Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The good stuff*

I’m so torn, on one hand Monday came so soon and the weekend flew by so fast but on the other hand I feel like we got so much done in one weekend… probably because it started early at 2:00 on Friday and after hitting 75 on my way home looked like this…


Perfect timing!!

That’s mom and dad arriving at the exact same time as me! Alex and I had planned to make a last minute trip home this weekend since daddy hadn’t been feeling well but had a change of plans when daddy decided he felt good enough to make the trip up and needed to get out the house!

That night we made a special trip to Norcross to mom and I’s favorite free refill margarita joint!! The boys just don’t understand the principle behind it.. Alex kept insisting to just buy us a pitcher at a closer Mexican joint but we were not hearing that!

Free Refills here we come!


Later that night we celebrated Liz’s birthday at Cypress and these girls were anything but suttle, adorable yes but suttle, not so much!

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Happy Birthday Liz!

DSCN0221   Saturday Morning we went to daddy’s favorite; the State Farmers Market!!

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2012-01-289515.06.12We look so happy here right!?!? Would you have ever guessed we were actually in the middle of a head butting contest forcing ourselves to smile at the same time :) DSC02834 DSC02839 DSC02852  Alex started reminiscing on the guacamole dip he ate daily with his co-workers in Mexico and looked up the ingredients on how to make it while we were there!

It was amazing!

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We all got pretty wound up on the ride home thinking up all the different yummy things we could whip up in the kitchen for dinner that night!

So we invited Andy, Rachel, Luther and Chelsea over to divulge in our goodies and to prove to Tuckers grandparents that he really had made a new friend!



Anyway, Alex’s Guacamole was the hit of the night and I went with in the extreme opposite direction with a Pinterest recipe I have been dying to try…

DSC02907Ok so I won the most unhealthy option of the night!   


Both were a hit and more importantly I got to use my new Valentine spread with dinner!


More with the Valentine decorations to come :)

I absolutely LOVE them!  DSC02923 DSC02926

We got our bellies full and managed to make plop ourselves down and enjoy an amazingly unproductive night… making friends of course!DSC02931 DSC02932


DSC02956Sunday we hit the floor running and traveled up to Lawrenceville to take daddy and Alex to Bass Pro Shop and of course for mom and I to do a little shopping for ourselves!


Mom helped me pick out some cute baby outfits for Ambers second peanut that will be here before we know it and also for my recent graduates little peanut that should arrive around the same time!!

Can I just say, baby girl shopping is SO MUCH FUN, everything is by outfit and cute and tiny!

Before we both got carried away into baby world we raced back to let mom see Rachel’s wedding dress that finally CAME IN!

No sneak peaks of that allowed, BUT…

I happened to find a bridesmaid dress that I liked and jumped at the chance to try it on….which instantly led to ALL of us FALLING IN LOVE with it!!!

Here’s a sneak peak:


Lace, dainty little buttons… EEEK!  DSCN0237

  Mean while the boys were back home working on Pinterest project # 2 of the weekend…


A bookshelf for Alex’s never ending pile up of Text book sized books on our night stand (drives me crazy)!

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I have never been so excited for something that’s “for him” but in reality so much more for me!

Monday hit hard and cruel, Tucker and Milly as usual gave mom and dad such a hard time when they tried leaving…. so much that those puppy eyes talked them into staying long enough for mom and dad to drive to Marietta just in time to see me for my late lunch!

Hello Marietta Pizza!

2012-01-30_14-31-43_937Best news of the week, daddy returned feeling much and his doctors are much less worried about him at this point!! 


Here I thought just getting him out the house was good news!

I think it was all a big case of missing his grandpups myself!?!?!


Can ya blame him?