Monday, December 22, 2014

We’re back!

So the truth is this post is all about Thanksgiving but I couldn’t even bring myself to titling it that since we are now 3 days out from Christmas~

I’m using Alex's computer since mine is officially out of storage thanks to 12o572957024950439709 Lola pictures and adding more storage seems to be a very complicated process! Apparently my webpage is also down… ugh!

I need an assistant.

So hopefully between the next few days we can catch up on Thanksgiving, Birthdays and eventually my emotional roller coaster (also known as Lola turning ten months old) AHHHH!

We spent Thanksgiving doing a little bit of everything back home, I think I lost my mind, half my luggage and most of these pictures while we were there but it was all worth it to share the love this little Turkey gets to soak up with our family while we are there!


I was recently reading our Thanksgiving blog from last year, I was pregnant and EAGERLY awaiting the arrival of Sweet Lola.. I remember being so thankful then for what was to come but i could never have hoped for the goodness that lied in our year ahead…

Not only am I thankful that I got to become a mommy to the sweetest most beautiful baby girl in the world, she was born healthy as can be and has forever changed my husband in a way I didn’t know possible and given us a bond I could never have imagined….

Thankful is probably the best picked word for our year thus far.


Grams got to join us for Thanksgiving this year and I just loved sitting and watching these two! They both appeared to be so equally intrigues with each other!

Alex's mom also joined us for Thanksgiving this year, she couldn’t get enough of our trails!

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Lou hardly ever see’s Lola's outfits until i throw them on her… he thought her hiney was hilarious! 20141127_132532

We got new Owl presents from Aunt Angela and Uncle B! 20141127_151250Mom was (as usual) dying for a picture of “us all together”… A miracle is daddy, Lola and grams all smiling!

We came pretty close!  20141127_163409  I usually get to do more baking and helping in the kitchen but Lola wasn’t having that this year…We had way too many things to get into! So we spent most of our time entertaining the girl while mom finished getting it all together!20141127_164606

I asked for our own family picture and Alex agreed, the next second i see him in this….20141127_164741_1

I’m just glad he didn’t fall in and ruin our picture! ;)20141127_164811 20141127_165021 Happy Thanksgiving! 20141127_165042

Most request: 20141127_165259 20141127_165449

I got the cutest one in one snap (ofcourse) of Billy and Angela! They are so photogenic but i think it’s on Angela's camera! People always make fun of me for wanting one on my “own” camera…. now you see why i want my own! I try collecting them all from everyone when i need to blog!

Turkeys ready!20141127_170835

Grams looks happyi! 20141127_152733

As soon as we ate I was so EXCITED about what was next…. Thanksgiving is over- it’s Christmas jams time!


20141128_093517 20141128_124014 The next day I had my trusty side kick Aunt Taytay to venture out to Black Friday! We actually played it pretty low key, hitting up some local boutiques and meeting friends later that night for a pre-birthday dinner celebration for me! 

20141128_141332  It’s Lolas world I’m convinced- we're all just living in it. 20141128_141519 20141128_141533

“hmm now how do i get to mommy” 20141128_141631 20141128_142040

Chasing you is a full time job Lola, we had to stop to refuel Aunt Tay back up!

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….and she’s out- in the middle of TJ MAXX! 20141128_165359

I remember a few years ago being out shopping with mom seeing others moms with kids in the mall on black Friday and I said “where are their daddy’s, I will make sure that is the one day out of the year i leave my kids at home with their daddy”! 

Never say never…. I can’t imagine not having Lola right by my side even on the craziest shopping day of the year!  IMG_8884

She did so good  and even stayed out after her bedtime that night for mommy’s birthday party!IMG_890520141128_203146Aunt Stephanie showed up with presents  for Lola too, her favorite… a. touch and feel Santa Clause book!IMG_8908Lola loved Uncle Billy and Aunt Ang!   billy and angela

birthday dinner jen 29

That night was full of a million and one selfies, shots like we were 21, renee locking my phone, literally locking it… it was down for the entire night and next day and we even ended it jamming out to Kilo- geez who know that song was so raunchy!friendsSaturday was full of Jammy time  and we re-named grampa TO “Nutty”- how appropriate right!?DSCN3603

They just got back from another fabulous trip and brought us all fun souvenirs and new Christmas outfits for Lola! We thought it was the perfect time to practice “unwrapping” gifts! 20141129_163606

Christmas came a little early!20141129_164016 20141129_184654We made a super yummy pit stop back at Gigi’s for my favorite part of Thanksgiving- the leftovers just before heading back to Atlanta!   20141130_131549 20141130_131603

Lou is SUPER paranoid when it comes to Lola eating solid foods, I'm a bit more adventurous and trusting … I think it’s part of her growing and exploring-but I think he would be perfectly fine if she stayed a newborn baby the rest of her life!

