Saturday, August 20, 2011


I’m wishing I never got the phone call on Wednesday night telling me things aren’t going good in Mexico and he will be staying at least another week…

I’m wishing last night I could have picked my Lou up from the airport with the biggest smile of my life slapped all over my face and ran past everyone into his arms like they do in the movies!!

I’m wishing I could stop thinking of what I would rather be doing on our 12 year anniversary instead of spending it alone and countries apart..

I’m wishing I woke up this morning cuddled up to the love of my life next to me in bed with Tucker and Milly  in their usual “spots”.

I’m wishing we could have eaten breakfast at noon together and tried out one  of the many meals he has been missing in the last3 weeks that he has been gone….

I’m wishing his brother wasn’t so sick while he is helpless and so far away only left to worry about things….

I’m wishing most of all that he really will come back this Friday like he says….

Yup, yesterday was the day I have looked forward to and planned on for the last 3 weeks….

Unfortunately Friday came and went… not as I expected, pictured or how I dreamed about it happening since the day he left…. Wednesday (while having the best itme out with girlfriends picking out what and where to put balloons when he gets home) I got a phone call and found out it would be another week of him over there in that God awful place……

My world came crashing down… a little dramatic for most I understand but Lou and I are….. just different.

I have not been able to actually write that out until today and Lou told me i must continue to blog through the hard times so there you have it….

Thank goodness for the best girlfriends and mama in the world getting me through the roughest time in my life!


You too Milly, I know your life isn’t all daisy’s taking care of me and your brother!

Last weekend Renee and Kayla took over  the role of my entertainer (to give mom a break) and we spent the weekend in Hilton Head soaking up some sun!

ney hh   Oh how I miss my Ney, the only girl in the world I could stay up til 5 am with after ONLY 1 bottle of wine which was killed at about 2 am….. Yes that is what I call true friendship!2011-08-13_19-25-29_839

Saturday Kayla joined us for some sun and a beautiful dinner over the water at Boat House! One of my favorite places to eat at Hilton Head….

hh kayla

Renee has now met her match, for the first time she was scared me and her would not be the LOUDEST people in the place but rather Kayla and I (especially after downing about 3 Pina Coladas each home made by yours truly)… yes Kayla and I are loud but when all 3 of us are together it’s just chaos!!

I love it!!2011-08-13_19-28-10_43

Until bedtime that is when you have all 3 of us in one bed and Renee trying to be a mama “Not one more word!”…. and Kayla and I (naturally) wide awake and ready to go! We quickly found out all you have to do is tickle Ney and she is louder than us and recharged!! I don’t think either night we made it to bed before 3 am! Eating, talking, drinking, downloading funny photo apps and what else but prank calls!!

Getting back to Atlanta was not hard because I was so confident in it being my last week alone (with mama)!

We treated ourself to Ice Cream and sent Lou a picture which was pretty mean considering one of the things he misses the most is ice cream!!


They don’t have much of it there but he was happy to see my picture regardless!


Wednesday finally came and not only was it hump day meaning I made it half way through the week but it was the day Rachel, Kayla, mom and I had planned for all week…


Jane had reminded us about a whole in the wall Mexican place while we were in Hilton Head which gives you free refills on Margaritas so it was a date!!


They refused to let us have 2 sips with out coming around and topping it off!! I had been there before but mom had not and let me tell you she was in Heaven!!


Especially once they brought out free dessert!


Eventually we told them we had had enough (considering one of us would have to drive) and because we were trying to get to my favorite store “Charming Charlie's” before they closed!

That’s when my awful phone call came, just as i walked in the store so the rest was a blur until Thursday Morning when Rachel pulled me out of my pity party and invited me to lunch at the Flying Biscuit!!

For some reason Alex thought it was a good time to tell me seeing as my friends were around and could act as a distraction from me getting “too” upset…


We had the best seat in the house that was outside but covered and over looked 10th street….. we also got to feed the birdies!

I still wasn’t cured so mom (apparently called dad for back up) and to Target we went for some much needed retail therapy ….. 2011-08-18_15-55-59_756

We came home from shopping and daddy was waiting with flowers for both of us!

Sweet man… thanks daddy!!

As for Lou the facility he is working at went ahead and threw a going away party for them even though their date changed as to when they will leave…. anyway, this is what the security guards found outside of the facility:


So now I don’t only have cartels, drug lords, drive by’s and the guy who shot and killed another man at the Apple Bee’s they almost went to last Friday night but now snakes too!

Oh and lets not forget the 12 women killed in the last 7 days there!

I hate it, Lou please get home, you are taking all of this very graciously as you always do with stress but not sleeping, not taking a day off in a month, pressure building by the day for your work, putting up with me and worrying about me and your brother is just to much for me to watch you do….

You need a big huge hug right about now and all we have to do is make it until Friday for that to happen!!

Happy 12th Anniversary of loving you Lou!!!