Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Happy Weekend and Sad Goodbye

What a weekend we had before our VERY, Very, Very dreaded airport kiss, squeeze and bear hug goodbye to each other….

We ate out for every meal, drank with just about every meal and had very long moments of pausing followed by “I’m REALLY going to miss you.” quite often…

Needless to say, I decided to give my best shot at denial for the weekend and especially the morning that he left…. The weekend part wasn’t too terribly hard seeing as we kept ourselves very busy with friends and fun activities!

Friday Alex was “able” to leave work the earliest he has left all summer… (about 5:30) so that we could enjoy some amazing BRAVES tickets Andy got for us!


Thanks Andy!!!

He also provided free parking and amazing snacks (bbq cheddar cheetos to be exact, which are my new favorite!)DSC09980

Snacks, boos’ and shade, what more can a girl want!!

Well, app-AREN-tly to go INTO the game bc Rachel was pretty persistent with that request…. can we say selfish?!? Haha just kidding!

Honestly though who knew she would be the only one who cared to actually go into the game and sit in our amazing seats (directly behind the dug out)! So we finally gave into her request during the 7th inning and entered the stadium!


Perfect night topped with amazing fireworks after the game!


Oh yes, I should probably mention that the BRAVES WON… Thanks to my boyfriend Ugla hitting a home run!!

Saturday we had breakfast at the Landmark Dinner which we have passed about a million times since moving to out house now and I have always wanted to go but never have…


As you can see I also got away with a million more “Lou smile” due to it being my wonderful phrase I came up with of “But Lou it will be the most recent picture I will have of you to look at when I miss you”  which I through out every chance I got!



Anyway After breakfast we joined Kayla and Lance at the pool!

alex pool

See, my phrase worked again!

Kayla and I have a slight handicap when it comes to laying out- pools instantly make us hungry and Mexican is always what calls our name! A sudden storm and Andy calling to say get your ass to El Amigo for Mexican helped too!


Yay for Andrew being in town and officially in love with us to the point that he is wanting to move here now!!!



Side note- poor Lance, almost immediately after I took this picture the waiter came with my CHEESE BURRITO and spilled cheese sauce all over the back of his neck!

Only Lance, Poor Lance!


Andrew as always, finds the funniest videos on Youtube!! I don’t know how he does it but Alex cracked up all weekend bc of this video!! Click below to watch!

It’s pretty hilarious!!

After Mexican we decided to move the party to Andy and Rachels house but not before hitting up Kroger for Moscato and Cookie Dough!


Please ignore Rachels ghetto front porch tarp from oiling a chair  (welcome to the neighborhood neighbors, i know she is bad!) also please ignore the fact that we remained in our bathing suits the whole night!


Besides the Moscato and cookie dough we somehow managed to pick up British accents for the night to go with our miniature wine glasses (it made us feel important because we needed a refill after each sip therefore had to ring the door bell every 3 minutes and have Alex wait on us)!


It was pretty amazing… until the boys became interested in Corn Hole and Lou brought us the bottle to serve ourselves!



(BTW) RIP little glass…… Lance will soon go to Peru and replace you I hope because you sure were fun!!


The mess from that was soon cleaned up and Corn Hole was continued!! DSC00081

The next morning was rough.. very rough…. actually the whole day was! But we had plans to tube down the river and I just knew I would be better any minute….


Unfortunately I wasn’t…… and to top it off I got a call that morning that a realtor wanted to come show our house….. shoot me!!

My response: “Sure I will have it all cleaned for you and will have the dogs out in an hour- of course!”

My Response to myself after hanging up: “Why me?”


So Milly and Tuck went to visit Chelsea and KC and mama and daddy went tubing!

tubing        Rachel quit working so hard, your even sweating and making Kayla and I look lazy!rachel float

Thank you :)

We had a few minor first timer mishaps:


This would be Alex getting in the car with a stranger….. yup we hitch hiked.

I must credit us for thinking to leave one car at the top of the river and one car at the bottom but it didn’t help that both sets of car keys were at the top of the river…..


That night was pretty rough, Lou still had to pack and I was so exhausted I could barely help him at all, I was literally immobile!

Mom says it was probably me being stressed so my body shut down physically- I think I agree!

I don’t know how Lou held it together but he did, he had a big talk with Tucker and Tucker has taken their talk very seriously!


We thought TJ was over protective of me before…. well he has been ON DUTY since Lou left….. literally follows me everywhere and everyone is a bad man!


Milly needed no lecture, similar to me she only needed a pep talk and kisses!


I was able to take work off Monday and although he had to be at work bright and Early at 7am Monday his flight didn’t leave until 4:45! So we were able to eat lunch together at the airport and I finally said goodbye to him about 3:00…..


I honestly didn’t know I owned a pair of “Big Girl Panties” that were big enough to handle this situation but I did it and now the count down begins!!!!!

We decided at the airport we will only think of it a moment at a time, for example: phone call to email to phone call to skype and certainly no more than one day at a time, similar to an addict on crack :)

Thinking of it as 2 or 3 weeks is just way too unsettling for my stomach right now!

Speaking of which:

mexico food

Alex said they have free breakfast, lunch and dinner at the facility they are working at but will “only have to be there for lunch”….

I wondered why he said “only” until I got this picture of his lunch, ew! He said this is what they feed their workers and that you can request different meals but he wanted to see what the locals eat and that’s what he got!

He said they feed this to the 4,500 workers at the facility 3 meals a day! Its some type of chicken, rice and lettuce (apparently)!

He does say that he feels safe there and sent me this beautiful picture of the pool!

mexico pool

Why does something so good have the capability of hurting you so much?!?! Now I guess I know what people mean when they say they are afraid of love… it can hurt….a lot! No worries though, I have not taken my big girl panties off yet and it has been 3 days!! Mostly because I feel like Lou may crumble it if I do…. because if it was only me I would have tumbled down long ago!

We have never been apart like this before and the unknown is such a scary place to be…

Thank goodness for mom being here and babysitting me (and Tucker and Milly)! She is the best distraction, entertainment and Lou replacer in the world!!

DSC00146She always knows how to add a little sunshine to my day!!

( To Lou: I hope you enjoyed all the pics from this weekend Lou, I will have more of Tucker and Milly up soon! Stay busy over there and don’t worry about us!!! The easy part was falling in love with you…. now THIS is the hard part!)