I’m constantly scoping out our table for anything i can let her hold and well, that also means go in her mouth  lately so celery it was! 20141130_143737She literally played with it for about an hour! 20141130_143819 20141130_143835 20141130_143845Eventually it was time for mommy to be the bad guy and take my love muffin back home-

  We changed into our Christmas jams and hit the road!

20141130_121256 20141130_121257 20141130_121259  Then it was on to celebrate more of Mommy’ birthday- this year was SO different!

Usually I’m a Birthday FREAK…. birthday, birthday, birthday I was still excited but I guess my  overboardness has transferred onto Lola the only way i could describe it was “I already feel so content”… I mean really what to you do on your birthday when you already have a Lola!?!?!20141201_185924

Oh yeah! You stock your fridge to make 0up for last year when you couldn’t drink ; 20141201_185955

Birthday lunch with Kayla was where else but- Cafe 33!! 20141202_125032

It never disappoints!! 20141202_125103

I however had a total mom moment and left the house looking like this….

bday lunch  with lola Yup, as soon as i got out the car I noticed I had two totally different boots on!

Everyone's response “At least Lola makes up for it”.20141202_131138 20141202_131334-1  True that!

Unfortunately our brunch was followed up with  Lola's first “sick visit”- she burned her foot by pulling over the humidifier in Alex and I’s room… she seemed absolutely fine- I didn’t even know it burned her until I saw the blister!


I felt like  a TERRIBLE mommy! Thankfully she is all better now, no scar appears to be lingering and she didn’t let it keep her down!20141202_135515 20141202_135516   When Daddy got home from work Birthday celebration was in full affect but he couldn’t get me to stop focusing on Lola- as far as I’m concerned she was my present this year!

Before going to meet Santa Clause we pulled out our Elf that i bought for Lola last year- he isn’t moving this year but he sits in out kitchen just to keep an eye on us!


Lou asked what I wanted to do for my birthday- it’s pretty much impossible to get more than one thing done after work and before Lolas bedtime so we prioritized- All i really wanted for my birthday was to see my baby girl meet Santa clause!20141202_182235

… and so we did! 20141202_182419

Initially she did really good and was just interested in him… after i looked through their pictures i thought we would try our luck at round two to actually get  a smile since the ladies who help you pick out the pictures had her cracking up…..20141202_182459 20141202_182500Then it got worse!! So much for round two! We did get a super cute crying picture though!   Everybody has to have one crying year with Santa right!? 20141202_184141

18240020141202_0003_1-1 18240020141202_0004_1-1 18240020141202_0007_1  We literally ran in for Mexican and ran out to get this monkey home! We got home after her bedtime and I decided what the hell, it’s my birthday, she is staying up with me!20141202_2000590

It’s safe to say we’re Bff'l’s for life ; 20141202_200115

My frame was already waiting so it went straight in as soon as we walked in the door! 20141202_230436


Friday night we made up for our lack of a birthday dinner with Japanese! There’s something about birthdays and Japanese- it’s  a must have!

20141205_182710 - Copy 20141205_182716 - Copy  Lola decided to wear her Rudolph ears out with us and then she got attacked by a blanket… it’s hard being Lola sometimes…

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    Ok 29, I’m sure you will be amazing but lets be honest… there will NEVER ever be a year that tops 28 ever. I became a mommy and ALL my little girl dreams came true, I put her to bed every night and usually stop myself at least twice from setting her in her crib once she is asleep to rock her a little longer…. and it never fails that she is the last thing i see before I go to bed EVERY SINGLE NIGHT….. I lay in bed and  look through her pictures and videos from the day pinching myself.

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I don’t know why at 10 months old it is still SO shocking to me that I have her, you would have thought that I had multiple miscarriages, years of infertility etc….. Thankfully that isn’t the case, I’m simply thankful for no other reason at all but for having her and her daddy by my side day in and day out.

DSC03616 - Copy (2)   Whatever causes it i hope it stays forever because i NEVER want to stop pinching myself.