Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April Sunshine and Feeding the Quack quacks!

This is the view we get from Lola almost everyday now when we get home from work! If her feet touch the driveway she takes off and heads to the quack quacks!


Our neighbor who has been feeding them for forever is out of town for two weeks and asked us to feed the ducks for him…. Lola says say no more!!

It has become her “job” and she loves it!

If one of us is slower than the other she turns and points at us like “hurry up!” She also discovered the moon this day because we have been reading about it in her books and now gets distracted by it because well, “it’s pretty much a big airplane that never moves!” and who doesn’t love an airplane sighting.IMG_0196 IMG_0198

I know Lola, lets keep it moving! IMG_0211 IMG_0223

See Daddy, the moon! IMG_0228

Things like this remind me just how much of her daddy is in her! She may love necklaces, puppies, shopping and all things girly but she LOVES learning new things, books, airplanes,outdoors  and being taught something for the first time! IMG_0234What a little animal lover we have… and jewelry lover!   IMG_0272Lets’ be honest though, you can never be too dolled up  for a walk, duck feeding or ride in the stroller!IMG_0277 IMG_0278 IMG_0280

They are getting so used to us now that they have become SO brave and close during feedings- we still have to remind them to “be nice” though!

IMG_0327IMG_0335I had referred to her picking out her necklaces from my jewelry board everyday in the previous post but didn’t have a “supporting” picture until now…..IMG_0281

Lol, I’m telling you the girl is all girl and a mess!

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But we love her OH SO MUCH!!

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This is her literally running away from us to go see the quack quacks!IMG_0295

“um excuse me”… IMG_0297

… “I need to go that way!” IMG_0298

Most  things end in her getting her way…. would you expect anything different? IMG_0305 IMG_0309

Lola is also notorious for getting in over her head in the driveway  with her cars…. she leaves them and the placement is apparently “so precise” that if you touch them she turns around to fix it…. she forgets they somehow have to all get back into the house each night!

Your welcome Lola!IMG_0241

Lola EizaI have been smitten with you since before i knew you, I was a blubbering mess once i found out you were growing in my belly, the day I met you my heart nearly exploded from happiness and my cheeks hurt daily from the smiles you give me….. but these days we have together now are THE BEST thing i could have ever imagined!IMG_0317

I LOVE the one year old you!

You are the girliest girl and your personality is truly SHINING! You say hello and smile and wave at everyone you meet or who walks by, or drives by or is i any disstance at all that you can make out it is in fact a “human”- then gain we also wave at almost all animals! You insist on necklaces everyday and thankfully you let me put as many bows as i want in your hair!

When I look at you now with your full blown personality radiating you are so much more “mine” than you have ever been and at times it’s just too much to wrap my  mind around!


I will probably question it for the rest of my life but I just don’t know how your daddy and I got you…  every ounce of you is so very you which is so very us and we love it!   IMG_0338

Your new favorite thing is bringing us your books lately- more about that in a “Dear Lola” coming soon for your 14 month update but I just love this picture below will all three of your favorite things!


Now to go stare at more pictures of you while you sleep until I fall asleep! Oh Lola, you ht us hard, we love you my girl!

Easter weekend and Dear Lola coming soon!