Monday, May 4, 2015

It’s official, I’m a SAHM!


Oh yes, although it hasn’t quite hit yet I have noticed that every time i start the usual Sunday afternoon stressors of “Oh i didn’t get this done yet and i have work tomorrow” I suddenly remind myself- “wait! No i don’t i can get it done tomorrow”!!! Oh how freeing that feels! Whew!

I usually struggle so much on the weekends when I’m home for Lolas nap, I have 2 hours (if I’m lucky) to do anything and everything that needs to get done- the fun stuff and the not fun stuff! It’s such a struggle! It was so nice today to actually top myself from stressing and think- oh I can clean the bedrooms tomorrow!

Say What?!?!

I am so very much looking forward to every bit of this Stay At Home Mom thing and mostly for the obvious reasons! I get to be with my girl- like ALL the time! Which I have pretty much decided is going to be pretty dangerous for us both!

Can we say addicted to each other?

It was a SUPER long week even though it was short since my last day was Thursday but seemed like forever just getting through the “goodbyes” and packing up my offices!

I think I had a million loose ends to tie up and I was running the roads to get to all three of my locations almost each day this week to make sure everything was done and everyone got a “closure session”! All week Alex was curious as to why I wasn’t “so excited”!?!?

Picture leaving your job, times three… literally.

I have three offices, three sets of “bosses/principals”, three sets of colleagues and three different caseloads of kids with ATTACHMENT issues at each location- praise the lord i made it out alive!

Oh yes and with all of this comes telling one of the biggest pieces of our daily puzzle goodbye- Mrs. Brittany!

A bit stressed? Oh whatever made you think that?

Did i mention this was all while knowing i was leaving for Italy in ONE week and had not even booked a place to stay yet!?!?

Lord help me- pass over the junk food!

IMG_2692    I will say that when I did eventually make it to Thursday to pack up my very last office I found this…..IMG_2696

It was part of an exercise I did years ago and where we were asked to identify the most important things in the world to us on several different list, then we were to make a list of 5 year  goals and then eventually we had to narrow it all down to a list of what we would still find to be important if we have one year to live.IMG_2695

It was one of the most difficult things to do and think about but when i was at my whit’s end this week and it re-affirmed it all! Every piece of what i have done, what i am doing and what i am working so hard to pursue is all a piece to the bigger puzzle of what i want!

So onward we go!

Mom and dad started out the week with us since they had quite a stressful trip bringing grams back when her oxygen levels got low and what better what to relieve stress than a day with Lola!?!


That night poppy was craving “good pizza” so we went to Marietta Pizza on the square and Gigi was our walking librarian!IMG_2627 IMG_2628 Then there’s daddy to wind us right back up!IMG_2629

Is this not a million dollar smile? IMG_2642 IMG_2646 IMG_2651

Then it was right back at it-  three more days!!!!


Tuesday was the hardest day, telling my high school kids bye, I have such connections with them and each and everyone of them has been through so much especially when it comes to loss….

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I love my office there and will really miss it there! 

Then there was Thursday,My very last day! But i wasn’t exhaling until the end!I had my last day with my elementary school and telling Ms Brittany goodbye- but only as our fill time nanny (woohoo) since we have already signed up for her gymnastics team this June! Woohoo!

More of that to come!

I made it through my sweet school and told them to expect doughnuts and business cards in August ;)

She brought all of these swee tthings for her last day with Lola and Lola is so attached to bear, we names him “brittanybear” and Lolas sleeps with him in her crib!IMG_2698

Then it was finally here, we had told everyone goodbye and I jumped on the floor with Lola to exhale-    IMG_2701

“We’re together my girl!” IMG_2702

We got all ready  for daddy to take us out to celebrate even though he was scheduled to have dinner with his boss who was here from Belgium! He moved some things around so that they could go to lunch instead- leaving him to celebrate dinner with us! Anything for his girls- just don’t get fired daddy lou!

;) We kind of need ya even more now!IMG_2703

I’m telling you this kids knows priorities!! IMG_2705  Oh yes and we had a little something for Lola to celebrate too- someone got a new big girl car seat!!! Wahoo!IMG_2711

I still had a huge pile of planning to do for Italy but for now i had decided i was just going to enjoy the night!


I’m not sure who i more excited about me staying at home- me and Lola or Kayla!! We are so excited for time together with both our girls this summer!!  IMG_2729

Yes,please! IMG_2741 IMG_2742 IMG_2749

We each have our own sippy’s tonight! IMG_2754

Then it was time to head home and feed the ducks!! I was so giddy that night i couldn’t sleep a wink- do you now that there was no reason to set an alarm besides hearing my own girl cry!?!?IMG_2778So we fed the ducks at 8pm and didn’t think twice about it being after this girls bed time!!IMG_2792 IMG_2794

That night was one of the bet feelings ever although it’s still sinking in- I can’t wait for many more of these moments! IMG_2800

Get ready for many more “Mommy and Lo” adventures!!! Oh yes, and a pile up of the last few weekend!!IMG_2803