Wednesday, November 30, 2016

October Catch Up!

Oh my goodness we are so, so, so behind! Now that w posted our big news you can probably assume why this mama has been so MIA!

Hopefully we can catch up by Christmas!

Early October Hurricane Mathew hit Savannah, Hilton Head and even near Statesboro so we got to enjoy some time with our sweet little evacuees!

We crammed in a lot during our time together and have enjoyed doing al things FALL and outside lately!

First up was Tellus Muesum, Lou has always wanted to take Shu and this weekend in particular was a “Things that Move” festival outside- can we say two birds with one stone!?!



What can I say, a Krispy Kreme donut run in our PJ’s…. we treat out guest right! We were off to our second adventure, the Atlanta Botanical Garden and their scarecrow displays!




The next weekend I had the genius idea to go to a pumpkin festival on Ellijay’s biggest tourist weekend.



So we spent about 2 hours going 1.5 hours away and another 2 hours going the last 5 miles.

I wish I was exaggerating.

Notice Lola is not even in her carseat… we did not move. Tara even jumped out to get boiled peanuts and was able to get back in the car.

Yes it was bad.

Thankfully the apple orchard and ponies quickly redeemed themselves and we were able to check ourselves…


Yes, at ten weeks I was already showing! This second/third go around with a baby bump is no joke!IMG_0253IMG_0272IMG_0256IMG_0262

She is such a tease with daddy!IMG_0266IMG_0263

Monday Kayla and I took these sweet girls to a play date with our mommy group to pick pumpkins and have a story time… Lola kills me with refusing to sit on hay… I always have to cover it (can you blame her though)?IMG_0278IMG_0283IMG_0284IMG_0286IMG_0287

She then determined sitting on a pumpkin for story time was much more tolerable… and so we did just that.IMG_0288IMG_0290IMG_0294IMG_0296

Oh you know just how any successful trip ends… potty time and Chester fries.IMG_0282

More to come… lot’s more!

Halloween round up coming up!