Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Catching up!

Here I thought I was doing so good and so ahead in blog world-

IMG_1315Then i blinked, life happened and three or more weekends flew by and I’m once again behind the curve!


Now that I have officially had my last day of work i plan on getting ALL caught up before heading out to Italy so here goes essentially a wrap up of April!

The square is booming so the last few weekends we have been in town we pretty much wake up and head down there because their is bound to be action and let’s face it- our girl likes action!

A few Saturdays ago we not only did the square but we also partook in Lola’s first trip to the Kennesaw airport! 


It seems like just the other day we were here for her first outing where she snoozed the whole time and never came outside of her stroller! 


Now here she is running around making friends and actually playing with the playground equipment!


To say I dreamed of these days is an understatement…IMG_1226  My girlfriend.IMG_1249 IMG_1260 IMG_1270

Sporting her sunglasses and new shoes from Gigi! IMG_1272Oh yes and those were my necklaces mom brought up from when i was her age- I think we are the same person -no really!  IMG_1226

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I was snapping some pics of this sweet girl and her daddy and a random lady came out of nowhere and asked to snap one of the three of us and then disappeared as quickly a she came=  thank you sweet lady! IMG_1298

We went home and put Lola down and surprised her with a special treat when he got up…. a trip to the airport!!

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A girl after her own daddy- they couldn’t be more fascinated! IMG_1327 IMG_1330

You didn’t think we would leave there without making a new best friend did you? IMG_1331 IMG_1332

Lola loved waving bye-bye to the planes! IMG_1337

Lola’s sweet friends grandma insisted on taking a picture of the three of us- no arguments here! IMG_1342    The next day we had more exploring to do, i was determined to find Lola some indoor animals since the weather had been so nasty earlier this month!IMG_1371 IMG_1374

Then you have snack time and grocery time- what Sundays are made of right Lola? IMG_1482

I went to et her out the car and she was not interested- she literally  acted like she wanted to finish her book!IMG_1487IMG_1380 IMG_1386 IMG_1391

Her new favorite thing to do at home is definitely these magnets i got her for Easter, she loves them and knows every animal except the goat because her mom does it call it by it’s roper name every time- my bad! If i ever get it together I’m sure lola will too but the damn this looks like a mix of three different animals see it mid-right? IMG_1395   Sunday night are always the hardest (a little feeling always sets in knowing we have to leave her for a whole week again) so glad those days are over for me and we are so thankful for our daddy Lou for providing this life for us!IMG_1422 IMG_1424    Dinner time!IMG_1504 IMG_1512

That next week we were getting ready to head to Statesboro since mom had grams for the week and we really wanted to be able to visit her so we headed down on Friday about lunch time!

It turned into quite a big weekend so that deserves it’s own blog or none of us will  ever make it to the end of this!

Monday morning we were back, bright and early and i thankfully had taken the day off work because i kind of expected i may need a break from our break-whew i was right!


Girlfriend was up and ready to go with TT everywhere- we had baths before we even ate breakfast, yes it was one of those mornings!


We sure do clean up nice though!  We had a catch up lunch with Aunt Kayla  at our favorite and we just had to go tell the quack quacks we were home!IMG_2168 IMG_2169 IMG_2172

Hey quacks!! IMG_2179 IMG_2182

They really missed her (they actually came in the yard looking for her) and so did her cafe!IMG_2228

Well that and mama and Aunt Kayla were hungry so off we go Lola!

IMG_2205 Sweet Tuck always needs his own catch up time after the weekend at home too to recover!


This past weekend was my last full week working in the clinic- it was technically my last Friday and it came just in time because summer was officially here! IMG_2255

We got everything all ready to go to the first concert in the park and  Lola’s grandma Karen and Aunt Taytay we’re all ready home waiting for this mommy and daddy’s arrival so we could hit the road! IMG_2257 IMG_2258 IMG_2261 IMG_2263

I think she is ready!


Yay for working  from home Fridays and actually getting here before dark this year Taytay!


It is so crazy to see the year progression now with everything, this time last year is when we started leaving the house with Lola and these concerts were some of the first activities we did with her…. I remember going to them and being so worried about the temperature, her feedings, if she would be able to fall asleep or not out there, what if a bug bites her, what if the music is too loud!

