Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Perfect Weekend for a Birthday!

Who doesn’t love their Birthday Morning!?!?!?!DSC02731

Lou does that’s for sure, and how can you not be a happy birthday boy when you wake up to this right!?!?!?


I remember how exciting it was to wake up in our house and open presents up at 7 am before school, best of all you even got excited on your siblings birthdays because you got presents too! That’s what was fair right mom… or maybe we were really all just spoiled?

Not sure but either way I love that tradition!


And yes, I had yet another bi-polar decorated birthday celebration because I already have my valentine stuff out (in the background above) please ignore!



We took the pups out after the excitement of opening presents AKA books and tools, (as requested) and then hurried outside during  a break in the huge storm that was going on to talk the pups into going potty before the rain started back up again!DSC02738  Most people would be quite bummed that it stormed all day on their birthday but Lou was thrilled!! One of the books he requested for his birthday was actually a weather/storm book!

Go figure!

That apple certainly doesn’t fall far from the tree, Tucker is quite the storm watcher too!


Milly on the other hand is nothing like her daddy and brother when it comes to loving storms, she hates them!!


DSC02804   So I blared the music up to Michael Jackson, Journey and other 80’s favorites to distract Milly and we danced the morning away!

Don’t be embarrassed Milly I won’t tell everyone how you chased me around the house, played peak a boo and humped my leg all morning!!


Oops! Sorry baby girl! Anyway, we worked up quite an appetite and as I had promised Lou we enjoyed our new favorite barbeque joint, for his Birthday Lunch, Jim and Nicks!


Yes mine was the bigger of the plates… and yes i ate chicken at a BBQ place, don’t judge me. bbq2


That night we went out to our favorite hole in the wall Mexican place AKA El Som wanna be… The guys there LOVE Alex, I assume because he talks in spanish to them and always asks about life in their home town which always puts a smile on their face…. but ehhhhh who knows, maybe it’s just because everyone love Alex!

Regardless they participated in our fun and brought him balloons, candy and 2 party hats!

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Also at El Amigo, they don’t just sing happy Birthday to you, they cut off the restaurant music and blare the happy birthday song throughout the restaurant, followed by tequila shots of course! DSCN0180

They even took a shot with him! DSCN0181

Then it was back to our place for cake, more presents, more drinks and the impossible task of calling a taxi to be on our way to the next…


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Making wishes for another healthy and happy year!


Then it was time to head to Tongue and Groove that I’m pretty positive is less than a mile from our house… however, you would never have guessed that judging by how complicated it was to get there!

After calling 4 taxi companies, reserving a taxi to pick us up, cancelling it due to a last minute decision to have Bob drive 8 of us in my car, then realizing I left my keys in Alexs car which was left at the restaurant, calling Sean (who was already at the bar) to come back and get the rest of us and then calling him back to cancel his return trip (as he is pulling in our driveway) bc we managed to pile 7 or 8 deep in Andys car…

Never the less; we made it to TONGUE and GROOVE!!

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We were so excited that Lia was able to join us late night after she got off work too!DSCN0192

I’m pretty sure this is my most favorite picture! Alex is throwing up birds, Amara gang signs, Bob is still figuring out which sign to throw up and Andy is trying to cover up Rachel’s innocent peace sign… go figure! DSCN0195


Happy Birthday my Lou,  your far too easy to please on your birthday but with this crew how can you not be pleased!!DSCN0196   I love you and am so glad you had a good time but I think this was the last decent picture of the night…  meaning time to go home!DSCN0206 DSCN0207

Yup, I was right, time to go home!


What a night, a good night and a good way to remember turning 27!!

Lou got up the next day to re-check out his birthday scene…  No one ate anything (except the chocolate covered Oreos), we’re awful I know, we didn’t even cut the cake!   

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Four days later I finally finished cleaning up all the festiveness and trust me, my clients were more than pleased (especially the pregnant ones) that Lou didn’t eat his birthday cake! My co-workers on the other hand officially hate me, a few of them just started a “no sugar diet”….

Sorry, what else am I supposed to do with leftovers in a house of 2 people!

Happy Birthday Lou, I hope you had just as much fun as I had watching you celebrate your special days! Cheers to many more birthday celebrations that are filled with family, friends and a whole lot of love just like this one!