Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Home for Lily

DSC07779  Tuesday night was horrible and wonderful! A little after midnight we heard the most God awful screams you could ever imagine….. it was Lily. A neighbors dog who apparently lives on the porch. We didn’t stop to think of what to do or say at the moment we just headed for the door to find where the cry’s came from. We were joined with many other neighbors who also heard the cry’s and came out on their porches because they were concerned as well.


So after finding the porch with a guy kneeling down talking to the puppy and the puppy squirming in the opposite corner, so obviously not wanting him to come any closer….we both decided we weren’t leaving with out the puppy.


After questioning him about the cry’s and asking him to let us keep her “just for the night”, we decided to make up a story and go on about how long we have looked for a pup just like her and that we really want her to keep for ourselves. After that didn’t fully work we decided to further tell him he would go to jail for animal abuse if he was caught beating her again and he eventually gave in to letting us keep adorable Lily.


Alex grabbed her off the poop filled porch she lived on and she literally jumped to his arms (how did she know we were any different and not going to hurt her too? Amazing!) So as we told them bye she literally jumped to my arms from Alex’s and began kissing ALLLLLLLLL over my face, she was soooo very grateful that we had come to get her and wanted to say thank you!


She had a blood shot eye when we got her and her collar was just short of cutting into her skin besides that she just had a LOT of ENERGY!! She LITERALLY didn’t sleep the entire first night…. and neither did we!


So as you all know the last thing we need is another dog, but we made do for a few nights until I posted Lily all over Facebook and found the best home in the world for her (after only 3 days). Candace Irvin is a saint and Lily’s new mommy!


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Lily LOVED Tucker, and followed him everywhere, unfortunately he and Mill both hated not only Lily, but their own mommy too for every day that lily was in the house. How dare I cheat on them????



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We will miss you Lily, but I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. You have a wonderful new home and loving mommy who is going to be a social worker as well and I am able to visit you whenever I want! We love you Lily and always will but it sure is nice to have our house back to being just the four of us!!


…And having Milly back to her typical self.