Monday, May 27, 2013

Let’s play A Game of Catch Up, shall we?

I just hate being unorganized and falling behind but we have been so pre-occupied the past few weeks! We have been super blessed with company after company coming to visit us, Nic and Lia’s going away party, Kayla coming home from Thailand and in the mean time finding time to squeeze in to work on our basement/ Lou’s man cave!

Whew! It’s a lot i know and i just have to get to it before we head out for our vacation which I am looking OH SO FORWARD to! 

Catch Up: GO!

Lou and I have taken advantage of every opportunity possible to eat lunch together (on a patio preferably) and we are LOVING it!


and some dinners too since he finally is REALLY coming home early/ on time like normal people!

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Mom and dad have passed through a few times on their way back and forth from New Jersey to Mississippi to check on their moms and we get the privilege of pretending like our house is “on the way”! It totally is mom, don’t listen to your GPS!


How nice is it to come home from work and have Pina Coladas waiting for me? Very nice.


Oh yes and a fridge stocked with fresh fruits cut. cleaned and ready to eat from the farmers market!Love that too!

DSC09857 Or having a shopping partner crazy enough to still have a  successful shopping trip where we dared not to let the rain keep us down from our important purchases!


Look at all the good stuff we found/needed! 20130504_150120 20130504_150626    Can you tell we are into prints….

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Tucker and Milly just love grandma time…. can you spot the squirrel? Its on the tree driving my babies crazy!


Fortunately but sadly I planned to through Nic and Lia a going away party while mom and dad were here and i think they essentially threw the party for them!


I did set out gold fish though!


daddy is such a floral and fruit arranging expert! I told him he needs to get a job at edible arrangements!

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My little princess! DSC09884

“Goodbye to the Hefners” DSC09890

Tucker decided to comfort his dad… DSC09910 DSC09919      I’m not sure where we were going with this?DSC09942 DSC09944

Mills wanted us to play the game with her too… DSC09947

No one is happy :(


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We love you guys and we will miss you!!! Enjoy Chicago but if you don’t your always welcome back “home”! DSC09968

Speaking of home, welcome home Kayla!!!


She is FINALLY home from Taipai and we are loving our late night, week night, dinner dates with you and are SOOOOOOOO glad your home!


Cheers to American Nexicanized food again right!?!? 20130522_192056

We also had a first time visitor come over this past week… little miss Kailey bug!


Josh and Renee were headed to the Bahamas and were  taking Kailey on her first trip there! So we got to all spend the night together and have a dinner date Bahama style!20130521_190405 20130521_190450

Kailey got camera happy in the car and also declared her and i to be “sessters”… Love it!20130521_191233  20130521_191351 20130521_191313

below is her favorite face to make but lets not go there….

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Renee and I went to Bahamas in 2005 and sat in a big huge chair at Atlantis similar to this one so we had to do a re-cap… with Kay ofcourse! 20130521_205459 20130521_205535 Another photo shoot with Kay’s instructions!!20130521_210135 20130521_210408

Tucker and Kailey became best friends…

DSC00093 So we wished them off and now we are on our way to St Thomas early in the morning! I will be much happier to report back about our St Thomas trip with a clean slate!

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We sure will miss our babies but they couldn’t be in better hands thanks to mom and dad!!

Happy Memorial Day everyone!!