Monday, October 29, 2012

Love My Bachelorette Boo!

So I know I said I would post about each event to give more details but lets face it… this event might have a “less is more” affect….some things are better left un-said when it comes to girls night out ;)


The brides “gear”! DSC07216

I hosted a “honeymoon” shower at my house before going out for the bachelorette night so here was our ophisticated set up before getting wasty :) DSC07217 DSC07219

I couldn’t help myself with the  chalk board glass labelers!!

–World Market-

Alex thought i was a bit overboard when I went ahead and had everyone's name on their glass before they arrived…. I though it would help welcome those who didn’t know everyone there (or me) by making them feel more welcome.DSC07224

Can I just say that the weekend before the shower Rachel said something to the tune of “Jen, if you haven’t already bought a sash and all then please don’t worry about it, I really don’t need all that”…..

Ha Who is she kidding!?!?!?!? DSC07227

I informed her SHE WOULD BE PUTTING IT ALL ON… but could “loose” it all in ten minutes if she wanted to while still at the house….

Well she tackied it up all night long in her bling/gear and was the best bachelorette sport ever!! By the end of the night she had collected a few more things and you literally couldn’t even see her outfit!DSC07265

What does she expect from ‘accessories overload’ lady throwing the party!?!?  DSC07231

Time for Honeymoon presents!! DSC07241 DSC07243

Milly was right in the middle of everything eating up as much attention as she could…..DSC07252

All in all the honeymoon shower was a success and I believe Rachel (and Andy) are all set to enjoy Jamaica and each other ;)DSC07257  All ready to load up on the party bus!DSC07267

Rachel has some of the most amazing girlfriends, by the time we all got on the party bus we all felt like we had known each other for years!!DSCN0732

Let the real partying begin!!!DSCN0740 DSCN0741 DSCN0742 DSCN0743 DSCN0745 DSCN0746

MRs. Queen B. DSCN0747

We made it to Red Sky piano bar!!


And took our only “normal” picture of the night together (out of probably 300)… typical!DSCN0751

Lia before she took charge of the camera (and tambourine) and took 500 videos and pictures of Rachel and I :)




That Rock is just SOOOO big!


We’re sisters now, we can do things like this, don’t mind us it’s just my boo doing her thing..DSCN0767

On the piano!*!*!* DSCN0788 DSCN0789 DSCN0794 DSCN0795 DSCN0799 DSCN0800 DSCN0801

Our table was such the annoying table RIGHT IN THE FRONT! DSCN0802

In our defense Rachel did tell me the next day that when we walked in to Red Sky she apologized to everyone in advance for “ruingin their night” as we walked up front to our seats.

How sweet and considerate of her right?!?!? DSCN0803

In case we needed more proof that we were the most obnoxious people in the crowd Lia made sure to take plenty of video for us:

DSCN0807Can you tell we were REALLY into it at this point??? DSCN0813 DSCN0816

I have a feeling this was journey… don’t stop believing, not sure why but i know we were singing our little hearts out so badly we bumped heads….. DSCN0817

I love this picture of my little bride… (top and bottom)! DSCN0818 DSCN0820Back to the party bus… our favorite!  DSCN0821DSCN0822 At this point it would have probably been smart to call it quits, especially considering the next place our reservation was at would only be open an hour but this wasn’t just any night it was a BACHELORETTE night!!!!

There will be no calling it quits!  


Sisters Pic!

DSCN0843VIP at Lava Lounge! DSCN0827


You can always count on Lia to take it to the next level…. LOVE her!! DSCN0832

Those of us who lasted to make the party bus ride home, woo hoo! DSCN0833 DSCN0838 DSCN0842

What a night!!

We pretty much decided we are taking a random girls night out just to ride around in the part bus and go to Red Sky next time!

Somehow everyone managed to make it home safely and Kayla stayed with us (Thanks again for all the help setting up Kayla!!)

We kept poor Lou up until about 5am chatting his ear off about every song we sang,  how much fun we had, the flood of people to the front of the bus when our driver slammed on the breaks, Rachel’s Scavenger hunt, every sketchy stop our driver made between destinations and so forth! bless his tired, worried little heart!

The next morning we were terrified to look at the pics…..


Now you probably know why! What a blast, so glad to be able to celebrate your big night out with you Rachel!!