Oh goodness,the worries of a new mama and a new baby!IMG_2351

While we were there Lola and I saw an almost  3 month old , that makes them almost exactly a year apart! It is so bitter sweet to see those little babies, you remember how hard it was but you remember how sweet it was and all you can do is smile!!IMG_2376

Thank you for the big smile daddy lou! IMG_2377 IMG_2381 IMG_2387

Te girl ca talk aunt taytay into taking her anywhere! IMG_2406

IMG_2411 IMG_2420 IMG_2422  Cheese and nuggets- Lola’s Friday night is made!IMG_2435 IMG_2440

Saturday was full of time with the quacks and uncle Andy’s birthday party! IMG_2452 IMG_2468 IMG_2471 IMG_2475

Party time!IMG_2483

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And had no idea he was about to steal Lola’s heart when he played a video of him flying in a helicopter!  IMG_2504

Happy Birthday Uncle Andy!

Last Sunday was a BIG day for us! It was our Spring Photo shoot with Dez and Lola did so good this time!


We promised her necklaces, which she wore for almost all of the pictures and time with the horses if she smiled!!


Mine as well throw in “oh and we will show you an airplane too” because two flew over during the shoot and captured her attention! IMG_2536The horses still won her heart!  IMG_2545 IMG_2547 IMG_2550 IMG_2552 IMG_2580 IMG_2584

I finally stole her for a minute to get a picture with her- daddy had to be net to the horses so she would look his way! IMG_2596 IMG_2599

We have absolutely everything we ever wanted because of you my girl! So yes, your daddy may go crazy with all the many photos i sign us up for and even photos with the photos but i think even he gets it now- you are too sweet to not want to capture ever single smile and silly face and plaster it all over our house! IMG_2601

Just today i actually got the proofs back already and i absolutely love them! 20150426_175944

Like every photo shoot, we ended it starving and at Panera- yum!!

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Fast forward to this past Friday, my first day as a STAY AT HOME MOM!! Right off the bat i knew it was the best decision ever!


Our mornings are already snugglier!

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Home girl is off the chain and do you notice anything in her pant leg? IMG_2815

I didn’t even notice until it fell out on the dishwasher and she snatched it to put it back in her pant leg….IMG_2816

About 20 minutes later i hear a clanking walking to the steps and sure enough the other one falls out going up the steps! She hid markers in both her pant legs! IMG_2826

Friday we ran some last minute errands to get ready for our trip and Lola just loved going in her big girl chair! IMG_2834

That night we headed to the Festival in Woodstock and it was the perfect night- I can’t believe in three more months their will be two baby girls!IMG_2848  Isn’t Aunt Kayla the cutest prego girl ever!?!IMG_2860

Fine dining with lola- check please!

IMG_2864 Saturday we headed back to the square for me to meet my supervisor (who has the cutest office there) so i could finalize the last of my LCSW paperwork! I couldn’t believe it’s all ready to be mailed in! Whew! IMG_2877

Daddy Lou has already decided another celebration will be in order for that too!


Oh you didn’t really think we would just do that and go home did you?!?!


Not when theirs’ choo-choo’s to see!

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When Lola was a baby i used to literally panic to run away from the trains- was so worried he loud honking would damage her ears! Now we run TO the trains! She loves them! 20150502_125202 20150502_125224 20150502_125228   Choo-choo’s, jewelry, snacks and in daddy’s arms!

Girlfriend is in heaven!  IMG_2896 IMG_2911 IMG_2913Balloons- a new favorite for girlfriend!  IMG_2926 IMG_2931

Getting Lola to leave things she loves when it’s time to go home is getting a bit trickier! I can usually still convince her by saying “say bye bye love you”!

After her nap it was an afternoon of ART- yes my baby girl is starting to love to color!! IMG_2935

We got some outside cleaning doe that afternoon so what better thing to do than enjoy our hard work and have dinner outside!?!     IMG_2938 IMG_2952 IMG_2955 IMG_2960 IMG_2962

Sunday I had a TON of finishing up to do or our trip! I finally found a place for Switzerland and we booked a place for Florence earlier in the week so i felt like i could breathe! Thank god for Lola’s nap times and this baby sitter below0- i got it done! IMG_2999 IMG_3003 IMG_3009

Since we were finally exhaling- and I refuse to buy groceries BECAUSE we’re leaving THIS week! So Daddy Lou and I decided pizza was in order!

This time in was on Lola, she was taking us out! IMG_3011

She was the chauffer and  card holder!IMG_3013

Pizza time!!!!IMG_3014

You didn’t think she would leave us without walking us home did you?!?!

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What a fun date you took us on Lola, thank you!IMG_3018 IMG_3019

This week is crunch week, we leave in two days!!! I’m partly packed and I have tons left to do but we’re getting SO excited!!

One more catch up of our visit with grams and I will have a CLEAN blog slate for family time in Jersey before heading to Italy!

Pray for me- there are 5987 on the to do list for tomorrow but by 2pm Thursday we will be on the plane with ten days of togetherness ahead of us and if nothing else that in itself is guaranteed to be a blast!