Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wanna Talk About Quality Time???

We have proof of ours AND  we are over it.

We always take my car anywhere we go for SEVERAL reasons, many of which  I will discuss momentarily….

Anyway, for the first time this past week we actually discussed which car would be better given our options for this vacation to Charleston being we did not having the pups with us. The only other reason this was even up for discussion was because the radio in my car went out when I slammed on the brakes earlier this week made a short stop. :)

So after discussing the “features” in Alex’s car:

1) It’s a piece.

2) It has no air conditioner and hasn’t for the last 6 years

3) It’s a 2 door and the dogs don’t fit “comfortably” or my luggage

4) Blow the horn & the lights go out - aka can’t blow horn at idiots

4) You have to plug in the fuel pump every time you get in or out

Newest “Feature”

5) The driver side door is now broken so he has to CLIMB in and out the passenger side door (after unplugging his fuel pup of course) which also means his lights are now manual because they only go off after opening and shutting the driver door.

I really hope one day we look back and laugh at this??

Ok so maybe i already do at the thought of him all dressed up going to his new job and being the only one in the parking garage stumbling out the passenger door…. Love ya Lou!   DSC07951

Needless to say we chose my car.

I thought “oh this won’t be bad, good time to catch up with each other” well we did, and did some more, and some more…

I even got to be a “Domestic Kern Junior” and did such a good job at packing our ice chest, I was proud. So we pulled over for gas and made sandwiches, yup we didn’t even eat fast food!


but after 6 hours down we got over it and I reeeeeeeeeeeally wanted to JAM!

(Don’t hate, I had Ney and Stephanie already at the house waiting for us and they got to get their drink on before we even got there.)

So my ELECTRICAL engineer hubby finally figured it out, he had only checked the radio fuse and it was fine so he went on to take everything apart, put it back together and determined we needed a new radio.

I being cheap, refused.

Well about an hour away from our destination he found out the converter plug wouldn’t work either. So anyway not to bore you but somehow this meant the fuse was labeled wrong in the manual and we pulled over at “Love’s Gas Station” bought a new fuse and JAMMMMED!

UGHHHH no worries I ragged him for not fixing it sooner the rest of the way… oh hush mom, it was only an hour! DSC08010

One last thing…. and it’s a much brighter note!!

Tucker was SUCCESSFULLY introduced to Andy and Rachel’s New dog ( i promise to post a pic soon of him!). I was so worried it would be a problem but my big man stepped up to the plate and made a new friend! Can you believe it??


……I know me either!

Milly, typical, could care less. Oh well, whatever, as long as she’s not mean I’m fine with her stuck-up-ness!!


I have a feeling Tucker and the new pup will  be BFF’s by Monday when we return though!!

DSC08012   DSC07358I can’t wait to see my babies again, but there’s a lot of FUN to be had between now and Monday!!