Thursday, January 1, 2015

Getting ready for Santa!

As soon as we got back from Thanksgiving it was time to begin the madness (and this year- very long process) of decorating for Christmas! Lola was literally at my side dying to help!

DSC03567 - Copy DSC03570 - Copy  Daddy came home right in the middle of it and the world stopped as usual while these two gave and received some good, good lovin!DSC03614 - Copy

This year decorating took days… ok weeks.. ok i never got around to putting half my stuff up but hey, I was busy chasing around a 10month old!DSC03637


DSC03645 Lola loved the pink tree we put in her room this year and all of her own ornaments!DSC03731 - Copy

I’m pretty sure we had a photo shoot just about everyday with Lola, I just love our house during the holidays and I wanted to soak up every ounce of !DSC03742DSC03754 - Copy DSC03755 - CopyThe trees were definatly not something i had thought about keeping away from Lola until people started asking “are you going to put up a tree this year””? It didn’t even register to me why they would say that… then i saw this…. “oh yeah”..  DSC03759 - Copy  To my surprise, she was actually less interested than i thought… she played with the tree in our den a bit but i wasn’t too fond of it this year anyway…. the guy who trimmed it up for us got a little scissor happy so I told Lola to just have at it!  DSC03782 - Copy


I was so happy Lou had finished my den and fireplace just before the decorations went up!! Ok, I may or may not have refused to hang lolas new stocking on an un-finished fireplace!

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  Our favorite thing to do after Lola went to bed most nights was light the fire and drink hot chocolate!! Two things that are petty much impossible when the girl is awake!DSC03856 - Copy DSC03857 - Copy DSC03861 - Copy   Lola was SO into hugs for the entire month of December! DSC03883 - Copy  And taking things in and out of our hair only to put it back on her head!DSC03887 - Copy DSC03889 - Copy

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree! DSC03898 - CopyDSC03938DSC03957 - Copy

We got the house all ready but one thing was missing- our tree!Time to go find the perfect tree!!


I had talked it up quite a bit to Lola telling her all of what mommy puts daddy through to find the perfect tree “nope not that one, maybe that one, nope not that one….” 20141207_170610 20141207_170750 20141207_170754

We found it! 20141207_170825

Doesn’t Lola look so proud of her tree and her daddy! 20141207_170955  On the way home with Lolas first tree!1417990490786Our bringing the tree home celebration continued similar to last year… except this year I feel like there was a bit more pouting from Mildred….. who would have thought right!?    DSC03959 - Copy

Is there anything sweeter than a baby girl in Christmas jammies?!?




Babys’ sleeping, tree is up- let the baking commence! DSC03999    Then it was time to start shopping for presents to put under the tree….. which as we all know is Lola’s favorite past time!20141206_191900

Lola may just grow up to be like her big brother TJ as a Wal-Mart door greeter (or Target in Lola's case)… everywhere we go she waves! She waves, hello and goodbye when we enter stores and check out and to any random stranger who takes a half of a second to look at her! 20141206_191905

141919798392220141207_164929 20141207_165206  Shopping with Lo and snacks should really be a new hashtag!20141207_165218


Shopping with Lo also means lunch breaks and we couldn’t be more excited to spend this December living in Panera betweens shopping excursions! 20141216_132651

We lived off Panera when i was pregnant in the winter! All I ever wanted was soup and  hot sandwich and i love going there with Lola now its kind of a reminds me of how glad i am that she is finally here!!20141213_175222 20141213_175236

20141209_13404620141214_131318   Shopping, shopping and more shopping! 20141217_175405 20141221_134446

Much to my surprise Lola actually fell asleep in her stroller… most moms probably think this is normal… if you have ever met me or my child… THIS IS NOT NORMAL.

We are WAY to wound up for all that sleeping while there is shopping to be done but Lola surprised me… right in the middle Williams Sonoma which you would think would be her favorite as it’s a cooking store… i lost her!


On our last shopping outing before going home for the holidays Lola and I decided to match because well, we are just that cool!20141222_134926 20141222_135110(0) 20141222_135123

Lola has been such a trooper this ear with all the shopping and traffic but I will say THANK GOD for AMAZON! I definitely got more accomplished on there in ten minutes than i did all month shopping with Lola- no offense Lola, we’re in it for the bonding time not to actually cross things off our list- right Lola, ahhhhh!  


Same for wrapping… never- ever invite a baby to help you wrap.

DSC04260 The sweetness however, we can’t get enough of… I mean really, is there anything sweeter than a baby girl in Christmas jammies!?!?


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Family jammie pic! DSC04281

   Ok perhaps there is one thing sweeter than a baby girl in Christmas jammies before bed… a baby girl waking up in them!20141210_092129 20141210_092202 We love our Minnie from Gigi! 20141210_092526 20141210_093456


Lola topped the tree off with a very special first ornament… we stuffed her hat and mommy’s hospital bracelet in a plastic bulb- so easy and we get to look at it every year instead of it being placed in a closet somewhere! 20141222_133814

   We sure have come a long way from that black and white picture in the bottom left corner… oh how i starred at that picture and dreamed of the day I would hold this baby girl in my arms! 20141222_133847

Well that’s a wrap for the night before i get delirious like  this little girl…. LOL enjoy!!

Much more Christmas festivities to come!

  Happy New year and more of that to come too!!
