Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sister is 3!!

Well sisters big day was celebrated with the best of the best- and she took her celebrating very seriously!IMG_6941

I literally dreaded putting her to bed the night before her birthday because  well…. We ended up lingering in her room cuddling, laughing and making silly faces on my snapchat to procrastinate!


If I didn’t have a ton of decorating to do and a late night run to Publix( because well we have now passed the year of being able to hide stuff from her while shopping with her) I may have never walked out of that room.IMG_6974IMG_6982

She was SO excited to wake up and see the birthday fairy had come! I tried to wake her up early enough to enjoy her little decorations and open presents until she had to be scooped up for gymnastics!

After gymnastics sister wanted to get her nails done (and toes she informed me) and then we had brunch with her bestie!


Lola was so excited to show Jadyn her smiley face pancake and the ladies even sang to her which was her first time having that done at a restaurant- she wasn’t sure what to think! IMG_7010


We headed back for a small break (for mama) and attempt at a nap for Sissy.. (here she is showing off her “growing” belly)IMG_7037

When she woke up she was SO excited to discover that we were packed and ready to go to Gigi and Popp’s to celebrate the rest of her birthday weekend!

When we arrived (after about 5 pee breaks between the two of us!) Gigi had decorated the whole house except the bathroom which Lola quickly pointed out…

So naturally Gigi and Poppy scrambled to decorate the bathroom.

Insert rolling eyes emoji here.

That night we had birthday celebrations and singing at Gigi’s complete with way too may presents of course!


So side note; about a week before her birthday I asked Lo what she wanted for her birthday. She told me water balloons and eggs. I assumed the water balloons idea came from her sweet friend Henley’s birthday party because that’s what we did at Henley’s party in August. I had NO idea why she wanted eggs for her birthday though….

She started saying this about everyday leading up to her birthday and one morning I even made her eggs insisting this is what she said she wanted for her birthday.

She refused to eat the eggs and said she wants “real eggies”.

Finally the night before her birthday I figured it out…. we were in the car and she said “eggies like at Henny’s birthday party” it hit me like a ton of bricks!

Baby Henley had a “Easter egg hunt” at her birthday party and Lola LOVED it!

So I called Gigi and Poppy and they immediately dug the eggs out the Easter decorations box and had them hidden for Lola to have an Easter Egg hunt the morning before her birthday party!


Then we got ourselves together to decorate and celebrate sister’s real birthday party!

Unicorns, Ice cream and best friends to come!