o a daily basis…. we left with out hands full with presents from Aunt Cara- inclusive of new nail polish!

Ask Lola if she cared that we got home after 9m…. Child still needed her nails done.IMG_1857IMG_1859IMG_1861Sunday was all about Fun! For Lola and I at least! Daddy does not equate shopping to fun but a day with his girls is always considered fun so there ya have it!



Lola woke up from her nap that evening and daddy started to get what I always call the “Sunday night blues”… so I raced to pack up a picnic dinner while they played in the yard, found frogs, threw the Frisbee to one of Lou’s friends pups and we were off!IMG_1900IMG_1908

One last time before the weekends over!IMG_1914IMG_1922IMG_1927Collected our coins from the train and then got to see it pass by!IMG_1934IMG_1936IMG_1942IMG_1955

We hated that it ended but it’s the week we officially claimed- spring is here and all that  entails!IMG_1967

Is Easter really in TWO days!?!

Dear Lord, I need to get my act together!