Monday, June 6, 2016

Hilton Head!

So I’m planning our second Hilton Head trip before posting about our first! Sad I know.

It’s mostly pictures (especially now since I am so far behind) but “life” has happened over here and we are just getting back to ourselves!

Anyway, the sister hears “beach” and she is ready!


Daddy on the other hand hears “beach” and he whips out all the 100 sunscreens he can find (I think she came back whiter than she left)!



The wagon was our best idea yet!IMG_4313IMG_4318IMG_4328IMG_4329

Mommy and Lola’s happy place!





We took Lo to Burkes Beach on the first day and told her it was “Daddy’s beach” since it has always been his favorite. She insisted everyday after that we go to “daddy beach”!


Taytay came that night to join us at dinner because she just couldn’t wait for the weekendIMG_4424IMG_4427IMG_4429IMG_4435IMG_4437IMG_4441IMG_4454IMG_4455IMG_4459IMG_4460IMG_4461

Day 2: Started at the park on an alligator hunt! Lola had requested this for weeks!IMG_4469IMG_4473IMG_4480IMG_4484

Then we had daddy and Nutty’s favorite ice cream at Hilton Head Ice cream! Daddy had to have watermelon but my girl stuck with cookie dough.

Jesus I have raised a cloan of myself.IMG_4485IMG_4486

Then we explored Pickney Island!IMG_4511



Love of my life- this child.IMG_4550IMG_4567IMG_4579IMG_4587IMG_4588IMG_4594

Day 3: Back to the beach sisterIMG_4595IMG_4596IMG_4600IMG_4603IMG_4604

Taytay played hooky for half the day Friday and surprised Lo at the beach! Lola had made some sweet little friend and threw them to the curb as soon as she saw Taytay!IMG_4606IMG_4608

Well, until she found a REAL LIFE mermaid (sorry Taytay, and she has been obsessed with mermaids ever since!)!


Lola even got some Jammy time!


That night was dinner in our PJ’s (literally- it was SO cold and we had no pants other than pj’s)!IMG_4631

Day 4:  Hooray for Saturday’s and boat day w Taytay and Vince!



Vince didn’t know that we would have a picnic on the way and the way back from lunch. What?

On another note lunch was at the Salty Dog Cafe- mama’s favorite! Lola loved the frozen grape and yogurt skewers!IMG_4655IMG_4656IMG_4658IMG_4660IMG_4665IMG_4680IMG_4670

Dolphin hunt (and we found tons of dolphins!)!


God help us.. this was the worst sand bar stop ever!! Alex and vince were literally dodging stepping on horse shoe crabs!


That evening we met up with my “other first love” sweet Ana and oh does my heart melt seeing them together! They ADORE each other!


Sister was pooped!IMG_4700

Our last day was Sunday, Mothers Day!

So Lou decided to work from home Monday and Tuesday so we could enjoy another day at the beach doing what this mama does best!


The best yet was Gigi and Poppy came to meet us and we got to meet Neyney and her sweet new babies for the FIRST time!


Lola and I were in heaven (so was Lou)!IMG_4710IMG_4711IMG_4714

Sweet Maddie!IMG_4716IMG_4719

Love my KK!IMG_4724IMG_4729

These two are so good at that whole parenting thing!IMG_4738IMG_4743IMG_4744

I think another day at the beach is better than any mother’s day gift I can think of… and this guy of course doing it al by my side!IMG_4747

Gigi made it!IMG_4757IMG_4759IMG_4762

Lola and Gigi disappeared for a bit and we realized Lola had probably talked Gigi into walking down the beach to show her “daddy’s beach” (and knowing mom doesn’t know how to tell Lola “no”) I thought” Oh God, mom has probably had to carry Lola halfway there and they will never make it back!”

We grabbed the wagon and caught up to them to find out she was doing just that!IMG_4766

We made it!IMG_4783IMG_4769

Our feet would not quit sinking, I told Lou it was fine as long as we sank together- He sank first and I looked like a giant and then the opposite….  we got issues.IMG_4771IMG_4794


A Mother’s Day Miracle occurred.IMG_4843IMG_4840

She PASSED out on our walk back from the beach and I put her in the wagon and she STAYED asleep!!IMG_4795

I (and we) actually got to just LAY out together.

It was AMAZING!IMG_4806IMG_4807

Peace out Hilton Head!

We actually headed to Statesboro for daddy to get some work done and spent our anniversary in Statesboro too #freebabysitter

More of  that to come!! I got a lot of catching up to do!IMG_4812