Thursday, July 27, 2017

Easter and a Pinata- A New tradition!

Well our Daddy Lou had just come home from his second trip to China and literally planned his flight around making it to Sisters Easter Egg hunt the day before Easter!

She was SO happy to see him and we were SO thankful baby brother didn’t decide to come any sooner!IMG_2290IMG_2292Gigi was the MOST excited brother didn’t come early… she is always scared she may have to deliver my babies lol

IMG_2297That evening it was a mad rush to do “all the Easter stuff” because we pretty much did nothing prior to that except hold our breath that Daddy came home and I didn’t go into labor!

IMG_2311IMG_2314IMG_2329Lola loved coloring the eggs and was SO particular about it.. then we made a peep house which was a TOTAL Pinterest fail but sissy didn’t mind!

IMG_2338These two…. Oh how they just need each other.

IMG_2352It sure is hard to be the Easter Bunny when you never are without someone to do a little bit of sneaky shopping… thank goodness for Gigi!

IMG_2344IMG_2364IMG_2368IMG_2373IMG_2375Sweet Mr. Henry came over to have Easter lunch with us and to help Lola with her Easter Egg hunt!

IMG_2379IMG_2381She wanted to be all decked out for her Easter Egg hunt-new earrings and all!

IMG_2383IMG_2385IMG_2518Sister had been talking and talking about a pinata lately so we got her one and daddy and Henry fixed it all up for her… she was SO excited that the end of her Easter Egg hunt ended at a pinata!

IMG_2405IMG_2409IMG_2411IMG_2415IMG_2420IMG_2421IMG_2429IMG_2433IMG_2444IMG_2445IMG_2449IMG_2454IMG_2466IMG_2469IMG_2471IMG_2473They didn’t want sissy to get discouraged so they had to tamper with it a little so it would actually break…

IMG_2482IMG_2490IMG_2500IMG_2503IMG_2505It was such a fun, low stress holiday that was ALL about Sissy (per usual) before aby brother comes!
