Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Cousins, Best Friends & the Lake- We’re In!


Discaimer: This post was written a week ago but mama has not had internet to post it! We’re back from yet another amazing trip and FINALLY looking forward to at least one weekend at home!

Carry on:

A few weeks back (now) we headed to the lake for a fun weekend with friends, cousin Shu and my family for a little pre Fathers Day celebration before Daddy Lou left us for Belgium!

Our water taxi came complete with a cheese platter and booze- one of the many reasons we love our Gigi!


Naturally our presence was complete with gigi’s version of Christmas Morning. Presents. Presents. And more present. One of Lo’s favorites was a complete unicorn- cape-get up?


Long nights and early mornings- thank you Mimosa.IMG_5925IMG_5924IMG_5922IMG_5926

The best part was getting our Shuby the very next morning to kick the weekend off right!


I kept sitting Lola next to her and she would intentionally get up ad find a seat IN FRONT of Shu so she could stare at her!IMG_5934IMG_5935IMG_5940

We were so excited baby Jadyn (and her parents) got to join us on this trip! Love my girls!IMG_5952IMG_5942

Below is probably my most favoite picture ever. It’s definitely going to be blown up in my house somewhere very soon. Super cute.IMG_5963IMG_5971IMG_5975IMG_5979IMG_5981

Milly never misses a beat!IMG_5984IMG_5992




IMG_6113I love these little summer miracles! lease excuse the boob shot (or lack there of) but if you know Lola- when this happens a million cameras are going off!


Dinner time on the porch before hunting fireflies!IMG_6007IMG_6042

I just have to say, these boys made a BIG TO DO about hunting and catching fireflies while us girls watched from the porch- guess who INSTANTLY caught the first one (that literally flew into my arm)… oh yes. ME!

Who’s the coolest mom now Lola!?!?IMG_6044IMG_6046

The next morning I had to show the crew Lola and I’s favorite morning activity!

Clam hunting on the beach!IMG_6055IMG_6062IMG_6071IMG_6080IMG_6084IMG_6085IMG_6086IMG_6089IMG_6093IMG_6097IMG_6104IMG_6109IMG_6112

Swimsuit and Lola’s favorite- lunchbox packing time!IMG_6121

Alex and I always say one of our (MANY) favorite things about Lola and particularly Alex’s is that it’s almost as if she somehow who she is “suposed” to love- and she does!

She of course see’s my immediate family ALL the time thankfully but doesn’t see Alex’s family near as much… somehow this child still talks about them and is drawn to them when they are present as if she knows they are her “family”.


Isn’t it just the sweetest! I think I would literally pay to borrow Shu for the summer! She is SO good with Lola and we just ADORE our time with her!



Daddy was in heaven having all his girls together! IT literally made his weekend having Lola and Shu together! IMG_6136IMG_6139IMG_6140IMG_6143IMG_6146

Daddy becomes a REAL super hero when they get in the water! She thinks he is just the coolest thing ever!IMG_6155IMG_6168IMG_6178IMG_6170IMG_6181When Shu started playing at the beach I was interested to see what Lola would do…. in the end she jumped right in and loved it!

No worries mama had her “wash bucket” close!IMG_6196IMG_6197IMG_6198IMG_6208IMG_6211IMG_6214

Just after we talked Shu in to her second spoonful of cookie dough she tells me “my mommy doesn’t every let me eat this”.

Oh god. Sorry Auntie Amber!IMG_6225

Popp’s water taxi we go- back to Atlanta to await our Daddy Lou’s impending departure to Belgium (and our girl’s beach trip!)IMG_6233IMG_6244

Ten minutes into our ride and 2 sips into our slushie this girl was out!IMG_6246

First thing’s first Monday morning! We raced out the door with about 75 things on our agenda! It was Shubys only FULL Atlanta day with us and I wanted to do as much as we could!

Selfishly, I added shopping to that list because twinning outfits were a must!IMG_6263

Lunch with daddy always includes ice cream and Shu was SO excited to see him! You would have thought he was gone from her for days!


Big days call for big naps (and mommy gets alone time with Shuby)! We also had a race to get in a our unpacking and repacking done in one day! Whew!IMG_6276

Twinning success!IMG_6307

I promised a little post nap pool time and even though Daddy Lou was on the way home we LITERALLY raced to the pool as soon as sister woke up!IMG_6279IMG_6281IMG_6282IMG_6287IMG_6291IMG_6286

We lost track of time a bit and daddy met us at the pool for the best surprise!IMG_6295IMG_6298

Then we had a few “pre daddy’s vacation” errands to run before taking Shu to, where else? Mexican!IMG_6302IMG_6303IMG_6306IMG_6313IMG_6315

Lou took hours every night staying up talking to Shu and reading to her- they went through all his old books that he thought she would be interested in and she picked this one! Just like her uncle Lou. The next day she told him all about the 5- yes 15 pages she read before passing out (like this) and naturally she recalled everything she read! IMG_6319

The next morning it was the dreaded airport drop off but at east we had NO tears! lol

We sure will miss this guy!!IMG_6326IMG_6328

We stopped at my parents for a sleepover before Hilton head and the girls loved feeding the fish and playing on Poppy’s gold cart!IMG_6329IMG_6330IMG_6332IMG_6334

Finally these girls made it to the beach and by beach we mean…. POOL then BEACH! lol

I was SO excited to have these girls here TOGETHER even though poor Shuby knew it was her last day with us (for now)!!IMG_6345

Love these flamingo’s on them!IMG_6346IMG_6347IMG_6357

Cousin Avery made it and we headed to the beach!! These girls had missed each other SO much!


Lola ABSOLUTELY refused to get in an intentional picture with Shu or Avery… I have no idea why but it was NOT happening! So she ran to me and actually got behind me when I said “say cheese”. I didn’t think much of it until I realized she was behind me saying “peek a boo” while alternating shoulders to jump out from behind and holding her hands in the air attempting to make Shu and Avery smile.

All the tricks we use on her.

I about died!

Finally Aunt Amber grabbed her had and put her back with Shu for a pic… I looked at my phone before I even noticed she had started to cry and saw this.


Isn’t her face the cutest most pitiful thing you have ever seen!?IMG_6365

We sure will miss this girlfriend but LOVE that her and Lola had some fun time together!IMG_6794IMG_6799

Lola was so sad to tell her cousins bye but I promised her lots of fun girlfriend visits in the week ahead!