Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Fathers Day!


I was spoiled for Fathers Day again this year… Yup, I bribed daddy to come to see us in Atlanta and he could join us for a Braves game since Andy and Rachel had free tickets and invited us to go earlier that week-

He gave in!


That was easy!

However, getting Rachel to act normal in a picture never is….


We tried :)



Thanks for the tickets Andy and for being quite the bartender!!

DSC08562  Fourth of July or Braves game?DSC08569

Ok Braves but we all decided to recycle our outfits for the Fourth :)

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Nothing going on there except Rachel teaching 4 year olds how to do the helicopter!  DSC08583 DSC08586Hey, ya little love bird, homeowners!  DSC08590  looking back I think Kayla officially sat by Lou in every occasion that day!! haha Maybe I was the 5th wheel? DSC08611  DSC08627

It was beautiful out… and then it poured ats and dogs and thundered like crazy but we got all the “good parts” out of the game before it poured…

Tailgating, concession stand junk food and shaded seats!


After racing (literally) to the car we continued with our big plans…. (getting back to Bill’s day and what not), let me just tell you the Braves Game was not the only thing he gave into while visiting us…


Billy, Tara, Mom, Alex and I treated him to a yummy date at one of his favorites (and now mine), Maggiano’s!


DSC08660  We were all a fan of the “buy one meal get an extra to go” deal!DSC08663    Lets just say our fridge and freezer is packed and not to mention Andy and Rachels power went out so they brought their frozen stuff over and our freezer looked worse than this!DSC08676

Oh Yes, Hi tuck and Mill!

Well speaking of dad giving in I just have to show this…..


With a disclaimer: It’s all Tara’s fault!!!

We spent the actual day of “Father’s Day” driving out to houses that Alex and I are interested in including the one i spoke about last week that we really like and Tara and Alex decided we needed a pit stop for a “coke”…..

The entire car ate ice cream, minimum of one!

I mean who buys a box of  drumsticks at a CVS and plans to eat it while driving around in the car!?!?!?!?

It’s not your fault daddy, we are all bad influences on each other!


Not to mention THIS.

Fruit Pizza!

It was on our “cheating agenda” since I read a very cute blog last week of someone who of course, is a complete stranger to me…..

I also saw Ney Ney made a cute square one yesterday… go domestic mama Ney!


We used two cake pans because I did not have a large circular pan and it turned out perfect bc my first one was ugly but I love the second one!


They seem to fit perfect with a cook out!


Thank you grill man- perfect every time!


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Happy Father’s Day daddy and also Happy Father’s day to my TWO Father in laws: Mike and Bob!!!


Also, did I mention the presents I got this weekend?DSC08760Tara brought me the painting she had made for me at Christmas by our good friend Mary and I could not love it more!!!

What a good idea Tara and I love the frame you  picked out! As for Mary, she surely has a true artistic talent!!!

She also brought me what she told me was a graduation present from the talented Mrs. Marsha….. Bridal portraits that are gorgeous!! I’m so in love with them and my “love” sign- ughhhh it could not scream “me” any louder!!

Love it!

What a lucky girl I am, thank you all so much!!

We couldn’t have father’s day in this house with out spoiling Lou a little bit for all that he does around here for our “children with paws” so he got new goggles and a  new swimmy suit!!

DSC08546  We are hoping to have time for a pool date and dinner date tomorrow after he gets off work BECAUSE I will be flying solo for the first time EVER to New Orleans for a training…….

I am scared to death and hate to leave Lou and the pups, if you know us we are usually all 4 attached at the hip and just as needy for each other as it gets!!!


Mom thankfully re-arranged her Biloxi plans to be able to meet me in New Orleans while I am there this week and will be picking me up at the airport and staying with me for the week.


Girls trip here we come!!!!!

I hope the Maggiano’s leftovers are enough to get Lou through the week, at least for lunch!!

I love you guys, TJ and Mill “mama be back!”" you take care of daddy and give him extra cuddles!!