Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dear Lola,

I know I typically wait until even number months for the updates and “Dear Lola,” but i can’t resist! IMG_9318

It literally seems like you have gone from a baby to a toddler in one week since we got back from the coast!

Lately you have been so uncomfortable with us trying to rock you- your such a big girl now! So in hopes of transitioning to just “laying you down” without enforcing the “cry it out” method your mommy came up with a great idea of us laying down in your crib with you until you fall asleep!

It’s pretty much the sweetest part of our day!  IMG_9192 IMG_9200 IMG_9212 IMG_9213  When we rocked you, it would take about an hour or so of rocking to get you down and if we didn’t “get it” on the first try it was at least another half hour trying! It made for some long nights trust me! Now we fight over who gets to lay with you to put you down because your getting so cuddly!IMG_9323

My absolute favorite part of this crazy new climbing into the crib thing is that  if I sit up or pretend i’m getting out, you jump up and put your hand on my shoulder to push me back down. Then you hurry up and lay down as if to show me you will

Heart Melted.

If I do it more than once you put both hands on top of me and try to lay on top of me to hod me down… so naturally I try to get up as much as possible to get extra loving.

Only kidding.

Kind of..IMG_9327

The thing I can’t even bare talking about is, that the night we decided to give this new idea a try, meant that the previous night was the last time i would rock you to sleep…

I remember reading an article when you were only a few months old about how we never think about doing something for the last time with our kids…

It’s so bizarre to think i didn’t even know the last time i rocked you would be “the last time i would rock you” it may be a good thing because i would have never let go!

The article also talked about there being a “last time” you will pick them up and have them sit in your lap… i can’t bare to think of it, I may need lots of alcohol to get through this whole growing up toddler thing!

Other little things we just adore:

You have started kissing again (we hope it’s here to stay this time!) and  the other night when i was laying in your crib you crawled up close to me and landed a big wet (snotty) one right on my mouth- and held it for a second or two! It was so sweet!

You are talking more and more repeating what we say! You say “mama” all the time but you LOVE to say it as your crying which is the worst! Naturally we give you ANYTHING you want when this occurs! You also say:



Bad- wonder why? ;)



Dada but it sounds like “ahya”


When we leave you and come back home to you-  you get SO excited now and come running to the door with anything you can offer us (paci, food, sippy, remote- you always want to gve us presents) and as soon as you give it to us you run back away! Its like you don’t know what to do with your excitement energy until when hold you and then you realize that’s what you wanted and et so excited!

You give us your paci as soon as the car stops (I used to take it from you when we got out the car) so now you are SO eager to give it to us! You also do this with my phone if your watching a video- which your favorite is Hooplakids!

You love kicking balls and doing hand stands everywhere! We think you might be a soccer player or a gymnast! Daddy says you have a god throwing arm too!

You LOVE to help!! The other day you broke a tea cup and ran into the other room to get the broom… you LOVE being able to bring me something when you know where it is!

So much changes so fast with you but one thing remains the same… we ALWAYS think the absolute best time with you is RIGHT NOW! We love your EVERY stage and we love being your mommy and daddy!

Happy 17 months baby girl!

We love you!