Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Countdown Til’ Finals: Lou- 1wk/ Jen- 2wks

Can you believe it!! I still remember the blog I wrote the first week of him starting his last semester… it included the start of the countdown, which seemed so far away…It really has flown by!


I’m honestly just happy to be have the end/summer time in sight!


I sooo want to make a list of things to play/work on/ do this summer with ALLLLLLLL my free time, if you are jealous of my happiness in looking forward to free time take with you the fact that this MAY be my last summer ever “off”.

First project on list: Make wedding scrapbook!

(No i never did one, I can’t wait and love doing them but it’s such a big task… just perfect for this summer! btw: I still have not received our coffee book album from Steve…)


Somehow I’m not going as crazy as i was during this time last semester… maybe i am becoming immune to handling larger amounts of stress? hmm. possibly. “Nice thought Jen”… your future / aspiring counselor’s brain at work :)


Maybe I just have a really good stress reliever to come home too??? I think soooo!! Name: Tucker Jones.

No matter how much school work I have or what happened that day you can’t help but feel like your the luckiest “mommy” in the world coming home to that lover boy.


Sorry Lou, you too of course, but i never get to come home to you on Clemson nights… you always get home after me  :)

So I get these two….


I have to remember to walk in the house one day with a video camera to capture it… His bunny hops, running circles around the house (until he bumps into mill-she initially plays –I yell “starts in laughter ends in tears” then she gets mad-hair goes up-and she’s done), so tucker continues- the bunny hop, runs around crying/whaling it’s just the sweetest thing in the world to come home to!!

Milly of course, is so sweet to come home to as well, but Tucker just treats us as if we are GODS when we come home to him.


I actually gave them a treat as i walked in the door today and TJ was so happy he dropped it, Milly snatched it up faster than I could blink… imagine that. So TJ decided soon after that he wanted it back…. I had to pry Mill’s jaws open to get it out and poor deprived baby girl was left with only her own treat!



rough life huh… btw… I think she needs her own embroidered pillow since she now, will NOT sleep with out one…oh yeah, feathered too please :)

Anyway, I promise to video tape an every day arrival soon!

So because I hate unfinished out of order bloggo’s I will hurry and say this weekend was filled with amazing weather, Alex and I laid out for the first time this year on a beautiful grassy hill in a park I pass everyday on the way to school…. it was filled with pretty yellow flowers!

AND yes, weeds are flowers too!

laying out

“May all your weeds be wildflowers”

This was hillarious by the way… Alex decided to roll down the hill right before we left (like you did when you were little) –So he balled up and rolled so fast down the hill to the bottom- Poor thing he was soooo dizzy he could barely walk back up the hill and then we had to go for him to shower bc the pollen was all over him… guess we’re old?? This was his recovery pose :)

image Why is it when your young you don’t get dizzy no matter what and your immune to pollen?

After Alex got dizzy and his initial burn of the year (which usually starts and ends there)  it was time for my promised fondue date at Park Avenue in Duluth to celebrate my internship placement for  next year at Laurel Heights Hospital!!


We were actually disappointed with the food… I know, fondue, how do you go wrong with that? It’s possible. The place was adorable however, it’s located in their downtown square and we sat outside listening to live music…

SNV30520 SNV30517

We finally got to use our gift certificate too! I payed 2$ for a 25$ gift certificate… the only catch is you have to spend a certain amount (usually 40-50$) and alcohol is not included… dessert is!

-Goal of the week: 3 more presentations, finish “cutting” paper and perform Mental Status Exam (Mom actually got me a book on interviews/assessments techniques and performing the MSE, it’s in the mail hope it helps with my paper, cross your finger it makes it by Thursday before we go to Statesboro!) Thanks Mom! (btw: that’s the 5$ –-i think-- dress you got me, good find! )

Thanks again!

* BTW did you guys know that slaves (of all types, sex slaves, clothes makers, fishermen, waiters, indentured servants) are more prevalent now than ever, even in the colonial days?

CRAZY huh. Just some food for thought!